Ch-38. Amara

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I know this chapter might be comparatively short than others. I wanted to have this chapter to give you all a bigger picture. Also, this update puts me back on schedule! Yay! 

But... I have some important work to do during my holidays, and that makes me busier than a school night. Updates may be erratic, but I will try to update one chapter per week. Enjoy :)

The Meeting


Mosati was the only village that did not take part in the meeting. Everyone came, even Ashakiya, which was going to hold a great art festival of the continent to honour the king. And Skelgha, the northernmost town hit by the worst blizzard too came.

If the entire village could not come, at least eight to ten people came. This caused unwanted disputes and many sharp words to be exchanged. The women were somewhat able to get the people listen to them, but as soon as they went out of sight, the men began their quarrel again.

She sighed, only if Chavva was here. She would have convinced everybody not to fight but then again, Chavva would have cancelled the meeting itself.

Seated in the town hall of Troshomn, the Acracian army who were still faithful to General Zhiryn patrolled the city. Despite the guards, the leaders still preferred to work in the dark, lighting the torches only in the four corners off the hall.

The hall had rounds of the staircase on the four sides. Amara was sitting on the second level of stairs and five more levels were above her. Risar and Siferay sat on the first stair. In the centre, there was a dais.

Trystan shifted uncomfortably beside her. He was not even a part of all this. Yet he wanted to come. What was his reason? She had hers.

Gya had gone to meet her cousins in another village who had come here, Naola was sick and she stayed back with Hyveren. Amara smirked. She would be lying if that artist said nothing was going on between her and Hyveren.

"I hope this meeting will commence soon," Siferay said, placing her palm over her belly. "I can no longer wait. Mosati was massacred, yet they still want to continue with the meeting? Are they that reckless with the people's life?"

"I agree," Risar said. "But we must give them a chance to say what they want to. After all, they hold the future of Acracia."

"What do you mean?" Trystan spoke for the first time that night.

Before the merchant could say anything, she intervened. "The meeting was postponed by three days for us to mourn for Mosati. What Risar here is trying to say is they know our lives are in danger here and the leaders will not gamble with our lives. They love our country too much. They have something important to say. That is why they are prolonging."

"You caught what I wanted to say, Amara," Risar said, laughing silently. "The leader holds the power to choose who is going to be the next king!"

"Kingmaker," she joked.

"Right there, lassie," the merchant said.

"I wish your theories are right," Trystan said. "But from what I heard from other's conversation, something big is happening."

"Hear other's conversation?" Amara asked, folding her arms. He was seated quite far away from others and he was with her the entire night. How could he hear?

"They were talking loud," he said, his eyes dancing in the low light.

"Loud?" she asked, unable to keep the disbelief in contained in her voice. "I was next to you the entire evening, Trystan."

He cleared his throat but did not say anything. When thousand people were talking together, how could he hear what two people were conversing?

"Leave the poor boy alone for tonight, Amara," Siferay admonished. "You have been picking on him all three days."

She scowled but thankfully, Siferay could not see her. Trystan sulked beside her.

She turned her face. Chavva would have known what to do.

"Silence!" a voice shouted.

She could still see the source of the voice as he stood beside one of the torches. He was Duren, the head in Anthyse. His crazed grey eyes and silver hair made people listen to him immediately.

The volume in the hall reduced considerably. Siferay sighed and laid her head on her husband's shoulder. Trystan scooted next to her. His body heat hit her skin and she was thankful for that. For a normal person, his temperature was quite high as thigh he had a fever, but the white in his eyes said, he was doing good.

"Why can't we light other torches too?" a man from the crowd shouted. Others joined too.

Where the shepherd went, the flock followed. It was so typical of these meetings that she was tired of them.

The shouting and screaming continued for another five minutes before a woman stepped on the dais. The darkness did the job of her hood of concealing her face. Her walk was perfect and regal, like a person with royal blood. It was the way she carried herself. Was she the rumoured General?

She soon as she stood in the centre, the room fell silent. Before Amara, Siferay held Risar's hand and Trystan held his breath. His actions were highly confusing her. She could not see it clearly, but his jaws were clenched. On her left, Lazdyn was holding his sleeping daughter on his lap.

"Light these torches," the woman on the dais, said in a collected voice. Her voice echoed in the hall.

Internally, Amara smirked. The power women always owned. The way they could silence people. Of course not women all, but most. The women with knowledge and power. And the women with both.

She removed her cloak when two of Acracian soldiers lit the torches. She nodded to Duren as she gave her cloak to the person next to her. Her face was young for her age and her hair was starting to grey.

"People of Acracia!" she began, her voice light. It was not a strong voice that stung the soul; rather it was the tone of silence, the one which reverberated in the mind. "My name is Valencia Zhiryn. The general of Acracia under the rule of Ralaeras. I have been rumoured to be dead, but here I am alive before you, in flesh and blood!"

She saw that people wanted to speak and voice their opinion, but they maintained the quietness. They wanted to see how a woman was out of her grave. Even she wanted to know.

