Chapter 18 Bourbon, Amber, and Cream

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This chapter contains explicit smut. This might get me demonetized, even though I don't earn money here lol.

This smut warning is sponsored by Rubber Duckies filled with Holy Water. Buy now and receive a free mini Bible with highlighted paragraphs. Use the discount code IPKSSRTTUSBHSBTS for 17% off your first purchase.

It is the scent of sea salt and amber that brings me from my deep slumber. My eyes flutter open and barely register that my arms are still wrapped around Yoongi's lower waist. My head lays on his stomach. My ear folded over and growing hot from the awkward position. My cheek is flushed and warms his skin like a heating pad.

Yoongi's hand rests on my exposed back. The pads of his fingers press occasionally into my shoulder blade and make small circles. He breathes quietly and keeps a steady pace. He is either half-awake or already asleep, I can't tell. His scent is faint but maintains its syrupy texture of bourbon and melty vanilla.

I stare blankly at the roaring fire beside the nest. It pops softly as the fire eats away at the dry wood. The glowing embers leap from the contained flame-like hopping frogs. Other embers die in the air and flutter down like fallen feathers of a dove.

Then the scent from before strengthens.

I strain my neck as I lift my head from Yoongi. I turn towards its source and blink blearily at the boy sitting at the edge of the nest. I squint past the blurry film over my eyes and force myself out of my daze to focus on him.

Jungkook's eyes are darting over us with pained hesitation. He sits at the edge of the nest, careful not to touch the blankets and pillows with any part of him. His black hair is messily tied back from his face with a few strands hanging in front of his eyes. He looks afraid and guilty.

I blink a few more times while dragging my arm out from under Yoongi. I rub my eyes and finally clear my vision. "Koo?" I ask sleepily.

Jungkook's body tenses. Then he starts to scoot back, "Hey."

"What are you doing?"

Why is he moving away?

He sneaks a look at us and continues to move backward. "I just wanted to check on you. You guys left the room so I... left too. I don't want to interrupt, I'm sorry--"

"Jungkook." Yoongi's voice is gravelly and deep when he speaks. He inhales deeply as he struggles to sit up. "Hey pup, you're awake?"

Jungkook bites his lower lip, still trying to shy away from us. "I'm sorry for interrupting," he repeats.

"You didn't interrupt anything," I reassure him and close my eyes again. I rest my head back down on Yoongi's stomach, exhausted from trying to get up.

"I understand. You don't need to apologize. But why are you moving away from us?"

I open my eyes once more. I peek over my shoulder and watch Jungkook shrink back from our attention.

"You smell good, really good. I only came out to smell, I promise. I didn't know you had a nest..."

"You think I'm not going to let you in the nest?" Yoongi questions.

He shrugs. "It's your nest. Yours and Charlotte's." He pauses for a moment before adding, "And we're supposed to take turns."

"That was in the beginning," Yoongi explains. "We didn't want to overwhelm our Luna. And maybe Seokjin hyung wanted her for himself yesterday. It's a preference, Jungkookie. You know you can always ask to join. It's not like we haven't--"

"I know, I know, but... but I didn't want to sound..."

I tilt my head slightly in confusion. "You know you can always come to me."

Jungkook grimaces. "You've been going through a lot. I didn't want to make it worse. I didn't want to burden you."

"You could never burden me," I say in disbelief. Then my stomach drops with panic. Was he afraid to come to me? He has been so close to a heat, like the others, was I hurting him? How much did I miss when I was trying to become something I wasn't? How many pack members did I hurt?

Mentally, I review all that had happened today in hopes of noticing something. Lunch was fine, there didn't seem to be any tension. There were some lingering looks and talk of the meeting with the Nightwalkers, but that wasn't new. Jungkook and Hobi took a nap together, I continued to spend time with Jimin and Taehyung, chores were done per usual...

"You have had a rough day, Koo," Yoongi says softly. He glances around the nest with a thoughtful expression. "I think it's time we finished what we started the other night."

He's had a rough day? I thought worriedly to myself. How didn't I notice?

I try to sit up from my laying position when a numb ache causes my legs to turn stiff. I stop short and vividly remember why I was so preoccupied today.

Jimin, Taehyung, and I spent the majority of the day inside the bedroom. I wasn't paying attention, again.

"You had a rough day?" I ask with a concerned look.

Jungkook shrugs. "Hobi hyung helped."

But I should be the one to help.

"We don't expect you to be everywhere at once, sweet girl. Don't get sour on me," Yoongi says with a slight hum in his words. He traces his hand over my cheek with tenderness.

