1. Holden

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1. Holden

       I never understood why kids were always so tired during the day, and hyper when they had to get ready to go to bed. They always seemed to be the complete opposite of what their parents, or in my case their babysitter, wanted.

       I've babysat these three children enough to know that they would eventually tire themselves out as they ran in circles around the living room.

       Seven-year-old Mercy suddenly flopped down onto the couch, right beside me. "Holden," she said. "Can we have some chocolate?"

       "Uh, no," I said. "I told you three to go brush your teeth ten minutes ago but you didn't listen. You're supposed to be getting ready for bed but instead, you three chose to keep running around the living room."

       "Daddy lets us have chocolate before we go to bed," Mercy's twin brother, Lucian, said.

       "Nice try," I said. "I may not be the smartest person, but you're not able to trick me. He does not let you eat chocolate before you go to bed, especially when you're supposed to be brushing your teeth."

       "He does," five-year-old Castiel said. "It helps us fall asleep faster."

       I didn't even know why they bothered at times. With kids this hyper, there was no way their dad would give them chocolate right before they go to bed.

       Thankfully, Shaw chose that exact moment to walk through the front door. "Uh, why are they still up?" he asked. "Holden, I've told you I wanted them in bed by ten o'clock."

       "I told them to brush their teeth, but they were too busy running around the living room," I said. "Oh, and they said you give them chocolate before they go to bed because it helps them fall asleep faster."

       "I do not," Shaw said. "Alright, you three. Go brush your teeth now."

       "Aww, but we want to stay up," Lucian said. "We like having Holden around."

       "Yeah," Mercy agreed. "Is he your boyfriend yet?"

       "No, Holden isn't my boyfriend," Shaw said.

       "Aww, but we like him," Mercy said. "Mommy does too. She says he's a lot better than your last boyfriend, and we agree."

       "Yeah!" Castiel said. "He was a meanie face!"

       Shaw sighed. "Like I said, Holden isn't my boyfriend. Now head upstairs to go brush your teeth. I'll be there in a moment."

       "Fine," Mercy said before giving me a hug. "Bye, Holden. Thanks for watching us again."

       "Well, I like babysitting you three," I said. "Even if you are a handful at times."

       "All kids are," Lucian said as he gave me a hug as well, followed by Castiel. "Bye, Holden."

       The three of them then ran upstairs to get ready for bed. Shaw told me he would walk me out, so I got up from the couch and put on my shoes and jacket before the two of us walked outside. He closed the door behind him and I turned to face him. "I just don't get why we can't tell them," I said. "They keep asking if I'm your boyfriend yet."

       "I know," Shaw said. "They're constantly asking me even when you're not around."

       "So why can't we tell them?" I asked. 

       "Because kids aren't the best at keeping secrets," Shaw said. "One minute they know, and the next the whole village knows."

       "Well, yeah, but it's not that bad of a secret," I said. "It's just a relationship. One that I didn't even know why we're hiding."

       "You know why we can't tell anyone, Holden," Shaw said. "Not yet anyway. I really like you. You know I do, and that's why this has to stay between just the two of us right now. I haven't even told Kendra, and she's my best friend."

       "I actually don't know why we can't tell anyone," I said. "Or at least I don't understand why."

       "Well, for starters, there's the fact that you're not even out yet," Shaw pointed out.

       "Okay, but I can come out," I said. "I know I'm going to have to eventually."

       "And there's the fact that we're seven years apart," Shaw said.

       "So?" I asked. "If you were so worried about it, then you wouldn't have asked me out in the first place."

       "And then there's the last one. What was it again? Oh, right. Your parents will probably kill me."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "My parents won't kill you."

       "It might feel that way," Shaw said. "Sometimes, it feels like your parents are the only thing I have that keeps me strong. They took me under their wing when my mom passed away. They helped me with my alcoholism. They helped me get a job in the first place because nobody wanted to hire someone like me. They helped me get the money I needed to support my children."

       "Yeah, because they love you," I said.

       "They may love me, but that doesn't mean they'll be happy about the fact that I'm dating one of their sons," Shaw said. "Especially with what happened with my last ex."

       "What happened to him wasn't your fault," I said. "What he did was one-hundred percent his fault. It had nothing to do with you."

       "Yet your parents blamed me a bit," he said. "They told me I shouldn't have gone out with him. They'll only think the same thing will happen to you."

       "You really think they'll be mad about it?" I asked. "About us?"

       "Yeah," Shaw said. "If your parents find out about us, I can lose everything I have."

       "Okay," I said. "If you don't want us to say anything, we won't say anything. I just don't know how long we'll have to keep it a secret for."

       "However long it takes," Shaw said. "Not forever, I promise that. Just... for now. I'm really sorry, Holden."

       "Don't be," I said. "At least this means I don't have to come out just yet. I should probably head home now, and you should head back inside before your kids get into a toothpaste war. Again."

       Shaw chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised if they're doing that now." Since nobody was around, he gave me a quick kiss, and then a smile. "I'll see you later."

       I smiled back. "See you."


Aww, my babies. <3

So, it's officially November 1st which means two things: One, THE SHORT STORY IS BEING POSTED (obviously since you're reading this). And two, my Christmas mood has officially arrived. It actually arrived way too early. After I finished watching a Halloween movie, my Christmas playlist was turned on. 

Regarding the quotes last chapter, everyone guessed Shaw's quote was for him (and Holden). And I'm just saying that there's one quote nobody was able to guess correctly. cx 

I'm going to post a gif, but before I do that, I have something to say: Calvin may think it's not Spruceworth without some drama going around, but I say it's not Spruceworth with a few deaths.

I mean whaaaaat? Is it gif time already? 

I MISS THESE TWO SO MUCH. THEY'RE THE REASON I STARTED HOLLYOAKS AND NOW THEY BROKE UP. But I have high hopes because one of the show's bosses says he loves them together, and think the split will be good for them to eventually rekindle their flame and see how well they work with other people. (i'll die though because im certain ste will be getting another love interest)(he better end up with harry again)


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