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He stared at Libby and didn't speak one word. He was speechless. Moments passed and he just stared at her. "You never mentioned a boyfriend." He spoke harshly to her. 

"It never came up." She took a piece of red hair that fell in front of her face and tucked it behind her ear.


Harry got up from the bed and walked over to where his boxers laid. He pulled them up and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He tugged at the ends roughly and allowed a loud sigh escaped his lips. His hands began to rub over his scruff. "Were you planning on letting me know that you have a boyfriend?" He asked. 

"Honestly?" He nodded. "No. I didn't think it mattered to be honest."

"How does you having a boyfriend not matter?" 

"I know perfectly well that this little set up wasn't going to last after the summer. When I left Seattle, I got into a fight with Sam because he wasn't going to visit me at all. So, when I saw you on the bus, I figured why not give it a shot. I have needs, you have needs, I figured we'd might as well help each other out for the summer. Then, when September came we'd go along our merry ol' ways and forget what happened." 

She sat down on the bed and patted the seat next to her. Harry hesitantly sat down beside her. She took his hand in her own and began to draw patterns along his palm. "If you're not into this, then we can stop. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." 

He didn't say anything. He took the time to process what she had said. It was clear that she was on the same page as him when it came to the "terms" of their relationship. Neither one of them were looking for something emotional, it was all merely physical. He would be the first to admit that her body was a good distraction. He really didn't care that she had a boyfriend. It didn't surprise him really. He knew that all women were the same, that they were all out for the game; it was all about the chase. His terrible experiences with women in the past had proven that to him. 

Without giving her a chance to process what he was doing, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his lap. Their faces were inches apart. His breathing heavy on her lips. Their eyes met; his being a deep green laced with lust and need. "Fuck it," his voice low and with that he connected their lips together. 

"Ava! Where's that 25 anniversary edition of the paper? It should be from 2009." It had been a week since Ava started her internship. It had been nothing but exciting, busy, and ridiculously stressful. The newsworld was face paced. If you weren't quick enough to keep up, it didn't bother to wait up for you. You had to keep up the pace. The news didn't wait for anyone. 

"Um, I think so." She looked underneath the massive pile of papers that sat infront of her. "Ah! Here it is." She walked over to where Stevie sat and placed the paper infront of her. "Do you have the December issue from last year?" 

"Yeah, here." She shoved it in her hands and quickly grabbed the paper she was looking for. 

"Thanks," Ava mumbled back. 

The tension that was hovered between the two did not ease up once. Ava honestly didn't know what to do. It wasn't like she had anything against Stevie. Frankly, she was happy that there was another intern to work with. One of the major concerns that she had before she moved was that she was going to be alone. Yet it seemed like one of the only possible friends she could have this summer could care less about her existence. 

"My ladies," Jax stood at door of their office with two big bags in his hands. "I bring coffee and donuts." 

"Bless you," Ava breathed out. She was tired, stressed, and on edge. Her alarm this morning didn't go off making her almost late for work. Thankfully Charles was ten minutes early and had called up to her room. Granted, it only gave her ten minutes to get dress and leave. Her stomach had been growling for the past hour and she needed coffee. 

Jax shot Ava a large smile and handed her a bag. Inside sat a large coffee and an apple fritter. "You know me too well." She smiled and took the contents out. Once her lips touched the cup, the warm liquid poured down her throat. She hummed a happy sigh in response. 

"Now, how are your internship activities going? Learning lots?" Stevie rolled her eyes and huffed. 

"This assignment is bullshit. There are hundreds of papers that we have to go through for research. It's stupid." She ran a frustrated hand through her dark brown hair. 

"Babe, you're an intern. Don't expect anything glamours." He laughed. "I also came in to inform you beautiful ladies that Rob wants to see you both in his office in five minutes."

They walked to his office in silence. Ava and Stevie stepped in and were met with a pair of bright eyes and a kind smile. "Stevie and Ava! Perfect. Come on in ladies." He had two chairs that sat in front of his desk. They took a seat and waited to hear what he had to say. "You both have been showing me amazing work this past week. I understand that the project is tedious but it will be worth it. I need you both to stay for a few hours after and put together a newspaper draft with the ideas that you have been putting together this past week. Basically, it'll be a rough draft of the changes you think we should make to the paper for our 30th Anniversary edition."

