Part 12: The Date

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"Great," Drake said. "I'll meet you out front in twenty minutes."

"Sounds good." Bragnae stepped away from the open door to the rink, so Drake could shut it again. Once the boards were secure, he offered her a flash of a smile before skating off in the opposite direction.

Bragnae made her way outside the complex towards the front entrance. Autumn was finally here. The air was cool and crisp with beautiful red, yellow and orange leaves starting to make their way off the trees. There was a concrete bench near the entrance, so she took a seat. She responded to a few texts, and flipped through her social media apps on her phone to fill the time.

True to his word, Drake walked out of the complex twenty minutes later. She looked up from her phone to see him sauntering towards her with an athletic duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Sliding the phone back in her purse, Bragnae stood up as he approached her.

"I'm going to throw this in my truck quickly, and then we can head over to a less crowded area. Wanna walk with me?"

"Sure." They started down the paved path towards the parking lot. "So, I see you made team captain?" Bragnae remembered seeing a big "C" on Drake's uniform earlier.

"Yeah. The guys voted on that. I guess they like me." He kept his head facing forward as he responded.

"Can't blame them for that." She smiled in his direction, finally prompting him to look at her. The corner of his mouth lifted.

Drake opened the door to his truck and threw his hockey bag on the seat. After locking it back up, he turned to her and pointed to an area with trees and a few picnic tables. "Let's go over there."

The area was beautiful. Colorful leaves littered the ground, and there were three white tables with bench seating placed conveniently for visitors. Luckily, it seemed they had the area to themselves. Bragnae set her purse down on the bench and took a seat. Drake sat opposite her.

He looked at her for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Look, I'm sorry it's been a while since we last spoke. I got really busy with school and hockey, and well, I just wasn't ready yet."

Bragnae dropped her gaze to her fidgeting fingers. "It wasn't easy not hearing from you, but I understood you needed time to think about everything." She brought her eyes up to his again. "I didn't come here today to rush you into talking to me, though. I just... wanted to see you, and watch you play."

"I'm glad you did. I've been wanting to call you, but I talked myself out of it every time."

"Does that mean you don't want to see me anymore?" Nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she waited for his answer.

"Quite the opposite actually." A wistful expression filled his face. "I've done a lot of thinking. I can't exactly be upset that you have feelings for both of us. It makes sense. All of this started because we had that threesome."

"Do you regret it?"

"I'd like to say I do, but if it wasn't for that night, I might never have told you how I felt. I may never have even asked you out." Drake sighed. "Have you seen Leo lately?"

"Just once. He said you punched him."

"Yeah, well, he fucking deserved it... for more than one reason." He averted his gaze for a moment. "I've missed you, Bragnae."

"I've missed you, too." Her voice was weighted down by the sadness she felt. "So, why did you talk yourself out of calling if you missed me?"

Drake worked his jaw in thought. His brow furrowed making his brown eyes look more intense. "I really like you, and I know you care about me. I want to be with you in the worst way, but if you want to be with me, then I want you to choose me for me. Not because I asked you out and treated you nicely after Leo ditched you. If you tell me that I'm the one, I want it to be because you want just me without anything standing in your way."

"That's fair," she squeaked out.

Drake exhaled a harsh breath, shaking his head in frustration. He kept his eyes trained on the table. "So, I want you to be with Leo."

"You want me to be with Leo?" Bragnae was shocked, but more so confused.

"Go out with him. Kiss him. Whatever you need to do to find out who you're drawn to the most." It looked as if it pained Drake to say it. "In my mind, it's the only the way you'll know for sure. I don't want to hold you back if he's who you really want to be with."

She was stunned. "Drake, I don't know what to say."

He reached a hand out to cover hers. "This is why I didn't want to call you. I was pushing it out as long as I could. I knew this was what needed to happen, and believe me, I hate to have to say it. But if you do this, and find that you still want to be with me, then I'll know for certain that it's me you want. And I'd rather have that than wonder if you're still thinking about him as we move on in our relationship." Squeezing her hand, he implored her. "Will you do this for me?"

The courage it took for him to have to offer up this suggestion blew her away. She felt so guilty for having put him through this, but there was a part of her that was curious about seeing Leo again with nothing holding her back. She didn't feel right kissing or touching Leo when her relationship with Drake was up in the air, but now that he was giving her permission to explore the idea, it made her want to do it.

"Okay." She watched as both relief and sadness crossed over his face. "I'm sorry that I'm putting you through this. I feel awful about it."

