Ch-14. Cahira

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I am editing. Many things are getting changed. So I would ask you to have a little patience? Do not forget to read the last A/n. I know you will skip it, but it will not hurt to read ya know....

The Brightest Star


The cool winds played with her blonde hair. The setting sun made the green grass to sparkle and the river waters to glisten. Autumn leaves started to fall on her, from the wood apple tree she was sitting beneath. The earth was becoming cold, and the rains have already begun.

The forest green dress she wore, highlighted her emerald eyes. She smiled at the peaceful sight of her kingdom and closed her eyes to savour that moment. After all, it was not always her protectors left her alone.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the little boy who came running towards her. Behind him, Kale came walking casually. The serenity was visible on his features. The sun might have shattered into a million pieces, but he might still have that unusual peace within him. That was one of the million things she loved about him.

The little boy was the first to reach her, his black hair much like his uncle, who was walking behind him, was flowing back. His face was red from running, and he looked fresh.

"Ma, see. I learn how make a fish hook," Neron said, his eyes dancing. She was his mother figure.

"Well, that is a strong hook," she said. When Kale came, she glared at him. He was supposed to teach him how to spar and not how to fish.

"Cahira. Leave it be, love. He is only five. Let him grow and enjoy his childhood and then we will teach him how to fight," he said, understanding why she gave him the glare. He always understood her.

"He may be only five, but with the coming war he needs to survive," she said. Kale smiled at her. He sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Neron, do not go too far. Stay within my sight," she called out to him as he ran across the meadow, chasing an autumn butterfly.

"Yes mama," he shouted back.

"You worry about him unnecessarily, Cahira," he said looking at the orange sun.

"I can see that you are taking care of him so well, that I need to keep an eye on you and not him," she retorted.

The swallows resting on the tree started humming a beautiful song, a song that lifted her spirits. Soon the other birds wide and far answered that call. The evening sky was vibrating with those birds' melody. The clouds above were darkening, announcing that they are ready for another shower and the mellifluous evening blended into a disturbed twilight.

"It is going to rain soon. Better get back to your house before you are drenched," Kale said enjoying the gentle breeze that was teasing his hair. Of course, he loved the rains. He was the high noble of Icathus. Rain and farming were the next important thing after the war there.

"What about Neron and you?"

"We will be fine, Cahira. Can you not see how much he loves the winter? He will be all right."

"He is still a kid. He should have a home where his mother will hug him and a hearth where he will be warm and a place where his grandparents will make him sit on their laps and tell him all sorts of bizarre stories, Kale," she said turning her face.

She would provide Neron with all these if only Kale were a little less stubborn. Her eyes searched for Neron. She saw him sitting beside a rock, his face laid on the rock, and he was sleeping.

"I do not want to cause you any problem," he said.

"Problem? When were you both a problem to me? I want to take care of the kid who calls me mother. Is that wrong?" she questioned, her voice taking a sharp turn.

"No, it is not. But look, Cahira. If you take us both to your castle, your parents and you will have a rift. Although there is nothing wrong with the heir having a lover, you already have a lot of things that you need to take care of. And I will not stand in your way," he whispered. "Though I may be the next in line to the throne of Icathus, it is rightfully Neron's. Understand love. I know that you have sacrificed a lot to be with us, to spend time with us. I do not want to put any more burden on you." A sad smile formed on his full lips.

She knew what he was feeling. Hell, even she would feel the same if she was in his position. She let it pass. After all, she knew what it is to be an heir. However, that did not mean that he should not accept any help from her. The help she said was asking Kale to stay with her friend. Being the stubborn mule he was, he never considered that option.

"If your sister was still alive, would you have met my parents, Kale?" she asked, scrunching her eyebrows. It was required by the man to take consent of the woman's parents for a hand in marriage. She failed. And she was the one who abided by laws. That was a great deal for her.

"If Eluria were alive, I would have never met you, save alone for meeting your parents. Not that I am saying that it was fortunate that my sister died, but she forged her own path. A path where no one could help her. In that road, she forsook her own son. That is in the past," he said, closing his eyes. Each word that he uttered, was coated with pain. The pain brought by the mere mention of his sister.

"Would we have a normal life, ever? After the war. After everything," she asked, though she knew the answer to that question. The information brought by Commander Fadeyka had been confirmed by Commander Reeya.

"What is life if it is normal, Cahira? Ordinary lives are the passing summer clouds it is so predictable," he told her, an octave below his voice. Of course, he would take the example of rain and clouds. "But the life where your destiny makes your path hard, those are like the winter clouds. You can never say when it will rain nor say when it will pass. And overcoming those routes makes us stronger and makes our tale worth telling. It makes us the brightest star in the sky, the star to which all will turn to look. If you are worried about the hardships of life, you can never be that star."

"What made you so philosophical today? Are you alright? Do you need any help?" she questioned. It was not that she hated when he spoke for a long time, in fact, she loved when he was talking, his voice especially. For someone who rarely uttered words, seeing him speak his mind out was different to her. He was the one who would speak by actions rather than words. Something seemed to be off.

"When I don't speak, you ask me to talk. When I talk, you ask whether I am alright? The question is, are you okay?" he said. She knew he was dodging something. She did not need to see his eyes or read his facial expressions to know what he was feeling. She just knew.

"I am alright," she snapped like a child denied candy.

"Well, if that was your way of telling me to shut my mouth, then just, 'shut up' would do, you know."

She just rose an eyebrow at him. She crossed her arms and was determined to stare at him until he would give her an answer.

"My father's birthday is arriving, and I just realise how much I miss him. I had never followed him words or advice he gave me. I kind of regret it now," he sighed.

