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Author's POV

Tiny water droplets pour down from the early gloomy morning sky. The clouds were sprinkling droplets to make the earth wet but not human life.

Taehyung crossed the zebra crossroad. He was giddy and nervous. It was his first time to go to market. Even if it was just a local market. He sighed when people passed through him with their umbrellas.

'Why are they all carrying an umbrella. It's not even raining. Should I borrow one? I think that would be normal. But I don't know where they give umbrellas for free'
Taehyung thought. Nevertheless, he started walking on the footpath eyeing the different colourful stores and restaurants.

Jin closely walked behind him, hiding under his black umbrella.

He would wait outside for Taehyung when he goes inside some random shops.
For god sakes, he has work today but his whole existence denied to leave the boy alone.

Taehyung scan through clothes and accessories from different shops. He would delightfully stare at something which caught his eye and would walk away before the employee could approach him. But he can't always do that.

"Do you like anything, sir?"
Taehyung jumped like a scared car when the employee of the clothing store approached him.

He furiously bowed and ran outside the store. Although the man looked kind and helpful it didn't help the boy to be at ease.

The young worker jogged outside. Maybe he said something which scared the boy away. He had to say sorry. But before he could do that, there were no signs of the schoolboy.

Taehyung walked away from the store as fast as he can. He didn't want to do this but couldn't control his urge to run.

With a proper distance from the store, he started walking at his normal pace. Honestly, there was nothing for him to do. He didn't have the money nor any friends who could accompany him.

All he did was walk and walk and walk around the city. At one time, he got curious about the vending machine and pressed the buttons but nothing happened, so he walked away dejected.

Jin sighed gazing at the boy.
"He looks so out of place. He wants to enjoy being normal but......simply couldn't" He thought.

He pulled his phone out hearing the bell of notification. It was from the online news app of his city.


A middle schoolboy name Kim Taehyung has gone missing. He was lastly reported to walk out of the school at six p.m."

" Six pm.....but he walked away from his home at nine in the night. "
He mumbled recalling the night. He was sure this news is made up by his parent. He kept reading furthermore when something caught his eye.

'The police suspect of kidnapping.......'

Jin whispered.

Taehyung stood on the foot track of the bridge.

"Finally, it's that time of the day"
He mumbled watching the sunset. The golden glow of the rays kissed everything in their reached even the teen.

"How many hours has it been since I left the house? It's not like anybody care"
He said while Jin kept his ears open, hearing everything from the other side of the bridge.

Taehyung's ears perked up when he heard a similar noise. He turned to his right and there he saw the same cat.

"Ah" He happily exclaimed, "It's you. How are you kitten?"

He walked toward the kitty and picked the animal up.
"You came here all by yourself, amazing"
He said and hugged the kitten.

"It's tough, right, when you want to do something on your own."
Taehyung said. He took the seat on the elevated borders of the footpath.

"I thought I would enjoy doing normal things but........... I didn't feel happy"
He said and scratched the neck of the kitten.

"I went for the walk and shopping but....." He mumbled.

"Guess the blame is on me. Right?"
He questioned the cat.
"I want to do more things. But if I couldn't enjoy them then maybe I should die"

"What's the use of living if I can't enjoy it?" Taehyung smiled.
"I don't what to live this sad, hopeless life"

The cat in his lap was getting jumpy and wanted to run away. So, Taehyung let go of the animal.

"Oh...." He mumbled seeing the kitten going with the cat, who looked the same as her.
"So you do have parents," He said.

Jin eyed the scene. He saw the boy getting up on the metal railings of the bridge. The current of the water below was very angry.

"I should just leave. Even if I did save him, his will to die wouldn't change" He though and took steps away from the object of his attractions.


Seeing someone die during sunset didn't settle well with him. He didn't want to revive his memories.

So he did. What he didn't want to do.

"Why are you killing yourself?"
He questioned even when he knows the answer.

"I don't want to live anymore"
The teenager replied still gaping at the older man.
"Who are you?"
He questioned.

Jin pulled the boy down and answered.
"I am someone who knows about your situation, roughly. I'm your stalker."

"Stalker?" Taehyung mumbled.
"What do you want from me?"

"I.......come with me"
Jin said remembering the news he read. 'So, I'm actually becoming a kidnapper'

"I wished he would say no. Me and this boy are different. He didn't care about the people around him. If he declines my offer then I can stop stalking and clicking his photo" Jin thought.

But his wish didn't come true.

"Huh, why?" Taehyung said but his lips turned into a smile when he figured out something.
"You want to kidnap me?"

"Kidnap.....Yes....." Jin hesitantly replied. That's not what he wants.
"I want to take you away .....do you know what kidnapping is?"

"Yes, kidnapping is a crime. But if you want to take this risk by saving my useless life. Then I want to come with you"
Taehyung happily said.

Jin signalled the boy to follow him. He didn't want this. Why did he even save the boy?

"I will do everything"
Taehyung said halting in his steps which made the masked man turn around.

"I know how to clean. I can cook a few things. I can also survive without food for five days, just water is fine. You can use me as you want"
Taehyung said in one breath.

Jin nodded his head.
"You can do whatever you want in my room. The doorknob twist to the right if you want to open it and you can eat as much as you want." Jin said.

Taehyung was shocked but hurried after the man.
"But why?"

"Because I love you"
Jin said the biggest lie.

"Really! Hyung, I hope you take care of me"
Taehyung happily said.

I know the happiness you showed me that day wasn't your true feelings." Jin said.

He walked toward his Winter Bear and stood in front of the boy. Staring intensely at him.

"That day I told you the biggest lie. I never loved you and that is why this marriage ceremony cannot happen"
Jin announced.


"Are you sure you saw this boy?"
Chaeyoung asked the man.

Hoseok and Chaeyoung received a call from a man, who claimed that he has seen the boy and an older man following him.

"What do you do for a living?"
Hoseok asked.

"I work in a clothing shop in the local market"
The man said.

"Where did you see him?"
Chaeyoung asked placing the photo again in front of the witness.

"I was coming back from my afternoon shift when I saw this boy. He was pressing some random button of the vending machines but didn't insert any coins. When he walked away a man followed him behind. He was looking a bit suspicious"
The man honestly spoke out.

"Did you saw his face?"
The investigators asked.

"No, he was wearing a mask and has black hair and was also tall with very wide shoulders" 

Hoseok hummed.


Sorry for any mistakes.

I honestly hate this chapter.
Aish, lately I have been so off with literally everything.
I don't know what to do.


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