"Thank you for saying that, but we'll get it figured out." He stood from the bench, prompting Bragnae to do the same. Drake walked over to her, gently grabbing her by the shoulders. "And in case it isn't me who you choose..." He interrupted himself by drawing her into a tender, yet purposeful kiss that left her feeling lightheaded.

Whether or not it was his intention to persuade her decision with a final kiss, or just have one last chance to take her in that way, the strong connection they shared couldn't be ignored. Anytime Drake touched her or pressed his lips against hers was earth shattering. And after two weeks of no contact, she missed him desperately.

When he pulled back, he cupped her face looking affectionately into her eyes. "I'll look forward to hearing your decision." Drake leaned in once more for a brief, sweet kiss.

Not knowing the words to say, she pulled him into an embrace, and luckily, he returned it. "I'll talk to you soon."

Later that day, Bragnae was a few hours into cleaning her apartment, thinking about what Drake said. The guilt she felt made her want to run back to Drake's arms and tell him she didn't need anyone else to make her decision, but she knew that was the wrong way to go about it. Even though she cared a lot about Drake, she knew she owed it to herself to experience a date with Leo, especially after everything they'd been through. If she didn't take this opportunity, it might haunt her forever.

Peeling off her disposable gloves, Bragnae picked up her phone and called Leo. She was elated when he answered.

"Hello, Bragnae." His voice was smooth and had a hint of heat to it that sent a shiver down her spine. "It's been a while."

"Hi, Leo. Yes, it has, and I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it. You're worth the wait. So, what's up?"

She smiled. "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime."

He chuckled. "Like a date?"

"Yeah, like a date." She bit her lower lip waiting for his response.

"Hell yeah, I'll go out with you." He said it as if she should have known the answer. "But let me handle the details, alright? When are you free?"

She twirled a lock of hair around her finger. "Um, I don't work Wednesday. Does that fit your schedule?"

"Wednesday's perfect. I'll pick you up at your place at six o'clock. Sound good?"

Excited nerves filled her body. "Yes, sir. Can't wait."

"Great. See you then."

Bragnae ended the call with an overwhelming sense of happiness surrounding her. That alone told her she needed to do this, and Wednesday couldn't come soon enough.


There was plenty of time between classes and meeting Leo for Bragnae to finish all of her homework and get ready for the evening. She had showered, fixed her hair in long loose curls, and applied neutral tones of make-up to her face, save for the deep crimson lipstick. Not wanting her outfit to entirely scream sex, she found a long-sleeved, green sweater and paired it with black skinny jeans.

Even though she and Leo had been intimate before, she didn't want this date to be focused around that, but still wanted to look nice. Stepping into a pair of black knee-high boots, she heard a knock at the front door. Bragnae grabbed her clutch for the evening, and answered it.

Leo stood before her in dark jeans and a plain black V-neck shirt. He wore a brown leather jacket over it adding to his smooth attitude, and his dirty blonde hair was styled in his charmingly messy way. She gave herself a moment to take him in before returning her gaze to his sparkling blue eyes. He leaned casually against the doorframe with his own debonair smile.

"Well, hello there." His eyes remained on hers.

"Don't you look nice," she commented.

"Thank you. Not quite as nice as you, though." With a warm grin, he presented a long-stemmed single flower from behind his back, holding it out to her. "For you."

She gasped in surprise. "Leo, this is gorgeous. Is that a Calla Lily?" She accepted the magenta flower, bringing it up to her nose to smell.

"Yes, it is. I've always thought those were beautiful, and when I saw it today, I was reminded of you."

Bragnae felt herself blush. "That's so sweet. Thank you very much. Just let me put this in some water and then we can go." Dashing off to the kitchen, she found a tall cup and filled it partially with water. She had a vase it would fit in, but she'd find it later. "Okay, ready?"

"Absolutely," he replied as she shut the door to the apartment. "I hope you're hungry. There's a new Greek place I thought we could try out."

Her mouth watered at the thought. "That sounds amazing. I love Greek food." They headed to the complex's parking lot, but instead of walking to his bike, Leo led Bragnae to a sleek, blue Ford Mustang with two thick, white stripes stretching the length of the car. "Oh, I thought we were taking your bike tonight. That's why I wore pants this time," she joked.

"I thought the Mustang would be more comfortable for you." Leo took her hand and walked her over to the passenger side, opening her door. "After you."

She smiled at him before stepping into the immaculately clean car. Even though his sports car was an older model, he kept it washed and free of clutter. She settled into the leather seats as Leo climbed in on the other side. As he turned the key, the engine immediately purred. Bragnae wasn't into cars, but she could appreciate the thrilling and erotic growl of a sports car. And like the Mustang, she was turned on.