"Fourteen years ago, when the king ambushed Ralaeras," she began. "I somehow escaped, in hopes of saving the prince, but I failed to do that."

Even the slight murmurs were gone. They were enthralled by her story. The king had thought he had killed everybody in that castle that day. If he came to know that General Valencia was alive... Amara shuddered at that thought.

Next to her Trystan's breaths were laboured. Like he wanted to get away but something else held him in place.

She shook her head she must be imagining things. He closed her eyes and his face went back to the impassive face he was wearing the entire evening.

"I am here to say something." General Zhiryn cleared the throat. "I was tending to some other matters, but I realised I was pursuing something that was not worth going after. Fate will return it back. Nature has the way of returning back what belongs to the origin."

The mask Trystan was wearing slipped away. He licked his lips and moved an inch away from her. What was going on?

"Before I say why I chose to reveal myself tonight, I will choose the leader in the north. The one you have been waiting for." She gestured for the man standing in the shadows to come out. "He is Yasahiro, son of Viktor, the late leader. He will heed anything in the north."

His tall form, red hair and round face bore no resemblance to his father. But his eyes was his father's without a doubt. The blue eyes could cut through anybody's soul. The knowledge that shone behind them made her cover before him. They had chosen a strong leader.

"I do look forward to work with you," he said, stressing on the consonants a little.

His voice made many people look away, but she saw him intrigued. He had power in his hands and like many, he could abuse it. But the detest with which he saw, made her think otherwise. General Zhiryn was indeed a clever woman. How many years must she have seen to choose the leaders precisely?

"That being said," General Valencia said. "Our rebellion has joined many people. Not only from Acracia, but also from Icathus, Tantalia and Samariya. It has gone to Yerinah too!"

Amara cheered along with the rest of the audience.

"Right now," she said, her voice growing strong. "Yerinah needs us. I have promised to a respectable person that we will support our friend. If Yerinah were to fail, everything we have stood for so long would be lost. So friends, I know I am in no position to ask you of this, but if you were to stand for your country, would you not stand for her friend? Would you not stand for Yerinah? Why should we separate Acracia from Ruthen? Years ago, we were together as one. Why should we not stand together?"

Amara held her breath. Even she was swayed by that General's words.

"Yes!" some shouted.

"We will fight!" others shouted.

They all agreed. But she could not find it in her heart to agree. She could no doubt be a great help to Acracia's army, but she had made promises to certain people. Not to mention the wrath of Chavva. That healer would be furious if she knew Amara was here.

Before her, Siferay slipped her hand out of Risar's and stood up. Nobody noticed her expect General Valencia. Yasahiro glared at her.

"What do you want?" the general of Acracia asked. Immediately the people fell silent and looked at her like a rare specimen.

"I ask you, a woman to another," Siferay's voice trembled but she controlled it once she realised it. "We send our husbands, fathers, daughters and sons to war. To another country's war. We may see them again; we may not. But they go there to defend and there is no greater honour than to die on the battlefield. I understand, but if something were to happen to us, who will be there to defend us?"

Women nodded their heads. Siferay spoke the truth. Amara found herself grow in pride of that woman.

General Valencia herself took a moment to think for an answer. "I understand where you are coming from, but if we don't fight we will lose everything."

"I am not stopping them from fighting, General," Siferay said. "I am merely asking the reassurance that someone else will protect us."

The people just stared at her.

"What?" she snapped. "You are not carrying the future within you, are you? Carry a life within you; protect it and show me, I will say I am being overdramatic. I need an answer now!"

Amara stifled a laughter. When Chavva had said that pregnant women's moods were unstable, she had laughed it off. Now she knew it, she would be careful around Siferay. How Chavva could understand everybody and answer accordingly, she would never know.

Amara would bow down to that healer.

The audience looked away. Duren was having an amused look on his face while the newly appointed healer in the north was looking bored.

General Valencia smiled. "I have seen so many things. I do understand where you are coming from, lady. But I assure you, there will be soldiers protecting all the possible village. I will not repeat the mistake I made in Mosati. People of Acracia is my top most priority. Not an innocent blood shall be shed."

Siferay waved her hand. "I would rather die on a battlefield than at home. I am skilled in the art of archery. I am not asking that, general. These are the times of war. Whether you like it or not, innocents are the ones who pay the price of standing between two Kings. I know that. So do not give promises that you cannot keep. I am asking if Acracia were to fight for Yerinah, will Yerinah come to aid Acracia when the time is right?"

Amara parted her lips. To stand up against a general, Siferay had guts. She found herself admiring the woman. Trystan had a soft smile on his face.

Riser beamed in pride. But Siferay saw none of that. Her gaze was locked with the general's eyes.

Others opened their mouth to answer, but General Valencia held her hand up. "Only if we extend our hand to greet, they will extend back."

Siferay smiled. "I will buy your answer for now." She then sat down.

Amara squeezed her shoulder.

Trystan muttered. "You did great, Siferay."