"It will take more than a few hours to put it together." Ava explained.

"I am not working throughout the night."  Stevie exclaimed. 

"I understand that it's a lot to ask for especially for last minute. Trust me, we weren't planning on needing this tomorrow. But, the main guys at the New York office are coming in tomorrow and want to see it." 

"Fuck." Stevie whispered under her breath. Luckily, Rob didn't hear her. "Fine." 

"Ok." Ava agreed. 

"Thank you girls. We will provide you with dinner since we are asking you to do this on your own time." 

"I appreciate that." Ava smiled. 


Take out boxes of Chinese food were laid out across Ava's desk. She was munching on her plate of chicken fried rice and looking through the notes she wrote out for the Sports edition. Suddenly, Stevie let out an annoyed yell. "Fuck it, Ava! Can you quit chewing so loud?" 

"Okay that's it!" Ava turned around quickly so that she was facing Stevie. She was frustrated. It was evident in her eyes. She had enough of her bad attitude towards her. She hadn't done anything to her and was done with it. "I don't get what your problem with me is."

"I don't like to work with people. Especially girls who don't have to work hard for internships."


"I know that you aren't even a full time student. I know that they basically gave you this internship on a silver platter. And honestly, that's bullshit. I bet your mommy and daddy paid them to take you on."

Tears began to rim her hazel eyes. She had never once felt so low. The mention of her parents only brought the pain that she had been working on resurface. "My parents are dead." She whispered. 


"My parents," She spoke louder. "They're dead." 

Stevie's eyes widened at the news. "Oh. Shit, I'm sorry." 

"Whatever." Ava wiped the tears away and began to write down some more notes. Stevie walked over to where she was sitting. She grabbed her chair and slid it across from Ava. 

"I need to explain myself." She spoke. 

"Just drop it." 

"No, I was a real class A bitch right there. I'm sorry." Ava just nodded in response, not trusting her voice at the moment. "I've wanted to be a news reporter since I was a kid. I've worked so hard for this and when I got this internship, I thought it would be my ticket to getting into Yale. When I found out that you were interning too, I was annoyed because I was threatened."

"But you don't even know me." 

"I know. It's ridiculous, but I was threatened that if there was another intern, you'd get the better projects and that would lower my chances at getting into Yale. It's ridiculous, I know. I then did a bit of snooping and found out more about you. When I read that you weren't even in school full time, that pissed me off more. I've been going to school at the community college here for two years. Not once have I been able to get an internship. It's not every day that people get an internship at a prestegious newspaper like this one. When I read that they practically begged for you to come here, I was even more annoyed. As petty as this sounds, I figured that if I made your life a living hell here you'd give up and leave." 

Ava listened to what Stevie said. It all began to make sense to her. "I get it. I thought it was pretty ridiculous too. I didn't think it was that fair that they wanted me too. But, I couldn't just turn it down you know?" 

"Yeah, I get it." She smiled. "And about your parents, that was a major low blow. I'm sorry." 

"It's fine." 

"My mom died a few years ago." Ava looked up shocked. 

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. She had breast cancer. Cancer is a real bitch."

"And your dad?" She asked. 

"Left us when I was ten. Never heard from him since. He was a dick." 

Ava gave a sympathetic smile and put her hand on Stevies. "My dad died when I was two. I know what it's like to not have a father growing up. It sucks... a lot."

Stevie let out a small laugh, "Yeah, it really does." 

Ava reached out for a two fortune cookies. "Here," She passed the fortune cookie to Stevie. "To new beginnings and second chances." She smiled. Stevie smiled back and nodded. 

"To new beginnings and second chances!" They tapped their fortune cookies together. "Thanks, Ava."

"Don't worry about it. Now," she grabbed the pile of papers in front of her. "Let's make the best newspaper that this place has ever seen." 



The following morning, Ava dragged herself out of her bed. Her ears were ringing. She hadn't gotten in from the office until two in the morning. Her body felt like it was dragging as she walked. She ran her hand through her hair and tamed it down as best as she could. She grabbed a pair of black jeans, floral top, and lace blazer. "This will do," she said to herself. With a coat of red lipstick and a tousle of her hair, she grabbed her purse and walked outside. The sun beamed down on her sending an envelope of warmth around her body. She pulled out her sunglasses from her bag and put them on. Soon enough, Charles pulled up. She jumped into the back seat and gave him a friendly smile. "Good morning, Ms. Hastings. It's finally friday." 