As Leo drove out of the parking lot and onto the street, Bragnae admired his stick shift handling. There was something about a man who knew how to drive a manual vehicle. It took patience to learn the extra skills, and it was sexy as hell to witness. She leaned back against her seat biting her lip as she watched Leo rest his wrist on the top of the steering wheel, while his other hand curled around the gear shift between them. He moved it with ease between the gears as he drove.

Leo must have felt her eyes on him, so he glanced her way. "Whatcha lookin' at?" He smirked as he turned his attention back to the road.

"I'm just enjoying watching you drive. It's hot." She slid her hands down her thighs, feeling a tingle between her legs.

"Hotter than the bike? I remember you appreciating seeing me on it." He continued to steal glances her way.

"Hmmmm," she thought aloud. "That's a tough choice. While you looked especially sexy straddling the bike, I think I'm partial to watching you shift gears seeing as I have a front row seat to the action. Then again, I was able to wrap my arms around your waist on the bike, and that's proving to be a little more difficult here. So, really it's a toss-up."

As he pulled up to a stop light, he turned to look at her. "Good thing I have both then, huh?" Leo picked up her hand and let it drape over the stick shift before covering it with his own. The light turned green, and Leo moved the gear with her hand under his while he drove. When his hand relaxed between gears, his fingers playfully entwined with hers. She had to lean closer to the center console to keep her hand on the stick, but she didn't mind. It was fun to let him include her this way.

Before long, they arrived at the restaurant. Being a Wednesday night, they were seated immediately. The Greek taverna was decorated in white and blue colors with a large mural of the Parthenon and the city of Athens. It was a smaller restaurant, but the atmosphere was inviting and warm.

They asked for two shots of Ouzo and placed their orders for an appetizer and a variety platter of Greek specialties to split.

"So, Bragnae," Leo said as he stretched his arms beneath the table. "What made you want to ask me out tonight?"

She flashed a brief smile at him before straightening her posture. "Well, I had a talk with Drake last weekend." She paused as the waitress brought over their Ouzo. Leo's eyebrows perked up – she had his full attention. "He told me that I should go out with you."

Leo drew back in surprise. "He did? Why would he say that?"

"It was actually very gracious of him. He wanted me to go out with you so I could figure out who I truly wanted to be with. For his sake and mine, he wanted me to explore this with you so I'd know for sure."

"Oh," he said, looking a bit disappointed.

Bragnae immediately rest a hand on his forearm. "I want you to know that this is something I wanted to do anyway, but having Drake's permission made it easier. He's given me the choice, and while I have feelings for him, I couldn't ignore how I felt about you. And after everything, I really wanted to know what it was like to go out with you." With a gentle squeeze of his arm, she looked deeply into his eyes. "I hope this doesn't make you feel inferior in any way because that is definitely not how I see you."

He took a moment to search her face before a soft smile lifted his mouth. "I don't."

"Good. And there's no pressure to impress me tonight. You already have. I just want to enjoy this time with you."

Leo looked down at his lap. "Actually, there is some pressure, but not from you." He peered back up at her exhaling a deep breath. "I didn't do it right last time. Everything I did when I took you to Inferno was solely in my own self-interests.

Bragnae made a disagreeable face. "No, it wasn't."

"Yes, it was – trust me. My goal that night was to sleep with you, and I made it so I could get to the finish line as quickly as possible." He spoke with both regret and confidence. "I picked you up on my bike, not taking into consideration what you wore or even if you'd be comfortable on the back of a motorcycle. Then, I took you to a place I knew well, got us both in for free and led you straight to the bar to lower your inhibitions with alcohol. I didn't even buy you dinner, Bragnae." Leo shook his head at himself before continuing. "Then, we danced and I took you upstairs – a place I knew I could get you alone and seduce you."

Her gaze fell to the table as her mind scanned through the memories of that night. "I don't remember it that way."

"That's because I made it seem like it was all about you." Leo averted his eyes again. "I'm ashamed to admit that I've learned techniques on how to make women feel comfortable and desired enough that they melt as soon as I touch them." A remorseful expression filled his face as he looked at her again. "I knew I'd have you that night before we even left the bar to dance."

Bragnae drew in an inaudible gasp, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in her own skin. She was embarrassed that she could be so easily manipulated that way and was apparently predictable. "You make yourself sound like some sort of predator."

"I was." Leo leaned toward her and covered her hand with his. "I'm not proud of it. And I'm not telling you this to remind you of why you should still hate me. I just wanted you to see how I used to do things, and how I'll never do it again. You helped heal my past, Bragnae, but it hurt so badly knowing you wanted nothing to do with me. I could have turned it all around, but I let my fear of heartbreak get in the way. I really screwed things up."

