Part 2: The Pizza Place

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"I'm going to jump in your shower, Bragnae." Leo pulled himself out of her, giving her a quick swat on her bottom before retrieving his clothes and heading to the bathroom.

There was immediate relief from the fullness she felt before now that Leo had vacated her back door. Without an extra set of hands to help hold her up, Drake shifted his arms to support her entirely. She gave him an impressed, sensual look before wrapping her legs around his waist to assist him.

Bragnae felt like putty in his arms. She had just had one of the best sexual experiences of her life, and even though the men did most of the work – okay, all of it, she could barely move except to hold onto Drake's neck and shoulders as he walked over to her bed.

Drake slowly lowered them both to the lavender bedspread. She unhooked her legs as he finally broke their intimate connection. She already missed the feeling of him being inside her.

When she thought he'd stand up again, Drake surprised her by dipping down to kiss her, slowly and with a tenderness that could soften steel. Bragnae ran a hand through his chestnut hair, and pressed her palm into his back to hold him close.

After another moment of getting lost in his gentle but deep kisses, he raised his head again, keeping his eyes on hers.

"How do you feel?" He whispered.

A slow, dazed smile crossed over her lips. "Wonderful." She felt ravaged, and definitely sore, but her answer came from the warm and beautiful moment she just shared with Drake. The way he thoughtfully carried her to the bed instead of just letting her awkwardly dismount from his arms meant something. He was sweet, considerate, and something about him told her his feelings ran deeper than just wanting to engage in an impromptu threesome with her.

He grinned. "Me too." His eyes flicked to her lips, and just as he leaned in for another kiss, the sound of the shower's faucet turning off caught their attention.

She watched Drake's eyes look to the bathroom with a sudden alertness before he returned his attention to her. "I better get dressed." He stood, taking a blanket from the foot of the bed and draping it over her before he reached for his clothes.

Bragnae gripped the blanket to keep herself covered as she sat up against the pillows. Drake got dressed in silence, looking over at her once his lower half was clothed. He opened his mouth to speak just as Leo reemerged into the room fully dressed. Drake immediately looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Damn, bro, you take a long time to get dressed." Leo said as he traipsed over towards the bed. Drake ignored his comment and proceeded to put the rest of his clothes on.

Leo tossed himself on the bed next to her, bouncing both of them on the mattress, making her giggle at his child-like behavior. "I had a great time tonight, Bragnae." He moved a lock of hair out of her face. "Was it everything you thought it could be?"

"It was better than anything I could have imagined. You two are very talented."

Leo patted her leg over the blanket. "I knew you'd like it. I'm certainly glad I suggested it. You are one scorching hot babe." He leaned in to capture her lips, catching her a little off guard. When he pulled away, Bragnae noticed Drake looking at them with uncertainty in his eyes. Leo blew out a whistle. "Love those full lips, too. Damn."

Leo kissed her again before abruptly leaping off the bed. "Come on, Drake. You ready? Let's get something to eat on the way home."

The vibe Drake was giving off made Bragnae unexpectedly feel guilty for the way Leo kissed her. Just minutes ago, the act of having a threesome with the two men, kissing them both and letting them share her was acceptable. But now, it seemed as if that was no longer appropriate, or at least to Drake it wasn't.

The way Drake had kissed her while Leo was in the shower was incredible and definitely resembled more than just a post-coital kiss still wrapped up in the passion of it all. It had gravity. It meant something. Whereas Leo's just now was playful and light-hearted. A drastic difference just like everything else they had showcased that night.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go." Drake sighed.

Bragnae got off the bed, wrapped the blanket tightly around her, and walked the guys to the front door.

"Later, Bragnae," Leo said before leaving her apartment.

Drake's stride was slower than usual as he reached the door. She wanted him to stay, even if it was a few seconds longer, so she'd try her best to draw it out. She ran a gentle hand down his back. "Be safe driving home."

He turned his head to look at her. Hesitation struck. "Thanks for having us over."

She didn't know what to say. The usual response to that statement 'anytime' seemed wrong at the moment, not to mention she wasn't sure she wanted to welcome that kind of attention to herself again. One threesome in her life was plenty. She wasn't the type of girl to engage in sex with two partners at once on a regular basis. She agreed to do this thinking it'd be a one-time thing, among other reasons.

Bragnae nodded and smiled awkwardly. They stared at each other for another moment, saying nothing. She wouldn't have minded another kiss from Drake, but wasn't sure how he'd take it. Would he assume she was just indulging in him because of what they just did? Or would he know that a kiss between them would mean more? She decided not to pursue it.

"I'll talk to you soon. Goodnight, Bennett."

"Goodnight, Drake." With one last look, he turned to leave.