"I know," Risar said and kissed her.

"Please!" Lazdyn said, making her jump. How was he so silent all this while?

Siferay giggled and broke apart. "Don't say anything, Lazdyn," she said in a singsong voice.

As if he had never seen his wife before, Lazdyn started speaking with her. Trystan laughed quietly. She could feel him shake so lightly.

"Now that was over," General Valencia said. "Any other queries?"

No one spoke. They seemed to fear her. If Amara had her way, she would have asked questions people feared to ask, but she knew when to maintain her silence.

"Then we shall disperse," General Valencia said. "I would like to continue more, but I do not wish to burden you. It is my mission."

That woman left the stage and the soldiers who came with her stopped everyone who tried to approach her. Yasahiro strode right behind her. He acted as though he was a royalty.

That was all? That was the meeting? It was so short and useless. The only startling information she learnt was that a dead person was alive. Perhaps general Zhiryn wanted to say more, but the chances of traitors being here might have stopped her. If that was the case, then Amara praised her.

When everyone started leaving, it was utter chaos. She could not see who was who. Everyone was a mass of black, white, red, and blond hair.

"Let us wait till everyone disperses," Siferay said. "We can leave without being choked."

Amara nodded and took Lazdyn's sleeping daughter from his arms. He quirked his eyebrows at her but she shrugged. Sure, she could not handle them, but she could when they were asleep. After she shrugged, he gave her a grateful smile.

Trystan got up and he muttered, "I will meet you in the inn."

He disappeared in the sea of people. She tried to keep a track of his black hair, but he slipped away from her sight somehow. How did he manage that?

"I will be back," she mumbled and placed the sleeping child where she sat and placed her head on Lazdyn's lap.

She weaved her way. The light was too low for her eyes to keep a track on what was going. She growled in frustration. The chattering of people was getting too loud for her sensitive ears.

Her red hair spilt from her ponytail. The crowd was suffocating her. She stumbled and when she was about to fall, someone pushed her from the opposite direction. That push made her hit her head with something or someone. They had absolutely no sense! Could they not see that they were literally murdering a person?

The levels of air in her body reduced as she gasped. She could not smell clean air, but sweat and skin. The centre of her head ached as her lungs squeezed. Her heart raced against time to keep her alive.

Everything was spinning and she knew she was being tossed around, but she could not do anything about it. She just went with the flow. Anything to get away from there. The throbbing in her head increased and she saw darkness covering her vision.

Then a hand held hers. "Amara?"

She tried to anchor her conscience by heeding the voice. The pain travelled to the point between her brows. So much for stalking a person. By the way, how did Trystan reach where he wanted to go?

Had she used what she had, she could have, but that would have given her away.

"Amara?" Gya called again. "Are you alright? Do you need water?"

Seeing the two of them, people went around them, not bothering. Mostly it was because of Gya holding her at a foot length.

The space they gave, allowed her to take in the much-required air. She licked her lips and got her heartbeat under control. Who knew breathing was such a pleasurable thing?

Why did she have to be curious? Could she not wait until he came himself?

"Thanks, Gya," she said, holding her head. "I am going to find Trystan."

The other girl frowned. "I saw him going with Duren outside. He must be there."

Amara nodded and moved. "I need to inform him something."

"Okay," Gya chirped.

The non-suspecting woman left her. But she was thankful for Gya's help. Had that woman not been there, she could never tell what would have happened to her.

This time, when the people pushed her, she pushed them back. Too much for being gentle.

Outside the hall, the screens veiled them, but she could see Trystan and Duren standing under the cresset. Trystan was talking in a low voice and Duren was listening intently.

She inched forward, pushing the screen away. What were they talking about?

Trystan's shoulders went taut as though he sensed someone eavesdropping. Duren stopped his words when his eyes landed on her.

"I will look into it," Duren said. "I may not be successful, but I will try my best, Vohinor."

Trystan tilted his head, but he did not bow like the others did when Duren left. She clicked her tongue. She did not care being caught; she just did not want them to converse.

"I thought I said you that I will meet you in the inn," he said, not turning.

"You did," she said. "But you are my guest at my home. I need to keep you in check."

"Nice," he commented and turned. His eyes burned in a way she had never seen them.

When she looked keenly, she saw, it was ice, not fire.

"What were you talking about?" she asked as he walked towards her.

He stopped a metre away from her. "If you have forgotten, Yerinah is my home."

She mentally scolded herself for not realising it. Of course, he would want to go. It was his home.

"So you are leaving with them?" she asked.

"No," he said. "I made a promise to Aeron. And I am going to keep it."

"What did you promise him?" She folded her arms.

He took a deep breath before answering. "I promised him, that if we were going to leave Rixihy, we will leave together."

I know, this is more or less a filler, but do know I had to introduce two main things, which was best suited to introduce it from Amara's pov. 

Yes, chapter ten is taken down to fix some major plot holes. I realised it only after I wrote 'Ballad of Winter'. 

So see you all in the nest update!


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