Turning her hand over, she stroked his palm before weaving her fingers with his as she spoke. "You worked really hard to unscrew it, though. I admired your persistence. In the back of my mind, I knew you were genuine about feeling bad, but I was still so mad and hurt from what you did that I didn't want to see the good in you." She stared at their joined hands in thought. The night at the club was where a lot of her deep feelings for Leo stemmed from.

Her eyes found his again. "Leo, do you think my feelings for you are real? Is it possible they aren't since so much of that night was controlled to fit your agenda?"

He opened his mouth to reply, but then closed it while he considered her words. "I was able to seduce you, Bragnae, but it was still me. The things we talked about earlier that day, the connection we both felt that night... it was all me." Leo swallowed. A hint of fear flashed in his eyes. "Did you like me before that night? Before the threesome even?"

"Yes, I did. I always thought you were funny, and I liked how you always brought me out of my comfort zone when we hung out." She offered him a flirty grin. "Not to mention, I always found you devilishly handsome."

Leo chuckled as his tense body relaxed. "Well, there ya go. I hope you can see your feelings for me are true."

Taking a second to consider it all, she looked at him. "I do. I think I would've been able to see past them if they weren't. It would've been so much easier to get over you had they been based on a lie."

"I think so, too." The corner of his mouth lifted as he reached for the shot glass on the table. "How about a toast?"

Bragnae picked hers up as well, and waited for him to speak.

"Here's to acknowledging and forgiving the past," he paused to look at her more fondly. "And to a fresh start, and hopefully a promising future."

She smiled, clinking her glass against his before they both tossed the strong alcohol down their throats. Bragnae blew out a quick breath as the liquid burned on its way down.

The waitress dropped off their food a moment later, and as they tasted their way through Greece on a plate, Bragnae and Leo got to know each other more with real first date questions. It was very pleasant, and made her feel even more connected to him.

Later on after dinner, Leo brought them back to her place. Bragnae unlocked the door to her apartment, and stepped inside.

"Do you want to come in for some coffee or something?" She asked, not ready for the night to end.

Leo hesitated as his eyes raked down her body. "I better not. It's a school night, young lady," he said in a teasing tone.

She knew Leo was trying to make this better than the first time they went out, and she wanted to respect that. "Okay, then can I see you again soon when it's not a school night?"

He smirked. "Friday or Saturday?"

"Friday. I'm off that night." She lightly tugged on his shirt to bring him closer.

"I'll make sure I am too." Leo braced a hand on the open door, standing mere inches away from her.

"Great, then why don't you come over here on Friday night, and this time, I'll handle the details." He nodded at her suggestion. "I had a really nice time with you tonight. Thank you for dinner."

"Thank you for going out with me. It was nice to have a second chance." Leo's eyes dropped to her lips – his still curled up in a tempting grin.

His intoxicating scent delightfully overwhelmed her. It had been so long since they last kissed, and Bragnae was more than ready for it. She ran her hands up his chest until they reached the base of his neck. Pulling him towards her, she raised up on her toes to meet his soft, full lips. The kiss immediately sent a bolt of energy throughout her body. It was gentle and amazing, but it wasn't enough. She pulled back just long enough to take a breath, and then went in for more.

Leo moved his body more squarely against hers, holding her face as he deepened the kiss. He groaned as his mouth hungrily feasted on hers. His tongue slid across her bottom lip before sinking into her. As her hands slipped down his body to cling to him more, Leo broke the kiss.

"Friday, then?" He asked, slightly out of breath.

Still reeling from the kiss, it was all she could do not to pull him back in. "Mmhmm. Friday."

"Goodnight, Bragnae," he said softly, gazing into her eyes.


He gave her another desirous look before forcing himself away from her. Bragnae watched him until he was out of sight, and even then she felt breathless and weak in the knees. She finally shut the door, and walked to her bedroom. Plopping onto her bed, she stared at the ceiling with a fixed smile on her face. Leo was all that filled her mind, and she couldn't wait for Friday to see him again.


The next day and a half went excruciatingly slow. As soon as Bragnae was out of class on Friday, she stopped at the grocery store to get a few snacks and beer for the night ahead. She told Leo to come over around seven o'clock for a game night, so she had a few hours left to shower and get the food ready.

After getting her hair and make-up just right, Bragnae set a game on the small and round kitchen table. She grabbed the vegetable and cheese and sausage trays out of the fridge, and displayed them on the counter. No sooner had she done that did she hear a knock at the door before it opened.