The next day, Bragnae stopped at the campus cafeteria to grab a drink before her next class. It was Friday, and luckily she only had Astronomy left to attend before she could start her three day weekend. It was her favorite class this semester, and she loved her professor. Although, she'd told Madeleine she'd cover the first half of her shift at the pizza parlor where they both worked, which prohibited her from getting a jump on the weekend. Luckily, she enjoyed her job, so it wasn't such a burden.

As she rifled through her purse for some change, she heard a familiar voice call her name. She looked up to see Drake approaching her.

"Hey, Drake. How's it going?" She smiled at him casually, but felt flush suddenly remembering their intimate experience last night. She wasn't sure if things would be awkward with him, but she was at least glad he was coming up to speak with her now.

"Good. Just finished a test in Chemistry. Shit was hard." He adjusted his backpack that hung on one of his broad shoulders. "You done for the day?"

She shook her head. "I have to do a presentation on the moon in Astronomy, but then I'm finished. I was just going to grab a drink before class."

"Oh, I'll walk with you, if that's cool. Chemistry was my last class, so I'm done," Drake offered.

"That'd be nice." Bragnae reached into her purse to finish collecting a few quarters that had fallen to the bottom, and walked over to a cooler pulling out a vitamin water. After paying for it, she and Drake headed out of the cafeteria.

There was still another twenty minutes before her class began giving Bragnae a nice opportunity to talk with Drake. Ever since he left last night, he had been on her mind. The threesome she had with Leo and Drake was intense and amazing, but it was completely out of character for her.

She was in college now, her senior year – theirs too, and she wrote it off as sewing wild oats. With both gorgeous men staring her down across the pool table last night willing her to agree to Leo's bright idea, it was hard to say no. She made a deal with herself before leaving for college that she'd be more adventurous and open to new ideas. That just so happened to translate to sleeping with two men at the same time.

Bragnae didn't regret it, but she did feel different. She liked both guys, and had wanted to get close to either of them, but until last night, neither one had made a move. Drake and Leo were good friends and roommates, so she didn't feel right going after one and not the other. Turned out they compromised and shared her anyway – for last night at least. How would she navigate it now if they both had wanted more?

"So," she began. "Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?"

"I just have an early shift at the rink tomorrow. Other than that, not much going on." Drake worked at the local ice rink. He bounced around doing different jobs like monitoring skaters on the ice and driving the Zamboni in between events. He was a hockey player, so the owner would give him time to practice on the rink during breaks and after hours. Bragnae had gone to hang out with him a few times.

"That's good. It's nice to have a low-key weekend every now and then." Drake held the door for her as they stepped inside the Science Building. Bragnae's classroom was right around the corner. She stopped in the middle of the pathway where a few benches were and turned to face him.

"So, do work tonight?" He asked.

"I do, but only until 8:00pm. I'm covering for Madeleine. I took the rest of the weekend off so I could enjoy three days of no work and no school." She watched as Drake nodded, looking down at the ground as if he was disappointed. "Did you want to do something tonight? With me, I mean."

His eyes lit up as they found hers again. He rubbed the back of his neck as he prepared a response. "Actually, I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out. Maybe watch a movie or something. But you'll probably be tired from work."

"No, it's fine. Why don't you come over to my place around 8:30pm, and we can check out what Netflix has to offer. I'll even bring a pizza home with me. Sound good?"

Drake grinned. "That sounds perfect."

"Great. Any particular pizza you're hoping for?"

"Whatever you bring home is fine. Thanks."

She nodded. "Okay. I'll see you tonight, then." There was an awkward vibe suddenly. Bragnae wanted to stand there with him for a few more minutes, but she did have to prepare some notes before her presentation. And Drake didn't seem to want to go either.

"Looking forward to it. Good luck with your presentation."

"Thank you," she smiled, slowly turning away from him. Bragnae was glad Drake wanted to spend time with her again so soon. She feared everything would be awkward after last night, but she was grateful he wasn't letting it stand in the way of their friendship... or whatever their status was now. She'd hoped to find out soon.


Michelangelo's was packed like it was every Friday night. It was in the heart of the college town where students could walk or drive to it easily from their dorms or apartments. Bragnae usually waited on tables and answered the phone, but would occasionally help make the pizzas if they were short staffed. She had worked there ever since she was a freshmen, so she had gotten to know each position of the restaurant very well. Tonight, she had to cover it all.

The pizza parlor was quaint. There were ten tables inside with a small patio in the back that had more seating. Michelangelo's served beer and soda, and prided themselves on having the best brick oven pizza in town. The owner was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan, hence the name of the restaurant, so there were turtle action figures in display cases, comic book covers and other décor that hung on the walls. It was a popular establishment earning the loving nickname of 'Mikey's' from the locals.

It was 7:30pm and the dinner rush was in full force. For such a tiny building, it could hold a lot of people and a lot of noise. Bragnae popped in the kitchen to place her pizza order to take home, and ran back out to take a new table's order.

As she walked through the crowd she came up to a table with two guys. The one she could see had shorter brown hair that was styled into a nice faux-hawk. She hadn't seen him before, but he was cute.