"What's wrong?" I ask Jungkook.

Jungkook avoids meeting my gaze and looks down at the edges of the nest. "The stress got to me. It was too much for me to handle. Then Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung argued. It was about if we were going to Calemari in the first place. Namjoon hyung was upset that everybody kept telling him to change his mind."

My eyes widen. "They fought?"

I don't think those two have ever fought before. Maybe an occasional teasing or minor annoyances, but never about anything serious.

Yoongi nods. "Yes, but it's resolved now."

He knew about this too? Why didn't anybody tell me earlier?

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it wasn't anything for you to worry about. It's okay now. Nobody expects you to be the peacemaker, you know." Yoongi offers me a soft look. "You needed rest. So did Taehyung and Jimin. We didn't need to get you because it was okay in the end."

"When did it happen?'

"Around lunchtime."

No wonder I had no idea. I was still deep in a scent high and being devoured by those two rascals.

"Anyway, would you like to join us?" Yoongi asks Jungkook.

"I don't want to interrupt..." he repeats.

"As I said, you're not interrupting. Besides, let's finish what we started. I think that's only fair. We were definitely interrupted last time."

I remember the night the human kids broke the window. Jungkook and Yoongi were hell-bent on sending me back into a heat. We were so close to one, but our moment was cut short and Yoongi and I went into a heat paralysis.

"Come here," Yoongi invites the young wolf. "It's been too long since we've nested together."

Jungkook relaxes at the sound of the clear invitation. He doesn't spare a moment as he climbs into the barriers of the warm nest. He curls up beside Yoongi, squeezing himself into the space, and nuzzles his head against the man's chest. I gather the strength to sit up and adjust myself to lay over them.

Jungkook gently caresses my head and weaves his fingers through my hair. "It smells so good," he comments distantly.

"Smells even better with you here," I say softly.

"And you..." Jungkook inhales deeply and looks down at me. His pretty brown eyes shift from sleepily soft to hungry yearning. "You smell full."

A smile plays on my lips. I glance at Yoongi with a knowing gaze. "You're good at that. Getting deep enough to trigger that scent."

Yoongi chuckles and leans his head back, exposing his neck to us. He stares up at the ceiling with a lazy smile. "Filling you up is half the fun."

I delicately place my hand on Yoongi's knee, cupping the bone, then slide up the length of his bare leg. I press my hand into the warm skin and curl my fingers around the swell of his thigh. I lean towards him, moving mere inches, and gaze up into his eyes.

Yoongi sucks in a sharp breath as my fingernails leave half-moon marks on his sensitive skin. His naked legs present a blank canvas. An empty space for me to leave my marks and claim him for my own. A primal need to devour his body and lay waste to any semblance of humanity.

"I'm surprised you have enough energy," Yoongi comments, reading my thoughts.

I lift myself from my laying position with silent and burning resolve.

Jungkook watches my movements with heightened attention. The deep scent of amber and sea salt flourishes from his body. He licks his lips as his gaze moves down my naked body. "How are you surprised, hyung?" Jungkook whispers with quiet awe.

"Our Lottie's stamina is something else," Yoongi chuckles as he opens his arms for me. "You better not overwork yourself, darling. We'd have to punish you if you do."

The steady beat of adrenaline is returning as another heat cycle is started. My limbs start to feel lighter. My body shifts from exhausted to buzzing with newfound energy in light of a prospect of a heat.

I want them. I want them inside of me. And I don't want to stop. I need them. They're going to be mine.

"Punish me good," is all I could say as I lock eyes with Jungkook.

"I will," he promises. He sits up from Yoongi's chest and slips off his shirt. His fluffy black hair falls delicately around his flushed face. He runs his hand through it as the shadows of the fireplace dance across his features.

A pulsing heat ignites in the base of my stomach, stretching downwards and into my loins. I reach out and slip my hand around Jungkook's neck, massaging the tender muscle and feeling for the beat of his vein.

I crawl over Yoongi and let myself drag over his bare legs. He moans in response and lets his hands touch up on the backs of my thighs. He gives my ass a slap and leaves a stinging imprint. He grabs one cheek and squeezes with malicious purpose. "Naughty girl," he grumbles.

I force Jungkook to lay down and sprawl myself over him. I work my knee between his legs. I kiss his wet lips with a rush of passion and nip playfully. Our teeth bump together briefly and my tongue flicks across the smooth surface.