"Bragnae?" Leo asked as he slipped into the apartment.

She walked around a wall in the kitchen to the foyer to greet him. "Hey there."

A bright smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw her. "Hi, beautiful." Leo pulled her to him, connecting them both in a sensual kiss. Pleasant tingles collected between her legs while his lips and firm hands held her body to his. When he drew back, she had to ground herself again.

"Would you like a beer?" She asked.

"I'd love one."

Bragnae went to the fridge and pulled out two bottles of beer, and removed their caps before handing one to him.

"So, what game are we playing tonight?" He asked, taking off his leather jacket.

"Yahtzee!" She said emphatically as she walked over to the table.

Leo laughed. "Alright, I like that game." He took a drink from the bottle, and plunged a stick of celery into the dip before taking a bite.

They both plated some snacks before taking a seat at the table. Bragnae set out the dice, cup and their score sheets, and retrieved two pens for them. As Leo indulged in a piece of sausage between cheese and a cracker, she gave him a playful look.

"What are you planning over there?" He asked, chewing his food.

"What do you say we make this game interesting?"

He threw his head back chuckling. "I should have known. What are the stakes?"

"Not so much stakes as it is the way the game is played. I propose that we play strip Yahtzee." She arched an eyebrow to accompany her smirk.

He smiled. "And what are the rules to this?"

"Well, if you roll the big ticket items like a three or four of a kind, a full house, or a small or large straight, the other person has to take off a piece of clothing of their choice."

"And what if someone rolls a Yahtzee?" He asked, taking a swig of beer.

"The person who rolls a Yahtzee gets to choose which article of clothing comes off the other person." She watched as Leo gave an appreciative nod to the rules. "So, what do you say? Are you up for it?" With Madeleine at work for the rest of the night, she knew they'd be able to have fun without any interruptions.

Leo looked at her with uncertainty. "I don't know. Are you sure we should do this?"

Her confident expression fell when she realized he was still hung up on 'making things right'. Normally, he'd jump all over an opportunity like that. "Look, Leo. I appreciate that you're trying to be better this go around, but I don't want you to have to change who you are. I know you want to have sex with me again." She wet her lips, showing off a soft smile. "Honestly, that's what I want, too. You've already proved that things are different now, but I don't want you to walk on eggshells with me, and hide who you are or what you want just because you're worried you'll screw it up like before. I trust you. I know you won't hurt me."

After a moment of searching her face, Leo accepted what she had to say with a relieved sigh. "You saying that means a lot to me. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

A wicked smirk transformed his lips. "Well, on that note, I accept your challenge for Strip Yahtzee." He leaned back in his chair with a new found arrogance about him. "You better say goodbye to those clothes because they'll be flying off of you once I get my hands on those dice."

"I love how cocky you can be. You're on." She smiled, passing him the cup of dice.

He shook his head. "Ladies first."

Bragnae reclaimed the cup, giving it a good shake before scattering the five dice across the table. At the end of her third roll, she had only accumulated two of a kind, so she resigned to taking the two 1's.

"Aww, too bad. My turn." Leo grabbed the cup and spilled out three 6's. He put the other two dice back, and rolled again. Another 6. "One more to go." He shook the cup while smirking at her, then popped the last dice on the table. "Yahtzee!" He shouted as another 6 appeared before them.

Bragnae stared at the dice with her mouth open. "Already? My God!"

Leo folded his arms across his chest. "Oh, didn't I mention it? I'm pretty good at this game. Go ahead and take off that shirt for me."

Playfully narrowing her eyes at him, she reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. "This isn't going to fluster you is it? As I recall from the game of pool that night you were very easily distracted by me."

"Oh, no. Not this time. I'm even more determined for my prize, and we're not quite there yet." His eyes sparkled with excitement as they danced across her chest. She wore a black bra with rhinestones along the wire – one she specifically picked out knowing it would most likely be seen that night.

She reached for the cup of dice, giving it a healthy shake making her breasts do the same. Relishing in his attention, she spilled the dice on the table.

"Look at that! A small straight just for me." Before marking her scoresheet, she cocked an eyebrow in his direction. "Take off something. Preferably your shirt."

Leo fumble with his legs under the table, and reached down before bringing his shoe into view. "How's that?"

"Your shoe? Really?" She didn't hide her playful attitude.

He fumbled again. "Okay, I'll give you both shoes."

"Gee, thanks." She rolled her eyes.

"You should go for those Yahtzees, and then you can dictate what comes off of me. Now, gimme those dice." Leo scooped them up and took his turn. Astoundingly, he rolled an immediate Yahtzee. He threw his hands victoriously into the air. "Yes!"

