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Hello, everyone!

Thanks for reading my first posted story(or part of it)! I made the story and some of the characters with my little sister, so credit to her! I also just wanted to say that this is basically where Darkstalker has already been defeated, which is my guess to what might have happened. We don't currently know exactly what happens, as the next book comes out at the end of December, which I am super excited for! But I just personally feel that Darkstalker is going to try and take over Pyrrhia again to spread his version of 'peace,' and Moon, Qibli, Kinkajou, Winter, Turtle and Peril will follow the prophecy by luring Darkstalker to the old kingdom of night with the help of Foeslayer and defeat him, or something like that. But this isn't the story I'm telling. I'm writing this book about what happens afterwards with the characters me and my sister created, so let's get to the actual prologue now!

Author out!


Where is she????

Oh no! She's gone!

"Stargazer?! Where are you?!" Dreamseeker screamed, panic flaring through her voice. She scrambled through the forest trees, trying to grip the soaking leaves with her talons. Why did I agree to play hide and seek?!

"Star?! Where are you? Mommy gives up!!!" She strained her ears to listen for even the tiniest voice. Nothing. Nothing, not even the slightest snap of a twig. Panic crawled up her talons. Her dragonet was gone. Did she get eaten by a panther, or a leopard, or a python?

"Star?" Dreamseeker called again, but her voice only echoed back towards her with no response. She pushed herself forwards, prickly stems biting and wriggling their way under her scales. Holding back a short gasp of pain, she stretched onward, deeper and deeper into the rainforest. Thunder rumbled its way through the dew-covered trees, followed by the pitter-patter of gentle rain falling on the leaves and vines of the canopy above, then dripping down to the leaf strewn ground.

Where was her sweet, little dragonet? She was gone, and she had only hatched a week ago. Dreamseeker slumped her shoulders and sat down in worried defeat, thinking of the time when her beautiful egg had hatched.

Star had hatched when one moon was full and bright. Her egg was the most prettiest thing she had ever seen, a silvery purple, with white specks covering the outer shell. They looked like millions of stars in the night sky. She immediately knew her name would be Stargazer, and the moment she was born she had lived up to her name by blinking open her eyes and staring up at the scattered stars of the night sky, almost as if something was calling her up there to join them. The underside of her wings reflected more stars than any NightWing Dreamseeker knew, all tightly packed under her wings with only a bit of the dark scales showing. It was just so beautiful and enchanting, one's eyes could get lost in them all. She was perfect, healthy and strong, with the unusual white tear drops near her eyes, but Dreamseeker personally liked them. To her, they were beautiful, even if the tribe did view them as an odd occurrence, a curse, if you will, as they represented something much larger than themselves. They represented the mythical power of the NightWings.

And now-Dreamseeker had lost her, the most precious thing she had ever held close, and will ever hold close...

"Come out Star! I give up!" She wailed desperately to the wind and the monkeys howling in the night.

"Awws, you gives up? Buts mommy! Yous said you wouldn't!" A tiny voice squeaked in disappointment.

Giant waves of emotion swept over her as she saw her midnight black dragonet step out of the shadows of a fern thicket. Her deep ebony purple eyes shone with triumph. Dreamseeker moved forward quickly and wrapped her wings around the tiny body.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again, you hear?!" She ranted angrily. Star nodded her head shyly. Dreamseeker sighed softly in relief then nuzzled her daughter, pulling her in closer with her wings. I know I probably shouldn't be so angry with her, as she can always find her way back to me by using her mind reading, but still! I don't enjoy having near heart attacks.

"Oh! Come looks at what I founds Mommy!" Star cried out with excitement, startling Dreamseeker out of her thoughts as she wiggled out of her mother's tight, reassuring grasp and half glided, half ran down the slope. She landed noisily near a green enclosure of ferns and tropical plants before squirming through a small hole that looked as if it were meant for a RainWing to fit through, leaving an even bigger hole behind her. Dreamseeker flew after her and tried to follow, attempting to push herself through the hole. She got stuck once or twice, but eventually ended up having to break through it entirely. When she was out on the other side, she followed her daughter into a tunnel woven of ferns and twigs.

In the center of a clearing at the end of the tunnel laid an egg, and it was one of the most intriguing eggs she had ever seen. It's silvery gray shell was swirled with wisps of glittering red and blue along with white speckles that seemed to almost glow in the moonlight. Dreamseeker gasped softly when her gaze settled on it, watching closely as the little egg's shell painted out pictures of galaxies and nebulas far away in the distant space, expanding and growing in size and beauty, the colors shifting and swirling as her mind got lost in the spell of it all. The three moons shone brightly overhead, two of them full as they sent shafts of pale light onto the egg through the branches interwoven above. It was definitely a NightWing. There was no doubt about it, even if it did look slightly different. Looks like this one's going to be a mindreader and a future speaker. She looked around, wondering who had left it there.

"See? But it's my treasure because I founds it!" Star declared triumphantly, all the while she poked a tiny talon onto the surface of it.

"Stop that, dear, you'll break it!" Dreamseeker shouted worriedly, scared that Star might crack the pretty shell. Star glanced up at her mother then back at the egg, and her curious expression melted into a large, mischievous grin. As she looked up at her mother again and tapped the egg once more, harder this time.

"Stop it, dear!" Dreamseeker practically shrieked. Then, thinking fast, she composed herself and responded more calmly. "I don't think you you should do that again, love. It's your treasure, right? Wouldn't it be a great shame if you broke your own pretty treasure? I mean, it would be quite sad."

