Ch-46. Payne

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Update after so long. I fee miserable. The book is coming to an end and my school had just started and exams are coming up. I need to prioritise that one, now. That means the erratic updates will be more spontaneous (Yay). I am so sorry to do this, this was the only other option other than putting it on hold. Hope you can understand! 

Split up


"We need to hurry," Commander Rysen said. "Levka and Fadeyka are down."

His horse neighed and tried to throw the Commander of its back. Payne agreed with the horse. They were riding with little stop and rest to help Yerinah. What more did that Commander want?

"We are not Immortals." Payne bit back his growl. "This is the fastest we can travel."

Behind them, Icathus' army was marching tirelessly sometimes humming a war song and sometimes as silent as the death. Being the General to his country, Payne had taken only the part of the army without which Icathus could survive. Even if he wanted to help a neighbouring friend, his duty to his country came first.

"How long?" Commander Rysen asked again. "How long before we get to Adelphine?"

The boy who was riding with them on the front looked at him. Payne nodded. Only if this answer could keep the Commander quiet.

"We are in Mytia," the young colonel answered. "Half day's ride, we will be in Yerinah. Then at least a week's ride will take us to the exact place where you said."

"A week!" he exclaimed, frightening his horse once again.

Misae looked at him with fear in his eyes. The boy was here because his father had requested.

Payne shook his head. "Commander Rysen, we have travelled a journey of two weeks in a week. Not mention we have an army behind us. I understand your dire state, but we cannot push them further."

He was about to open his mouth but he turned to see the weakened condition of the army.

"What use if we reach there in time if our army was weak?" Payne asked, hoping to put some sense into the Commander's head.

Commander Rysen lowered his head. "You are right, general. They need rest."

After that, neither the Commander nor he spoke. He relished the calmness the silence brought.

As the light faded, he raised his hand. "Halt!"

As predicted by Misae, they were in Yerinah, with the Dadelen forest stretching before them. The river that marked the boundary flowed fast and strong as a war horse.

Payne got off his horse and stretched his leg. His back muscles were sore and his eyes would close anytime. But he could not afford to rest, especially that they were in Yerinah.

The camp was set up and a huge fire was built in the centre. Someone handed him a bowl of rice with a frozen meat. As much as the taste was not great, that was the only food that could provide him with energy.

Time lapsed and his mind wandered to the places he dared not think. This country was his home as much as Icathus was. His mother was from here. He stood a few feet away from the camp as he ate the food slowly.

"Are you not hungry, General?" a painfully familiar voice asked.

"Eating slowly will make your mind think you ate too much, Mika," he said, turning to see her.

Her attire had not changed. She still wore a tight black outfit, which he was sure was hard as an armour.

"It does not make sense to me," she commented as she sat on the boulder opposite to him. "If you are hungry, you should eat as much as possible."

He smiled wryly. "It does not work like that. When your body has not had food for so long, the stomach tends to shrink. Eating fast would damage the stomach even more."

She rose her eyebrows. "That would explain the cause of many indigestion I had in my past years."

He hummed and chewed his food. As much as the food was bland, his mouth craved for that taste.

"By the way," he began. "How did you know where I was?"

Mika smirked. "Commander Lena gave me your location. I made some calculations and followed."

"Ah! That woman," Payne smiled.

The moonlight that lit her skin made it shine silver. What was she made of? For a second he forgot about food and stared at her like he was seeing light at the purest form.

"Is there something on my face?" she asked, touching it.

He quickly shook his head. "No. I was just wondering where you have been in the past days and how your work went."

Real smooth there, he scoffed at himself.

At the mention, a dark look crossed her face as she lowered her gaze.

He placed the half eaten food beside him. "I take it, it did not go well?"

"It did go well." She bit her lips nervously. "It's that... I found something that was highly disturbing."

"What is that?" he pressed on. He had planned and if a flaw were there, he would never forget it.

"The people I know are behind this war," she sighed. "They do not accept defeat. They don't know defeat!"

"Who is it?" he asked, the food was the last thing on his mind.

"Many," Mika said, taking the bowl. "The same people who kidnapped me while I was young."

The noise of life erupted from the camp. He could be a part of the merriment, but its intensity would reduce when he neared. The price he paid being their leader.

