Author's Note

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Hi guys! So, I know this is a  bore but let's try to get through these boring beginning things as quickly as possible:

- all rights are reserved to me - please no copying.

- please no rude or inappropriate comments. I'm not trying to discourage you from commenting - I love your comments! - but no hurtful abusive ones, please.

-If you don't like my book, you can tell me and I won't be offended if you stop reading it. Honestly, I won't. If you don't like this story just say so and give me a hint as to why, because I'm always looking for ways to improve.

The main character in this story is meant to do stupid things. We all do stupid things so please don't get too annoyed :) If she didn't do stupid things, the main plot of this story wouldn't exist.

Also, as an extra fyi, I'm English so I spell things differently to the American spelling (e.g. 'mum' instead of 'mom.') Just to let you know!

Don't forget to comment and vote! I will try to reply to as many as possible!

Happy reading my lovelies!! And, okay. Get comfy for I am about to begin....

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