Yoongi runs his hand over me until the skin is hot from his rubbing touches. The eagerness in his grip strengthens and turns into desperation, grabbing and pulling at the curve of my waist. His hands fit over my hip bones and dug into the front, applying pressure just below my stomach.

Jungkook fits against my body with fluid movements. Lifting and lowering his warming body as I kiss him senseless. Driving him into a heat with full intentions to wipe away all thoughts of stress and anxiety.

I think this to myself as I find the hem of his shirt. I lift it over his muscular body, all thanks to the apocalypse that brought us together. I throw it aside and lock my lips against his, refusing to break free to breathe. He gasps against my mouth, breathing into me, and swallowing hard as my hands yank at his waistband.

Yoongi lifts to his knees and pressed into my backside with his hips. I feel him against me, hardening and growing hot with impatience. I glance back occasionally as he positions and aligns himself with me.

Jungkook moans as I slip my hands into his briefs. I feel around until my hands wrap around him. He's so stiff. He goes hard so quickly. The perks of being a wolf in the thrall of a heat. He's ready at the drop of a hat.

Yoongi's fingers find their way into me and spread me open like a flower. I gasp out loud as his touch deepens and moves through me. I break away from Jungkook's lips as my breath hitches. He's twisting his dirty, now slick fingers inside of me as if he were spelling his name. Signing my body as his own.

I clench as he spreads his fingers apart again, forcing myself to open for him. An ache blossoms from the tender muscle, resulting from our earlier activities.

"Fighting me, already?" he murmurs.

"Never," I grit out as he further explores my body. His arm presses against my butt and shifts as he positions himself to reach even deeper. His hand is like a hook underneath me.

Jungkook reclaims my attention while he drags his tongue down my neck. He arches his neck as he nibbles my ear. "Focus," he demands, whispering in a low voice. "Don't get distracted, baby."

I inhale sharply as Yoongi works magic with his slippery hand. I lift my head to the ceiling and fight the sultry noises rising in my throat. Jungkook lays a kiss on my voice box as it strains and mouths at my neck.

"Don't ignore me," Jungkook grumbles, teasing his teeth against my skin.

I drop my head down and struggle against Yoongi's hand as he slides out. I'm leaking with hot, slick like a running faucet. It drips down my bare legs like honey. Its scent is strong enough for me to catch a whiff of its peach and heavy cream. The soft touches of milk in its scent are strong.

"Succulent, juicy peach." Yoongi groans as he removes his fingers from inside of me.

I sigh with pleasure as he exits.

"Don't ignore me," Jungkook repeats, more firm in his command.

I lock eyes with him as the heat swells to a fever pitch. With mouth open, panting as the slick runs down my thighs. "I'm not ignoring you. Tell me what you want, spell it out, force me, use me. Take me how you want and I'll submit to you, Koo. Stop being so afraid of yourself and take me."

Jungkook's honey-brown eyes narrow. "I'm not afraid."

"No more hesitating," I tell him, glancing back at Yoongi.

He's licking his shiny fingers from his knuckles up to his fingernails. The slow drag of his tongue catches my eye for a moment. He knows exactly how to use that dirty tongue of his. It's a twisting, slippery thing that never fails to make us reach our libido. It's a dangerous thing, and it turns us wolves into his pliable toys within moments.

I look back at Jungkook with a challenging look, still working to catch my breath. "He knows what he wants. Do you?"

Jungkook nods. He sits up and pushes back down on my shoulders. He pins me down against the blankets and forces me to stay still. I lift my knees up so they are blocking him from view. I feel the bump of his fluffy head against my legs before he forces his head through.

With his head between my thighs, I smile warmly at him and trace my hand along his jaw. He locks eyes with me and drinks in the image of my body, all laid out for him on a blanketed platter.

Then he leans back slightly and slides his pants down. He moves forward, forcing his shoulders between my legs until he's practically laying on top of me. I feel the weight of him on my ribs. He kisses me deeply while he sways his hips, readying for penetration.

"All slicked up and ready for me," Jungkook says into my lips. "All ready for me."

I glance upwards and see Yoongi laying back on a wall of pillows. He sits with his legs wide to give himself room. He's so hard that he's struggling.

Oh, he's so big.

Yoongi continues to clean off his fingers and watch us attentively. His expression is full of contentment. He drags his tongue against his fingers again and gives me a dirty smile. "You two put on a good show. Good pacing. I can't wait to watch."

"Oh I'll do her so well that you'll be coming," Jungkook claims with an air of arrogance, making direct eye contact with his older hyung. "Watch me, hyung."