"Thank God." She smiled back. 

It was thirty minutes until their presentation. Ava was nervous. This was the first presentation that she would have to make in front of a board, and she felt like she was going to vomit. She twisted her fingers around each other and stepped in and out of her heels. 

"Here," Stevie handed her a Starbucks cup. "You look like you need this." Ava smiled in gratitude and took a sip. 

"Bless you, seriously." Stevie smiled and handed her a copy of their mock-newspaper. 

"Ready for this?" 

"As ready as I'll ever be." 

"We will be great. We went over this like a million times last night. You will do great!" 

After their confrontation last night, Stevie and Ava had gotten along a lot better. They had spent most of the night joking and talking about their lives back home. Most of the time, Stevie ranted about her boyfriend and how he enjoyed playing with his video games than spend time with her. "But he has a hot body, so it works out." Not once did Ava mention Harry. She didn't know what to say about him. She knew that she still wanted him and was still in love. It killed her everyday that she knew that he was in the same city as her. It killed her inside knowing that the possibility that they could run into each other was extremely high, which meant there was a possibility that she could see him with another woman. That thought alone made her feel sick. 

"You okay? You look like you just saw a ghost." 

"Yeah, just nervous." She smiled at her new friend. 



The presentation was over. It had gone a lot smoother than Ava could ever hope and plan for. Stevie was a smooth talker and was able to give her points perfectly. Ava managed to get through and was thankful that her nerves and high anxiety didn't bring her tumbling to the ground. 

"I say we celebrate! Take you two ladies out." Jax cheered as they walked into the lobby of their building. It as a friday afternoon and they only had a half day. 

"That sounds great to me." Stevie spoke back. 

"I don't know. I'm not really a party person."

"You seemed like a party person last time we went out." Jax winked. 

"We just went for drinks. You sound like you want to go to a club. I don't club." Ava reasoned. 

"Come on! I don't have many girl friends-"

"You have no girl friends." Jax countered. Stevie showed him the middle finger and smirked as she looked back at Ava. 

"As I was saying, I don't have many girl friends to go out with. It will be fun! We can go buy cute dresses and have fun!" She flashed her a genuine smile. Ava was happy that they were now getting along. She knew that if she were to go out tonight, it would only bring their friendship closer. And she knew that if she was going ot be in LA for the summer, she needed friends not enemies. 

"Fine." Stevie squealed and grabbed her hands into her own. 

"Yay! Let's go to Melrose. They have the best clothes."

A few hours later of shopping, coffee drinking, and laughing, Ava and Stevie made their way to Ava's apartment. They took their time getting ready. The music was pumping throughout her apartment and the energy was growing with each pre-clubbing shot they took. 

"I love those shorts on you!" Ava was wearing a pair of leather high waisted shorts. They had costed her whole budget for the night. But thankfully, she had a black crop top at home to go with it. 

"Me too. But Stevie, next time we go out, we're going to a mall where it's cheap. I'm an intern in case you forgot." She laughed but nodded yes. 

"Wait!" Stevie grabbed her purse and pulled out a small makeup bag. She handed her a small lipstick tube. "This colour will look fantastic on you." It was a deep burgundy. It was a risky colour, but Ava was up for new things. 


The club was crowded. Sweaty bodies were everywhere, grinding up on one another. The line outside of the club was short. However, that didn't matter to them. Jax had a connection and they were able to by-pass the line. One of the perks of being a social editor for a major newspaper. 

"I'll get us drinks." Jax yelled over the music. The girls nodded in response and walked over to their section. Soon enough, he walked over with a tray of colourful drinks. Ava grabbed a small glass with a pink liquid in it. 

"Here's to totally rocking our first presentation!" Stevie yelled as she clinked her glass to Ava's. They cheered in response and downed their glasses. 

The rest of the night consisted of colourful drinks, sweaty bodies, loud music, and careless dancing. The room was packed. Every one relieving their stresses through the heavy beat that thumped throughout the club. Bodies swayed together. A smell of smoke and alcohol lingered throughout the room. It was stuffy.