"What?!" Bragnae asked in shock.

Leo leaned over to look under the table. "Oh, good. You're not wearing shoes. Take off those pants."

Bragnae still stared at his dice roll with a stunned expression. "How are you doing this? It's a game of chance!"

He laughed. "Not when you have my skills. Go ahead, take 'em off."

Heaving a sigh, Bragnae stood from her chair and hooked her thumbs beneath the waistband of her leggings. Remembering how much he appreciated her backside, she turned away from him as she pushed down the spandex to reveal her bare skin covered only by the lacy fabric of her thong. Keeping her gaze on him over her shoulder, she watched his eyes widen with pleasure while a broad grin covered his face.

Leo blew out a low whistle while she removed the rest of the pants from her legs. "Looking good, sweetheart."

What was a thrilling moment suddenly turned into an uncomfortable one. Bragnae winced at the generic pet name as she sat in her seat again.

"What's that look for?" Leo asked. His brow now pinched with concern.

"You called me 'sweetheart'." Disappointment was evident in her eyes.

Confusion spread across his face. "Yeah... what's wrong with that?"

"Did you mean it or is it just something you say?" Sitting there in only her bra and panties was not what was making her feel vulnerable in the conversation.

"Of course I meant it. Why would you question that?" Leo sat forward with intent to listen.

Bragnae took a deep breath and looked at him meekly. "I had a serious boyfriend once who used to use all of those pet names, and I loved it. I really felt like I was in a grown-up, caring relationship." She looked down at her lap to muster the courage to finish her story. "Then, I found out that my boyfriend was seeing two other women apart from me. And he was using those generic nicknames so he wouldn't use the wrong name when he was with each of us."

Leo gave her a sympathetic look as he reached over to cover her hand with his. "I'm sorry that happened to you. That guy was clearly a greedy asshole who didn't appreciate what he had." He squeezed her hand gently to get her attention back on him. "When I say it, it's a term of endearment. I've always been the type of guy who enjoys saying those things, but it's never been because I think I'm going to slip up and call you a different name. When I say it, it comes from my heart."

She could hear the sincerity in his voice, and realized she was being unfair by assigning baggage from a past relationship to Leo even though he didn't deserve it.

"And Bragnae, there's no one else. I haven't even thought about being with another woman since we were together that night. Even though I tried to push you away from me, I knew what I felt with you was strong and deep, and I couldn't deny it."

Laying her other hand on top of his, she gave him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry I assumed you were doing the same thing. When we went out to the club, I enjoyed hearing you call me those things. I thought it was a good time to move on from what my ex did. But then..."

"But then," Leo stepped in to finish her sentence. "I made you feel cheap and unwanted – ruining those pet names for you again. I can't blame you for thinking that you meant nothing to me. But it's actually quite the opposite." He poured his heart into her as his eyes searched hers. "If you prefer that I not call you those things, I won't."

"No," she protested. "It sounds wonderful when you say them, especially knowing what I know now."

"Okay," he smiled. Leo brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her skin. "I'm glad we talked about this. I don't want anything standing in our way."

"Me neither." The words flowed out of her naturally. It felt so wonderful being open with Leo about this, and instantly felt closer to him.

He slid the cup of dice in her direction. "It's your turn. Better make this roll count. You are literally hanging on by a few threads over there." He smirked while admiring what he could see of her above the table.

Bragnae took the cup and shook it a few times, silently praying for five of a kind to appear. She sprawled the dice on the table to find her prayer was answered. "Hell yes! Yahtzee!" She clapped her hands excitedly. "Okay, mister! Take off that shirt!"

Leo laughed at her emphatic display as he stood to remove his t-shirt. Bragnae watched as the fabric lifted to reveal his taut abs and defined pecs. His body was beautifully sculpted.

"I'm very happy right now." She beamed at him as she drank in the sight of him.

"Not as happy as I'm about to be," he said, grabbing the dice. Leo shook the cup, and spilled them onto the table. "Three 4's. I'm going for that Yahtzee." He replaced the other two dice, and shook them again. Out came two more 4's. Leo placed the cup down hard on the table and sat back with his arms folded across his chest. A big, cocky grin lit up his face.

Bragnae's mouth dropped open. "Oh my God! How is that possible?"

He chuckled. "I told you. I mean business."

Sighing, Bragnae shook her head. "Okay, which one do you want?" With only two pieces of clothing left on her, his choices were limited, but tempting nonetheless.