"Well what did he say?" she asked. Kale never spoke about his family to her. Not that he did not want her to know, but he thought he did not need to burden her with his problems. Or so he said.

"He told me to cherish. Every minute I live, I must have a smile on my face," the prince of Icathus said. "To express what you feel at least to one person in your life. To one person who you would not lose your freedom too." A fond smile made its home in his lips.

"Your father is wise."

"Yes, he is."

Something in his voice made her think what she was about to say.

"You miss your home," she stated.

She waited for a beat. "Yes." Was the answer she got.

"Then why not go?" she asked, pushing the lock of brown hair from his forehead.

"Are you taking advantage that I am opening up to you?" he said. The smile still playing at the corner of his lips.

"Why wouldn't you go back home?" she insisted.

"So keen to chase me away?"

"Stop dodging the question, Kale, " she said with a hard tone. "It's so rare for you to open up to me. So, yes! I am going to exploit this situation."

"I cannot. I tried to go back. But I cannot. I could not go. It was as if, when I avenged my sister's death, I lost a part of myself there." He paused to take a deep breath. "Especially when my hands were drenched in the blood of those people, I lost it. I... I have killed in my life. Oh yes, I have. But not innocent people. At that day I killed murdered more than fifty innocents. I thought that was avenging Eluria's death but no, they did not kill her. They did not even harm her. She had gone to them willingly and betrayed them. She had brought that on herself.

"How can I say what my sister has done to my father, who loved her more? He would be heartbroken. And how can I be the ruler when I thoughtlessly killed so many innocents without questioning them. How can I call Icathus, the land of peace my home? And what of Neron? His father was the leader of rebels. He was not an aristocrat. Do you think my father will accept Neron to enter his kingdom? If I go who will be there to take of him? Do not say you can do it," he said, his eyes were shut tightly as if he wanted to stop the pain.

She knew saying the word sorry was not going to bring his dead sister back from dead nor rectify her mistakes. She did what a wife, a lover or a close friend would do to their loved one when he or she was in pain. She placed her hand on his clenched fist. She held his hand and leant on him, placing her head on his shoulder.

No words were needed between them. She knew he needed to know that she was there for him always, whether he liked it or not. About fifteen minutes later, his ragged, angry breath became regular and steady.

"Go home, warrior. You are needed there. As for your son and me, we will go to Afreen's place. Are you happy now? We are going to your friend's place and taking the help you are giving," he huffed. Although he was calm, compassionate and steadfast, she knew he hated taking other's help.

A grin threatened to find its way on her lips. "I am glad," she smiled. He had done this to make her happy, she knew that.

The annoyed expression on his face made him look cute. Who would call an accomplished warrior cute? She was smug. Only her, he had allowed himself to be what he was only when he was with her. No one else saw his other face.

She pulled him for a kiss, her fingers involuntarily threaded with his hair and his hands claimed her waist. Her legs were over him, and she sat on his thighs. With the rain-scented wind blowing over them, the kiss could not be any more perfect. Each second kissing him was like living a millennium with him. Her heart threatened to leap out of her system. She could not love him any more than she did now.

The kiss was a gentle and a happy one. It made her melt into his arms. If she were a snowflake, without a doubt, she would have melted. She made sure he received what she was trying to commune. Roasted fish was the taste she could feel against her lips. She was sure that fish was her favourite dish from now on.

He released her, and a smile was playing on his face. At that moment, if she looked for the meaning of content in a thesaurus she would find his name against that word.

"Well, now you should go," grinned Kale. All the tension of his deceased sister, which was present in the air, disappeared.

"Why? Thank you for releasing me, Your Highness," she teased and got up.

He still laid there even after she got up. This was not odd. It happened every time. He would go only after he made sure she reached her house safely. This meadow was after all her castle's secret backyard. Shaking her head, she went beside Neron and kissed his forehead. He mumbled something in his sleep. So soft that even she missed what he said with her hunter's ears.

Kale's eyes were still on her. Instead of the brooding look, men gave her, his eyes held warmth in them, a promise that said she could trust him forever. She knew if she stared at those brown eyes, she would get lost, hopelessly.

With blood rushing to her cheeks for no reason, she turned and literally ran to her house. As always, the feeling of boredom was dancing in the air. The guards bowed to her as she entered the castle. No one knew of that entrance to that castle from the back. But they knew their princess.

The passages were neat and tidy. Not a speck of dust was visible anywhere. It was as if the dirt and the mud were denied entrance in this place. Looking Cahira's clothes none would say that she was a noble birth. Even her behaviour ensured that she never got the name of an aristocrat. Perhaps that is why she and Kale were so better together.

Weaving through the complex way in her palace, she made it within the given hour. She had the freedom to roam in any part of the kingdom, as long as she returned by the said time by her parents.

Taking a deep breath, she entered her parent's chamber. They had told her to come when dusk turned into twilight. Her parents, Lord and Lady Yithare, were seated in the loveseat by the window, with the growing breeze touching their face. Estelle and Sefine were standing next to a window whereas the rest three were standing near a table with the map of Yerinah spread on it.

What surprised her was the presence of her grandmother. She never became involved in the family matters. Along with her stood Cahira's two siblings, younger her sister and her brother. How she wished her sister, Avantika was here!

"Lady Cahira Yithare," announced the guard.

Time to be the princess.

To all those interested in Cahira and Kale, well, especially Kale, check out 'The Elegy of Autumn' in the external link below. It is a novella written in his pov :) 

The song above may or may not suit the chapter.

This chapter might be a filler in terms of the plot, but once you reach the end, you will know why I have included this chapter. 

With loads of plot twists,


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