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The days seemed to go by slowly. Maybe it was the drastic weather change or perhaps it was the daily routine of wake up, work, sleep, repeat. Whatever the reason may be, it seemed like the days were dragging on. With each passing moment Ava's mind floated back to a green eyed, curly haired man who's voice was thick with rasp. She couldn't help but think about the way his eyes came to life when he spoke about the newest novel he was reading, or the way he got worked up when she told him that Led Zeppelin was by far superior than Pink Floyd. He caught her interest in a way that she did not know anyone was capable of doing again.

Ava's life had become a flow of expected events. Her life lacked excitement. Instead, it was jam packed with routine and ordinance. Perhaps it was because she allowed routine to overtake her life. In fact, she did nothing to stop it. By doing so she found herself longing for something new. She knew that the walls that were built up over the past while, and the string of mind-numbing routine that had become her life, had become a lot harder to let go. Maybe the time had come where she would finally break down the walls she created and finally live. It would be a harder task than one may think.

Maybe it was time she made that change. 

Today was the start of doing just that. Perhaps it was the sunshine that was seeping through her window, or the fact that her apartment was actually warm but whatever the reason may be, today was different. Ava finally took charge over her life; she took the day off. To some that may seem like minuscule, but to Ava this was the start of the change her life so desperately needed. It was the change that she knew deep down her parents would have wanted her to do, even though she would not dare admit it. 

The second step that Ava knew that she needed to make was to call up her new found friend. The persistent pursuance that Ava seemed to be making when it came to Harry was mysterious to her. But again, there was something that was telling her to keep going. She liked to think that it was her mother. Etta Hastings had a knack at getting Ava to do things that she did not necessarily want to do (especially when it came to men). Once in Grade 10 Etta convinced Ava to go to junior prom with the a boy that had asked her out. It was out of Ava's character to even think about going to prom let alone with the most popular (and by far best looking) boy at school. But she took her mother's advice and it ended up being the best night of her life. 

That was why she was certain that this was again her mothers doing. 

Ava would not have thought about calling Harry up. Yet that was exactly what she was doing. 

One ring. 
Two rings. 
Three rings. 
Four .. 


The rasp that Harry's voice possessed seemed to send chills down Ava's back. 

"Hey Harry. It's Ava." 

"Hey! I was actually thinking about giving you a call. There's a book fair going on down on Main and 5th. I was wondering if you'd like to join me. Apparently they have a fantastic selection of vintage books." There was a kind sincerity to his voice.

"That sounds pretty great, actually."

"Great! I can pick you up at 1 if you'd like. Or we could meet there--"

"No, that sounds good. It looks cold outside, and I don't think my worn out sneakers are going to do my feet any justice in this weather." 

He let out a small chuckle, the same chuckle that sent  heat to Ava's already warm face. " I'll see you in 20 minutes then." 


"Oh and Ava?"


"You should really consider buying some boots. Frost bite doesn't look good on you," he said with that damn chuckle. 

"I'll have to see about that," she tried to suppress the smile that was creeping up. " I will see you in twenty and with frost bite ridden feet," she gives him an equally as charming chuckle and hangs up the phone. 

The Vancity Book Festival was packed with books of every shape and colour. Many were stained with age whereas others are fresh and ready to be read for generations to come. Nostrils are immediately met with the musty sent of novels that have been basking for years on a wooden bookshelf. It was the smell of nostalgia and well read literature. It was a scent that both Ava and Harry have come to know and love. 

"This is amazing. Where did you hear about this?" 

"This guy that lives down the hall from me. He's a total walking encyclopedia for every classical piece of literature that has ever been made. He's a total freak but pretty cool." 

"He sounds amazing! This place is amazing. Thanks Harry for taking me here." He gives her a small smile as they continue to browse the rows and rows of novels. 

"Pride and Prejudice. Now that is a good book!" Harry looks over at Ava giving her the most amused smirk. 

"Really? It's a story about an overbearing mother who wants to marry off her daughters one by one. One daughter being sharp tongued and too clever for her own good. Then there's Mr. Darcy - this prideful big shot who won't even give Elizabeth the time of day. And then they get married. It's such a stereotypical romance novel." Harry smirks again, seemingly pleased with himself. 

"Not even close! Their love was pure. The more that they fought for each others feeling the more in-love they fell. It's a story full of authentic love and raw emotion. You cannot deny that. You have bewitched me, body and soul. She is a literary genius with this amazing way with words." 

"Except Mr. Darcy always seemed to have a stick up his ass." Harry had a huge grin plastered over his face and Ava could not help but give a small smile in return. 

"You have a point there." Ava continues to look through the pages of the warn out novel. "'In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.' Honestly Harry. You have to admit. That is damn beautiful." 

"It's beautiful, I will give Austen that. I just don't understand the point of loving someone so ardently. If you want to love something, love beer. Or a pet fish. Why waste emotions on loving another person." 

"Someone must have really hurt you to feel so strongly against a novel." She didn't want to push Harry too far, but she couldn't help herself. Curiosity was biting her tongue.

"What was her name?" 

Harry dropped the book that he was holding and quickly glanced over at Ava, hardness taking over his usual soft features.

"There is no name. There is no girl."

"Clearly there is or was a girl that broke your heart. What was her name?" She knew that this was none of her business but she couldn't stop the words once they came out of her lips. 

"There is no girl, nor was there ever a girl. Can we please stop talking about this?" His voice growing slightly louder with each word. 

"Why are you getting so worked up over this? If a girl hurt you there is no need to-" 

"Fuck, just drop it Ava. This conversation is over." His eyes begin to narrow as he bites his tongue, stopping himself from saying anything he knew he would regret later. Ava was taken back from Harry's sudden change of demeanor. He was usually laid back and genuinely happy. This Harry that was standing before her was not someone she was used to. It was clear that she had crossed a line, a boundary that was clearly evident but she chose to ignore.

"I'm sorry." Those words seemed to come out smaller than she expected. "Consider the conversation dropped."

Harry let out a sigh, "Sorry. And - thank you." The air was thick with a slight awkward tension. This was a place that they had never been before in their newly found friendship. Their conversations always being light, yet still deep enough to consider the two friends and not acquaintances. However, it was now clear that some things were not to be discussed. Definitions of love and past relationships being that exact topic. But, she still felt the need to push Harry further. She wouldn't do that today, of course. The air already thick with awkwardness and tension. It would have to be saved for another day. But if there was one thing that was for sure, Ava was hooked. She was intrigued and curious. Who was Harry? Who hurt him so much that he has become this cold, bitter man extremely turned off by love? Why did she find herself attracted to this wall? Was it because she was trying to break down her own? Whatever it may be and whatever question she had, in this moment she was going to enjoy her time with the mysterious boy. 

The tension drifted away as the day went on. Their banter continued or which classic piece of literature was better and who was the more preferable writer : Jane Austen or F. Scott Fitzgerald (Ava for Austen and Harry for Fitzgerald). The rest of the day was pleasant, to say the least. It was friendly. Neither one taking their harmless hang out as anything more than two avid literature readers enjoying a day a local book fair. But regardless of what it may look like to the average onlooker, each knew how they felt for the other. Time would only tell whether or not those feelings would grow and possibly blossom into something other than a friendly outing between to platonic people. 


Thank you for reading! I hope you continue to stay with me as we continue this journey together.

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