Yoongi's grin widens. "Oh, I will."

Jungkook refocuses on me with a competitive gleam in his eyes. The quiet wolf's passion comes into short bursts. It comes in the form of finishing chores the quickest. It comes when he's hunting for the pack. And it comes when his body is burning to the brim with a heat.

He'll make me work for it. His stamina is something that rivals my own. Not even the adrenaline of a post-heat with Yoongi can make me keep up with the passion in his gaze.

I know this. But damn I'm going to try.

Because I won't let myself disappoint him. Or Yoongi.

I'm their Luna, and they're my wolves.

We are for each other to love and I'm determined to make sure every second satiates their every need.

I'm such a good girl for them.

Jungkook separates the flimsy, slick flaps with his fingers and fights to keep them open. I suck in a sharp breath as he touches the area but I force my legs to keep still. The sticky mess pouring from my body makes it difficult but he manages. With that, he inserts inside me.

I close my eyes and clench my teeth as he moves deeper and deeper. His body creeps up to mine as he explores inside of me. He follows the trail Yoongi took with the whole of him and fights to go further than him. Determined to win against his hyung, and leave me breathless.

A moan escapes my throat as I feel him rub against the walls. I grit my teeth, turning my head to one side, and fight back tears. There's a pain in this pleasure.

"Oh such a pretty noise... so delicate..." Jungkook croons.

A fluttery sensation appears in my chest. I swear I can feel him in my stomach.

"Louder," Yoongi says from afar.

With a sharp, driving motion, Jungkook thrusts his hips and I cry out.

"So good, so good," Jungkook encourages as he rocks against me.

I raise my hips up while digging my heels into the blanketed floor. I gasp and groan, writhing against him, before slamming my fists into the ground. I pant as my face darkens a shade of red. Small tears fall from my eyes as the pain spreads through my abdomen.

Jungkook's body weighs heavy on mine. He reaches up and brushes my hair from my face. He catches a tear on his finger and sucks it into his mouth. "You are taking it so well... such a pretty wolf..."

"My--, mine--" I struggle to get the words out but he understands. I've said them a thousand times by now.

His scent is drowning me. Its amber and woodsy scent deepen as he climaxes. The faint taste of sea salt is turning into a sharp bite to balance the sweetness of the other scents. It overloads my senses as I breathe in him.

I feel my heart racing faster and faster. My body is trembling as he holds his position.

He feels so good.

Then I smell the syrupy bourbon and vanilla Yoongi. It's so strong. It's so good, they all smell and taste so so good. My mates, my packmates. My everything. In our nest by the fireplace. Intertwined with each other. Rearranging our organs to fit each other like keys to a lock.

Jungkook praises me as he slides out. He sits up when he exits and I feel my heat climax with satisfaction. My body is radiating with happiness and sensual pleasure, swearing there is no more moment that could top this.

Blind with the building of the heat, I ask for more and more. More than I could ever handle. More than I could ever take but I ask for it anyway. Begging for them to do it together. Somehow. Somehow to enter me together.

I lose myself in the thrall of it all. All reasonable thoughts are stolen away with thoughts of ecstasy and climaxing.

My boys never disappoint, and they don't plan on doing so tonight.

I don't care what I'll feel like tomorrow. I don't care if I have to take painkillers to ease the aching or force down a suppressant pill from our reserves to keep myself from drowning in a heat during the meeting.

I don't care what the sunrise brings.

All I care about are the two handsome wolves at my knees and their teeth flashing in the firelight.

We wrestle with each other with reckless abandon. Pinning each other down, teaming up to fuck the other senseless, and kissing each other until we couldn't breathe. Three bodies moving with unspoken telepathy as if we were molded by the same hands.

Made for each other.

Bourbon, amber, and cream.

I sit on a fluffy towel on the kitchen floor. The quiet splashing of water in the bowl is the only sound that interrupts the silence of the cabin. A dim light illuminates the room and gives everything soft and rounded edges with their shadows.

Jungkook sits in front of me with a sponge in hand. He smiles shyly at me with such innocence that it could rival a cherub. His pretty hair is messy from our frantic hands turning it into a fluffy puffball halo. His cheeks are tinted light pink with darkening purple marks at the base of his neck.

He wears a soft pajama shirt, fresh from the laundry basket, and plaid pajama pants. The gentle fabric is scented gently with homemade soap. His scent maintains its heat-induced thickness but it has begun to fade with time.

He cleans up well.

My baby.