"Hey, welcome to Mikey's. My name is Bragnae. What can I get you to drink?"


She looked to the second guy who had been hidden by the tall booth before. "Leo! Hey!" She wore a bright smile that he reciprocated.

"I didn't know you were working tonight," he said, letting his eyes trail down her body.

"Yeah, I'm covering for Madeleine for the next," she tilted her wrist, "twenty-five minutes."

Leo shifted in the booth leaning against the wall and relaxing an arm on the table top. "Well, then you should join us when you're finished. Oh! This is my friend Maxwell. Maxwell meet Bragnae."

She extended her hand to shake his. "Nice to meet you."


Bragnae turned her attention back to Leo. "I'd love to, but I have plans once I'm done here."

"What a shame," he said, truly looking like he was disappointed. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

Grinning, she answered, "I haven't decided yet."

Leo leaned forward in the booth. "Well, maybe I'll call you, and we can find something fun to do."

"Sure, I'd like that." She and Leo smiled at each other for another moment until Maxwell cleared his throat. Bragnae chuckled at herself. "So, what can I get you guys?"

"Two beers and a large sausage," Leo told her, then looked across the table. "What will you have Maxwell?"

Bragnae guffawed. "Where the hell do you put all that, Leo?" She shook her head in amazement as he playfully shrugged, then looked to Maxwell.

"I'll have the same, but make mine pepperoni."

"Sounds great. I'll be right back with your beers." She gave them each a smile, and headed back to the kitchen to place their order before going to the bar to fill the drinks herself.

Placing the four beers on a tray, she carefully maneuvered her way back to Leo and Maxwell's table. After she transferred them all to the wooden surface she picked up her tray, and felt a hard slap on her butt. Before she could react, Leo flew out of the booth. Bragnae turned in time to see him grabbing some guy by his shirt before slugging him in the face.

She gasped as the guy fell to the ground looking dazed. Leo bent down to pick him up again. Both fists gripping the fabric of his shirt.

"Don't touch her again, asshole." Leo gave him a violent shove towards the door. The guy's friends followed him out of the restaurant, looking back at Leo with awe and disgust. They had obviously been drinking and chose the wise course of not pursuing any retaliation.

Leo's hands lightly cupped her waist, standing close to her because of the crowd. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she said without really thinking about it. Then she nodded. "Thank you. Unfortunately, that happens about once a week."

"That's fucked up. What do you do about it when I'm not around?" His hands tightened around her making her feel utterly safe.

"Not that. If the manager sees it, he'll kick them out, but I usually tell them to fuck off. Then, I keep my distance." She swallowed looking up into his bright blue eyes.

"Well, you need to do more than that. I'll teach you sometime."

"Okay, thanks." She smiled. It was nice to have someone stand up for her like that, and even nicer to feel Leo's hands on her.

"You're welcome." He moved to sit down in the booth again.

"I'll go check on your pizzas." Bragnae stopped by a few other tables before making her way back to the kitchen. It was almost time to go.

Madeleine walked through the back door, stringing an apron around her waist before walking over to Bragnae. "Thanks for covering for me. Any tables I need to finish out for you?"

Bragnae removed her own apron, and boxed the pizza she was bringing home. "Yeah. Leo's here with a friend. They're waiting on a large pepperoni and sausage at table 3. And tables 5, 8, and 10 have their checks."

"Okay, cool. I'll bring your tips home later. It'll be after midnight though," Madeleine told her as she checked on the two pizzas for Leo's table. Madeleine was Bragnae's roommate, and had been since they were able to move out of the dorms sophomore year. They were very different in a lot of ways, but she had become a good friend to Bragnae. Reliable and fun even if she was a little self-centered sometimes.

"Thanks, girl! I'll grab it from you tomorrow." Bragnae grabbed the pizza box and her purse and walked out towards the front. She swung by Leo's table to say goodbye, and left the restaurant.

The pizza parlor was a two minute drive back to her apartment. She could have walked, and sometimes she did, but she was always cautious about walking the streets at night especially on the weekends when the drinks were plenty and lots of guys were looking to get laid. She'd had an instance of a few guys catcalling her one night when she walked home, and they got a little too close for comfort. It was then she decided not to take any chances.

Her apartment was on the first floor, which she appreciated after long days at work and school. Once inside, she sat the pizza on the kitchen counter, and rushed to change out of her work t-shirt and jeans, and into a teal spaghetti strap top and black leggings. She took her hair down, primping it to add more volume, and spritz some perfume on her chest and at the base of her neck under her hair.

She was grateful for the extra time to prepare for Drake's arrival. The man was always punctual. Touching up her make-up, she heard a knock at the door. She quickly rolled some gloss over her lips and went to door, opening it to see Drake standing there wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, and a six-pack of beer in his hand.

His eyes traveled down her body as a soft smile began to appear. "Hey, Bennett."

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