Ava's body swayed to the music. She got lost in the beat of it. Larged hands grabbed either side of her bare skin and began to grind against her. She was too lost into the music that she didn't even bother to swat him away. She moved her body against his and lost herself in the music. He smelt like heavy cologne. It was slightly suffocating but familiar. He began to leave wet kisses along her neck finding her weak spot. An involuntary groan escaped her lips as she felt her body move against his harder. "Harry," she moaned before she could even stop herself. 

"No, baby. Not Harry." He chuckled. 

Coming back to reality, she quickly stepped away from the unknown intruder. She turned around quickly. It was in fact not Harry. He had blonde hair that was pushed back and piercing green eyes. Without giving it a second thought, she pushed her way through the crowds of people. She was embarrassed. She hadn't been thinking when she began to respond to his kisses and touch. She blamed it on the alcohol. 

"Wait!" She could hear him behind her, calling after her to stop. Once Ava was outside, she took in a deep breath. The same guy from inside quickly followed her and stood outside. They were facing the busy street of the club. People were minding their own business while trying to get into the club. 

"I'm sorry about that. Back there, I just got a bit carried away." She looked up at him and noticed his gentle eyes. 

"It's fine. I got carried away too." 

"I'm Mack," he stuck his hand out politely. She giggled at the small gesture considering their previous actions. She placed her hand in his and shook it gently. 


"That's a beautiful name, Ava." He smiled at her. 

"Thank you." She returned his smile. 

"Are you here alone?" He innocently asked. 

"No, my friends are back in there." 

He nodded his head in response. He stuck his hands into his pockets and began to bite his lip. "Listen, I know that this is a bit sudden but I actually think you're really pretty. Would it be completely inappropriate to ask you for your number?" 

"Oh, um-" She looked around awkwardly. 

"Unless you have a boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend." She somberly responded. 

"Good." He smiled.

"Yeah, I guess." He pulled out his phone and passed it to her. She entered her digits and passed it back. 

"This isn't a California number." 

"I'm from Canada." She answered simply. 

"Oh neat." He nodded and smiled at her. "Well, Ava the Canadian, it was great meeting you. I'll be calling you." He winked and walked away. She smiled back and ran her hand along her arm. 

She knew that she was single. She knew that there was no harm in giving Mack her number. But she couldn't help the feeling that gnawed in her stomach. 

"There you are!" Ava turned around to see her friends standing behind you. "Why are you out here?" Stevie's eyes furrowed in concern. 

"It was getting hot in there." She answered simply. 

"Ah, well we were going to go get some pizza." Jax added. 

"Sounds good!" They turned around and made their way to the closest pizzeria. 

While they were waiting for their pizza, they joked with one another and made meaningless small talk. "So Ava," Jax pipped up. "Who was that sexy blonde you were dancing with?" 

Ava's cheeks instantly blushed. "His name is Mack?" 

"Are you sure about that?" He laughed. 

"Uh," she cleared her throat. "Yeah, his name is Mack. He was nice." 

"Did you get a number?" He inquired. 

"Yup." She simply answered. 

"Atta girl!" He nudged her with his elbow. "Go and get some California ass." 

Ava choked on her coke. "I am not looking for any California ass, thank you." 

"You said you didn't have a boyfriend though." Stevie piped in. "Why not then?" She didn't say anything back. She looked down at her coke and began to play with her straw. "You're still in love with him, aren't you." Ava looked up surprised. 

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yup!" She had a wide smile on her face. "Is he hot? What's his name?" 

"Harry," Ava smiled at the mention of his name. "And he is sexy as hell." She giggled. 

"Is he back in Vancouver?" Jax asked. 

"No, he's actually here in Los Angeles too doing some work." Stevie spat out her sprite. "Stevie! That was gross." 

"I'm sorry but your sexy as hell ex boyfriend that you are still in love with is in LA and you are not beating down his door, why?" It sounded easier said than done. As much as Ava wanted to search for him, she couldn't find herself to do it. 

"I broke up with him. I don't think he wants to see me." 

"Bullshit. If my hot ex-girlfriend wanted me back I'd say yes in a heartbeat." Stevie smiled wide and winked. "You need to find him."

"I don't know." Ava bit her cheek nervously. 

"This weekend, we are finding you your man!" 


A/N: Double Update because I loveeeee you! I realize this update is super long (dirty). I hope you guys don't mind!

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