Yoongi returns with the bowl in hand. He kneels down beside me and sets it down. He looks over my body with gentleness. He gives me a soft look as he motions for me to spread my legs.

I obey him and use my arms to prop myself up. The stickiness on my legs began to bother me. I felt guilty about it, but they didn't give me time to process those feelings.

Jungkook wets the sponge in the water and squeezes it between his fingers to make sure it's damp. "Okay, here we go," he says before pressing the sponge against my thigh.

The water is thankfully warm to the touch.

I welcome the touch of the sponge against the sensitive skin. I close my eyes and breathe in my packmates' scents to return to a state of peace and bliss.

The two wolves use their sponges to wipe away the uncomfortable sensation on my legs. They work with gentle touches and quiet warnings as they move higher.

"Does this hurt?" Yoongi asks. He moves the sponge against my opening with a feather-weight pressure.

I wince slightly as the surface of the sponge scratches against the tender muscle. My legs jolt and almost squeeze together, crushing his arms between them.

He withdraws his hand immediately. "Sorry."

"It's alright. It... it just surprised me." I give them a small smile to ease their worries. "Thank you for doing this.."

"Of course," Jungkook replies while placing the sponge back into the bowl. He squeezes the majority of the water out before rubbing at my calves.

Yoongi nods at me. "Would you like me to try again? Or leave it?"

I shake my head. "Go ahead. It'll be okay."

Then he presses the sponge against the skin and I fight the urge to whimper. I close my eyes and take silent, deep breaths. Yoongi wipes away the slick with careful hands. He knows how to spot the most sensitive areas.

Post-heat aftercare tends to be painful. It's a result of engaging in such frequent and rough sex for long periods of time. There are other side effects of an intense post-heat such as sleepiness, increased hunger, mood swings, and pain. Sometimes I feel nauseous from a combination of hunger and my body's reaction to heats. Despite my brief adrenaline rush and restless energy in post-heat, it is replaced soon by tiredness and anxiety.

Yoongi washes away the rest of the slick and lays a small kiss on my cheek. He sits back and rinses the sponge again. "There you go," he says with finality. "All clean."

"Thank you," I say meaningfully. "You don't know how much this helps."

"Anytime, sweet mate," Yoongi replies.

My heart lifts at the sound of 'mate' and I melt all over again.

Jungkook slips his arms underneath me and carries me in his arms. I sink into him and rest my head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. My eyes droop with growing exhaustion as he walks me back into the living room.

They already changed the base blankets of the nest and put them in the laundry basket. A bed of clean blankets awaits my weakening body.

I sigh with relief as he sets me down. I readjust my legs and separate from each other, careful not to irritate the raw areas. "It's so soft here."

Jungkook lays down beside me and curls his body behind me, spooning me into him. He carefully wraps his arms around me and holds me close. His touch against my bare body is comforting instead of sensual. We fit together like puzzle pieces as we did before.

The connection I feel towards him has strengthened through our shared heat. It feels almost tangible as I cuddle beside him.

Yoongi finds us in the nest and settles down in front of me. He wears a loose-fitting t-shirt with a pair of black sweatpants to serve as his pajamas. His dark hair is also messy from making love to us. His eyes are already growing sleepy but a soft smile remains on his kissable lips.

He scoots closer while running his hand through my hair with lazy motions. He gazes at me with a soft look. I watch him silently, wondering what he's thinking about.

"Thank you for staying," he says, breaking the silence.

I raise my brow and give him a curious look. "For staying?"

He nods. "In the beginning. When we decided to try finding our own place."

It was when I was unsure of joining Namjoon's newfound pack. I didn't know if I could trust him or Hoseok. I had only met Jin briefly and visited him while he was getting medical treatment. Namjoon suggested going on our own and we started to explore the territory on our own, waiting for Jin to heal before we moved on completely.

To pave our own way. To start a new phase of our lives in a terrifying world.

"I'm glad I stayed too," I answer wholeheartedly.

He kisses me lightly before resting his head back down on a pillow. "Try to sleep for a while, Lottie."

"Good night..." I say. I snuggle into the blankets and feel the boys lean closer to me, squishing against me. Yoongi pulls a stray blanket over our huddled bodies and tries to tuck us into it with his overreaching arm. Once we are all settled, he relaxes into the blankets and breathes a quiet sigh of contentment.

I close my eyes and allow the warm light of the fire to fade into the darkness behind my eyelids. Then I drift off into one of the most peaceful sleep I've had in weeks.

Completely safe in my boys' arms.

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