Leo looked at her for another moment with a triumphant smile on his face, and then leaned over to look at his score sheet. "Well, since I've pretty much annihilated you with my score, I should probably put you out of your misery." He stood from his chair, and knelt in front of her. "I'm going to need those panties, but since I'm such a good sportsman, I'll take them off of you myself."

She smiled as he ran his smooth hands up her legs until he reached the straps of her thong. As he pulled the lace down her skin, she lifted slightly in her seat to help him. Leo kept his eyes on his task as he lifted each of her legs to clear the panties completely.

"You know, there's a prize for second place," he told her, returning his gaze to hers.

"And what is it?"

"A kiss. Would you settle for that?" A certain heat burned in his eyes making her tingle with anticipation.


Smiling, Leo moved closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her lower half forward in the seat. She was slouched in the chair comfortably as she watched him gently widen her legs.

Leo picked up her ankles and placed them over his shoulders before cupping her hips with his hands. He laid soft kisses on her inner thigh causing her to squirm with need. And then she felt his tongue draw a sensual line from her silky entrance to her throbbing clit. A moan immediately escaped her as her eyes fluttered closed.

Leo paid extra attention to her sensitive skin as he continued flicking his tongue against her clit at a rapid pace. The warmth in her loins climbed as she concentrated on the precise movements of his tongue hitting the right spot. As one hand gripped his sandy blonde hair, the other crinkled the Yahtzee score sheet while he brought her closer to the edge.

He sucked her swollen bud into his mouth letting his tongue meet her skin again. Bragnae's head hung over the back of the chair as whimpering moans left her body. His mouth dropped to tease her entrance before returning to the place that would unlock the incredible release she sought. Leo licked with intention for another moment rendering her tense with anticipation.

Bragnae's breath caught in her throat as Leo's consistent effort made her come. She writhed and screamed. Grasping for something to hold as the pleasure overwhelmed her, Bragnae swiped the game's contents onto the floor. As her screams subsided, Leo drew back slowly, kissing the inside of her thighs once more. Her long black hair hung like a waterfall over the back of the chair.

"Wow," she said breathlessly. Bragnae slowly picked her head up so her eyes could meet his. "That was incredible."

Leo smiled up at her. "That was just the opening act. There's much more to come."

Bragnae sat up and pulled Leo's lips to hers. "Stand up," she whispered when she broke the kiss. He did as she requested while Bragnae worked on unbuckling his belt, and then his jeans. Sliding both his boxers and pants down, she sprung free his giant erection that stood eye level with her. Her eyes darkened at the sight of him. She wanted to touch him, wrap her fingers around him, take him in her mouth. She wanted to feel him inside of her again. His glorious cock was the key to her undoing, and she was ready for it.

Encircling her fingers around the base of his shaft, she stroked her hand up to his engorged tip as she watched him take a shuddering breath. His crystal blue eyes appeared like the midnight sky as he looked down at her with desire. She used her other hand to pull his hips toward her as she allowed her mouth to consume his length. Tightening her lips around his steel-hard cock, Bragnae moved against him letting her tongue glide over his most sensitive area.

Leo braced his hands on the back of her chair, exhaling a groan. "You're going to need to stop, Bragnae." He waited for her to detach herself from him before lifting her to her feet. "You are really good at that, but I want to do this the right way." Before she could respond, Leo hoisted Bragnae up by her thighs. She looped her arms around his neck sinking her lips against his.

"I want you so bad, Leo," she said, staring at his full lips.

Leo started walking towards her bedroom. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm going to give you what you want." In between kisses, he was able to navigate them to her room where he sat on the bed, keeping Bragnae on top of him.

Bragnae readjusted so her primed clit sat against his hard-on. The anticipation was overwhelming. She hadn't realized how much she wanted to be with him again since the night they were together until it was staring at her in the face.

Leo brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. "Last time we did this, it was so cheap – on a couch in a public place. You deserve better than that."

This was interesting. Up until Leo explained his perspective more thoroughly from the night at Inferno, she had enjoyed her time with him then. Yes, they were on a couch in a private room above a night club, but he had made her feel wanted and special. Now was their chance to make up for that night, but it wasn't just for Bragnae's sake. Leo didn't allow himself to have the passionate and caring sex they both craved that night due to his past, but tonight would be different. He was finally free of the hold his ex's past actions had over him, so he could truly enjoy what sex was meant to be between two people who cared about each other.

Bragnae framed his face, looking deeply into his eyes. "You deserve better than that, too. You've let go of your past and the protective wall that made sex meaningless for you since then. It's time for you to really indulge in it... with me."