Star paused midway to poking the egg again, thinking about what her mother had said. "Ohs, all rights. I won't pokes it agains, but it is MINES!!" She declared with a huff, lowering herself into a battle stance, ready to defend her treasure from anyone and anything that might come looking for a fight.

Then about five seconds after declaring this, she got bored and began inspecting the egg once more.

"What's is it anyways, mommy? A rock?" Star asked, trying to pick up the egg in her jaws. It slipped and Dreamseeker quickly lunged forward and caught the egg in her talons before it could splinter on the floor.

Acting as if nothing had just happened, Star gasped.

"MOMMY! Is it a magic rock?!"

"No, dear, it's an egg. And it's very fragile, so please be careful."

Dreamseeker wrapped the egg in her wings to keep it warm. She felt tiny talons clawing up her spine and scrambling onto the top of her head. She squinted as Star sat on her little perch right between Dreamseeker's horns.

"Where's its mommy?" She asked quietly, leaning over upside down from her perch to stare into Dreamseeker's eyes with her own widened, and suddenly very serious, deep, violet ones.

"I-I don't know, sweetheart. I... just don't know." Oh! The poor thing! Dreamseeker thought to herself. Is it abandoned? Who would abandon such a perfect little egg?

As Star leaned forward to poke it again, Dreamseeker tilted her head sideways so that the little dragonet gently flopped onto the ground in a heap of talons and wings.

"Oof." She said with a grunt when she hit the floor softly.

Dreamseeker set the egg down gently and turned her head away for a few seconds to gather fronds, vines, and any other soft foliage nearby for a ramshackle nest. When she found the necessities and turned back around, she found Star at the base of the egg again. Before she could do anything, or even react, Star jabbed the shell with force, making a crack splinter through the egg's shell in a small branching, spiderweb-like pattern.

Oh no! Dreamseeker thought, panicking. She cracked the shell! Is it going to be all right?

She picked it up gently to inspect the crack, all the while trying to fend off a furious, week-old dragonet.

"Mommy! I founds it first! It's my's special pretty rock! Gives it back!!!" She squealed furiously as she attempted to lunge for it.

Dreamseeker was in the middle of loftily holding the egg too high for the little black talons to reach and easily holding off the outraged ball of scales when a splintering crack resounded through the trees.

Stargazer stopped trying to retrieve her treasure, and Dreamseeker stared in awe as the sparkling shell fell away, revealing the most strange and oddest little dragonet she had ever seen, lying right there in her talons. The little thing lifted its head and opened its sky blue eyes, staring into Dreamseeker's black ones with so much intent that Dreamseeker thought she could see into her soul.

She was different. That much was certain.

She looked almost exactly like a NightWing, but there were some slight things that were off about her. She had the same scale design as a NightWing, but her tail was long and curled at the end. Her horns were more curved at the tips than usual, and a small frill bloomed out along her jaw line. Her body composition was slightly more curved and elegant than a NightWings' blocky build. Large glistening teardrop scales shone brightly near her eyes, standing out against the navy blue and black scales of her face. But, perhaps the most intriguing thing about her, was her wings. They had their usual dusting of white, scaled stars, but with a little something new added to the mix. They were also covered with strange red and blue scales that stood out in stark contrast against the rest of the black scales, and as Dreamseeker stared at them, they changed color. They would change shades, but remain relatively the same color, creating a dazzling effect that sent the mind spinning. These scales didn't end at the underside of the wings, she realized. They spread out and went over the rest of her body, leaving little swirls of color dancing across her lithe form. This was definitely the strangest dragonet Dreamseeker had ever seen, and she had seen plenty of strange ones now that the tribe had regained their powers and were hatching eggs under moonlight.

"Now, what to name you little one?" She muttered softly to herself, deep in thought.

"How about...mmh...SPARKLE!" Star trumpeted out, her eyes gleaming like it was the best name in the world. Dreamseeker jumped a little, as she had been so deep in thought she had momentarily forgotten her little one was standing next to her. She had actually half expected Star to have gotten bored and wander off to play again. It was a relief to know that she hadn't.

"No, we need to think of something a bit more traditional, sweetie."

"Awww, do we have ta?" She whined, a disappointed look dulling her face as the light in her eyes dimmed slightly and she deflated onto the ground.

"I'm afraid so, love, but Sparkle was a lovely name." Dreamseeker said consolingly before returning to the task at hand.

What to name you? What to name you? What to name you?

Suddenly, a large creak was heard and a large tree branch came careening down from its place above their heads in the canopy, and Dreamseeker scrambled to move herself, the newborn dragonet and her daughter out of the way of its collision course. It landed with a loud thump, many of its branches cracking on impact. Dreamseeker grimaced as she felt some of its twigs scraping over scales. Once the ordeal was over and no more alerting creaks were heard, Dreamseeker relaxed and let Stargazer scramble away from her mother's protectively coiled body to examine the wreckage.

As Dreamseeker's attention was drawn away from the fallen branch in front of her, she realized there was more light in the small clearing than before. Glancing up, she could see the unidentified light was coming from a comet. It was faint in the sky and definitely not nearly as large as the one that arrived on the Brightest Night, but it was still there, glowing softly through the hole that the tree branch once occupied.

Of course! That's what I'll name you!

She looked down at the small dragonet in her fore talons again, and stared into its bright, electric blue eyes. She watched as the little dragonet looked from her up to the new source of orangish light. Her gaze was intense, as if she was trying to figure out why the light was there. Dreamseeker laughed softly and leaned her neck down so her mouth was by the little one's ear.

"Welcome to Pyrrhia, little Comet."

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