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Author's POV

"Let's get married"

"Let's have our wedding in that old building."

(Two Days Later)

"After our wedding tomorrow, let's go on a date somewhere," Taehyung said.

The duo of the victim and kidnapper were walking on their old Seoul roads.

They escaped the island with a help of a fisherman who dropped them at the Busan shore, from there they took the bus to Seoul, coming back on their acknowledged streets and paths.

"Where?" Jin questioned.

"I want to go to the theme park" Taehyung joyously exclaimed.

"We'll go then" Jin assured. They held hands, walking together.

"I'm still spending this time telling lies............but this is the only way I could think of," Jin thought to himself.

"Why?" Taehyung questioned.

He laced his hands with the warm one. Glancing at the taller male.

"I'm ending it. Everything" Jin announced. 

Taehyung turned to look at the familiar house, his abandoned home.

"They look happy" Chaeyoung mumbled. She traced the smile of the victim with her fingertips.

"Why are we trying to find this boy?" The boy cannot be kidnapped. He wasn't kidnapped, it was oblivious to her and her partner who was by the open balcony.

"We are required to look for any minor under twenty if the parents request it" Hoseok informed.

"What if it happened to be a crime where everyone is happy? What if it is done for happiness?" Chaeyoung glanced at the back of the man hoping to find the answer but Hoseok didn't reply, he didn't turn to look at her.

"What do you think is right to do?"
The question Chaeyoung asked was unanswered because even Hoseok himself doesn't know the answer.

Jin stood in front of the door, his hand held by the younger. He was gonna do it there is no turning back now.

With confident fingers, he pressed the doorbell waiting for it to open.

Taehyung hides behind Jin's shoulder, He was nervous but the presence of the older ease him out but not for too long. He heard the footsteps from inside and shortly after the door was open by his mother.

"Yes?" Mrs Kim answered the door but her eyes widened starting at the males.
One with a mask on and one was her very own son. Taehyung shifted back, eyes dropped in fear.

The older moved in front of the lady and gave a bow to her.

"I kidnapped him" Jin informed.

Ms Kim kept her eyes on them, her hands were fidgeting while her eyes pupil dilated, she doesn't know what to say. Should she invite them or throw them out.

"Come in" Her turmoil got clear when Mr Kim called for them.

"Thank you very much for bringing my son home," Mr Kim said to Jin.

The family of three along with kidnapper were sitting in the living room. Taehyung and Jin occupied one couch while Mr Kim sat adjacent to Jin and Mrs Kim sat adjustment to her son. The couple were facing each other with a coffee table in between.

"You're not going to contact the police are you?" Jin asked. Mr Kim smiled and replied.

"We were only worried about our son's safety. Now that he's returned this way, I don't think there's any need to"

"As long as you don't do anything. And as long as you act as nothing has happened. I won't report it" Mr Kim suggested the treaty.

"We and you can all return to our old lives" Taehyung stare up at his father. What was he even expecting, he knew all this was gonna end soon.

"Please accept my offer," Mr Kim said and patted Jin's knee.

"Let me ask you a question" Jin calmly asked, rotating his eyes at the father.

"Go ahead" Mr Kim encouraged.

"Why," Jin said. He looked at both 'so-called' parents before his eyes fell on the child, who was visibly pained from all this.
"Was this child abused?"

Mr Kim smiled and shake his head in negative. " He was never abused." He assured.

"In that case, what did you mean by.....' don't do anything and act as nothing has happened?" Jin question poking at the father's word.

"If you weren't trying to hide anything, you wouldn't say something like that" The kidnapper pointed out.

"I don't understand a word you're saying" Mrs Kim scoffed but her face fell when her husband gave a stern look.

"I will tell everything to the police. I know, of course, that I will be caught. But I will repay my sins and then come back to get him" Jin said.
"Until then...."

Taehyung looked his hyung, his saviour, his happiness.

"I don't want to leave him here with you" Jin looked at the couple.

"Please admit your abuse, and let him get emancipation." Jin requested, asking the parents to put light on their actions.

"Everything is in your imagination. There was no abuse" Mrs Kim told annoyed by the "true" yet false accusation.

"Then how do you explain his wounds?" Jin questioned. "Didn't you do this?"

"There is no way I would do that" Mrs Kim straightforwardly denied.

"Who do you think people will believe, your testimony or our testimony" The anger in the mother's voice was apparent.

"You, as a kidnapper, or our words as victims?" Taehyung shivered from the indignant tone.

"It's different if you include Bear's testimony. Plus......" Jin said after a minute of silence. He pulled the zip down of his parka and pulled out three square papers.

"These are the pictures I took of him before I kidnapped him" Jin placed the three photos on the table. Each of them was of the colourful bruises on the boy's skin.

"With his testimony and these pictures you can lose the victim's place," Jin said.

Mrs Kim looked at her son. She placed her hand on Taehyung's knee.
"Hey, there was no abuse was there?" She softly questioned.

The child has his eyes fixed on the hand, the tears surged in his eyes. He was mutably shaking but still lifted his eyeballs to stare at his mother.

"Was there?" Mrs Kim questioned again.

Taehyung's lip quivered. He wanted to say something, anything but his voice was hiding somewhere refusing to come out.

"Let's call the police" Mr Kim said.
"It seems he doesn't want to accept our kindness"

"I'm definitely going to report the damage you've done. And....." Mr Kim held the photo in between his fingers.

"We can use these photos to prove the opposite. With these photos, we can file a complaint about you stalking my son" The father said throwing the picture back.

"Then after your imprisonment, I will make sure to take actions so that you can never come close to him again. We'll change our address too. There is no way you will see him again" The oldest man declared with supreme authority.

"Wait......." Everyone's ears perked up when Taehyung's mouth moved.

"Please...." Taehyung whispered. Tears were falling from the red blood eyes. His lips trembled when forming words.

"It's just as mother says, there was...." Taehyung clasped his hand on his fluttering knees.
"No abuse."

Taehyung almost broke down. Almost.

"So, please don't report him" The teenager pleaded to his parents.

"Hoseok" Chaeyoung said as soon as she walked inside the cabin.

"What" The male questioned lifting his eyes from the paperwork.

"Suspect's old phone is finally showing some location" Chaeyoung informed.

"Where Is it traced at present?" Hoseok question and stood up from his seat.



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