"I'm dying to," he replied in a desperate, hoarse whisper.

Their mouths connected in a deep, wanting kiss that was full of emotion. They held each other tightly – their chests pressed against one another. Leo's fingers found the clasp of her bra, and freed her of it with a quick pinch of the fabric. After slipping her arms out of the straps, Bragnae grinded her hips against his throbbing cock making them both shudder.

She captured his lips once more, drawing back slowly while she raised up on her knees to hover over him. His eyes followed hers as she began to ease herself onto his stiff cock. A trembling gasp left her as Leo's length filled her up.

Groaning, Leo closed his eyes in relief. "You feel so good." After another savoring moment, his eyes shot open with concern. "Shit, I forgot to put on a condom."

"It's okay," she dismissed quickly. Her hips rolled up and down his length as she barely managed to speak. "I've got that covered," she told him, knowing she consistently took her birth control pills. The passion and excitement of the moment disallowed her from delving deeper into an explanation. Leo accepted her response hastily as he too was caught up in the pleasing gyration of her hips above him.

Bragnae pressed her palm into Leo's shoulder to guide him down to the mattress. She followed after him with a tender-locking kiss. His hands slid down her back and onto her ass where he cupped and squeezed her skin helping to move her with him. She placed her hands on the bed, propping herself up. Looking down at his handsome face, Bragnae increased her pace feeling every inch of him slide in and out of her.

"Leo," she moaned before biting her bottom lip. His cock was warm and firm inside her beckoning the pleasure that lay just beyond a sensual door. He was already knocking, and all he needed to do was open it for her. "Ohmigod."

"You're too far away. I need you closer," he said, arching his neck so he could meet her with a searing kiss. Their uneven mouths moved against one another as gasps and moans filled the spaces between. Leo pulled her down with him, so they were both horizontal again. Bragnae kept her speed consistent, feeling the bliss grow inside.

As Leo hungrily devoured her lips, his hands squeezed her backside. While one kept a handful of her cheek, the other started to massage her puckered skin. The additional stimulation prompted an agreeable moan from Bragnae. And then, one of his fingers slipped inside her back door. She gasped surprisingly, breaking their kiss.

He slowly moved his finger back and forth watching her reaction. She already knew what it felt like to be penetrated by two men at once, and she remembered enjoying it. This was not exactly the same caliber of tools, but it was certainly a welcomed experience.

"How's that feel, baby?" He asked, sliding his entire finger inside her. There was a warm, delightful pressure that filled her, which was different than what his dick was making her feel. The two combined made her mind spiral in many directions knowing an epic orgasm was about to release.

"Fucking great," she sputtered out in a breathy tone before burying her face in the crevice of his neck. Leo kept his finger in place and moved her hips back and forth. She gripped the blanket on the bed and squeezed his shoulder as an explosive pleasure filled her body. She called to God over and over as new bursts of ecstasy rained down on her with Leo's consistent efforts.

"Oh, Bragnae, you're squeezing the shit out of my cock. I'm gonna to come." Leo's breathing grew ragged as he moved her faster against him.

Bragnae recovered enough to meet his gaze and use her own strength to move their bodies together. She watched as his mouth dropped open, and a fire blazed in the depths of his eyes. His body tensed as a low, satisfying groan rumbled in his throat, then he exhaled a few sharp breaths before letting himself completely relax. Bragnae sweetly kissed his neck and jaw giving him a few moments to regain his composure.

"Holy shit," he said breathlessly before rolling Bragnae onto her back. "That was fucking awesome." He smirked before diving down to seize her lips.

She giggled. "It sure the hell was."

"I can't remember the last time it felt that good." His expression was more serious now. "I mean, besides the first time we were really together. But this was much better." His eyes never left hers as he hovered above her.

"I feel the same way." The single lamp that was on in her room offered a soft, amber glow against the rigid lines of his body. Looking up at him, she saw an intensity of affection that poured out of his eyes – similar to the moment after they came the first time they slept together. But there was something more this time.

Leo dipped down to place a few soft kisses on her chest. She ran her fingers through his feathery hair, enjoying the tender moment. When his eyes found hers again, they were relaxed, peaceful – loving even. "Can I stay the night?"

His question pleasantly surprised her. Even though she knew he had changed, this was a drastically different ending than the first time they had sex when he couldn't get away from her quick enough. Looking back on the threesome and even the time she slept with Drake, none of those times ended in a cuddle session or anyone spending the night. This was a treat in and of itself.

"I'd love for you to stay." The corners of her mouth lifted into a gentle smile, which he returned before sinking against her in a deep and warm embrace.

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