"Kidnapped?" he asked, eyeing the current empty bowl.

"Pretty tough," she shrugged. "They made, moulded be me who I am now."

"Who were they?" he stressed. Why could she not trust him a little more?

"You do not need to know, Payne." She met his eyes with a force he had never seen. "That's my personal life."

He cleared his throat. "Of course, I am not trying to pry. I need to know who are we against."

She relaxed a little. "I will say everything you need about them, but never question my connection."

The owls hooted and the fresh scent of the night took over. At times, the fallen leaves rustled indicating something was running but in the major, the boisterous prattle of the river could not be ignored.

He smiled softly. Whether she liked it or not, the truth would one day be revealed. He had to wait and he would wait a thousand years to understand her completely.

"I will hear what you need to say." He got up and offered her a hand. "Come on, let's head back."

She gave him an amused look seeing his stretched hand.

"I know you are perfectly capable of getting up," he said, letting his shoulders fall. "But it would not hurt you to take help once in a while."

Her shield was up again, he could see it in her eyes, but he let that slide.

Clearing her throat, she turned her face and took his hand. Her palm was not what he expected. It had minute scratches. Rough skin that spoke of toil and hardships.

Without putting her weight on his hand, she got up using the other. Dusting the dried sticks and leaves, she handed him the bowl.

"I am sorry." She gave him a tight smile. "That was your dinner."

"Not a problem," he said. "They might have some extra."

Their walk to the camp was silent. He looked at her face and she was white as sea foam. The fear was evident on her face. He wanted to hold her hand, do something to get it out of her, but he kept to himself.

As expected, the soldiers became quiet when he neared them. He handed them the bowl to the foot soldier.

"Should I refill, General?" he asked, taking the bowl.

"Just half," he said. "And bring it to my tent."

The man strode to do the work.

"Where is Commander Rysen?" Payne asked another soldier.

"In the red tent." He pointed a big red tent at the centre of the camp. "There!"

He nodded and motioned Mika to follow him.

"Are there no women in your army?" she asked casually.

"There are," he replied without a beat. "I have ordered them to stay at Icathus."

"Why?" her voice rose. "Do you think women are not up to it?"

"They preferred staying behind," he said, nodding to the soldiers who stood at the entrance of the said tent. "I can't force them."

As they opened the flap, Payne motioned for Mika to enter. Giving him a smile he knew, she went in.

On a table –which they had brought, a map of Yerinah laid. South had Dadelen and the north had Naurel. Along the fringe of the East, Adelphine protected it. Where was the Yerinah's army?

Surprise flashed across Commander Rysen's face when he saw Mika. The colonel with whom Commander Rysen had come gave her a confused look while Misae smiled at her.

"Lady Tioren," he greeted. "What a surprise!"

Payne smirked. He just knew how much she hated being addressed by her title.

"Not for me," she muttered under her breath. Her words brought almost had him laughing but he refrained. He did know how to behave.

"What was that?" Commander Rysen asked.

"Nothing," she said, with a fake smile plastered on her face. "I said, the pleasure was mine."

"General Payne!" Commander Rysen called turning his attention. "I was just about to send for you."

"Well, I am here," Payne said. "What is it, Commander?"

"I received a message from Commander Afreen as well," he said. "He is nearing Adelphine within a week. When we join, general Cahira, it will be-"

"Where is she?" Mika asked, not caring if she interfered.

The colonel gave her a disgusted look. "Why should we trust you?"

She promptly sat on a plush cushion and had a sharp glare in her brown eyes. "Because what I am about to say might just fetch your victory."

Commander Rysen looked at her with interest while the colonel scoffed. "What would she know?"

Payne peered over the map and looked at the colonel with half his vision. "Say anything, else, Colonel, and you will offend me. She knows what she is talking about."

Mika gave him a secretive smile to which he shrugged. As the breeze grew, the clouds veiled the celestial beings in the sky, allowing the shadows to grow.

"She is in the pass of Osryn and Daydra," Commander Rysen said, shifting his glance to the map again. "Already they were attacked. Not to mention, she suspects Dyiq-lye works for the king."

Mika cleared her throat. "It is the opposite, actually. The king works for them."

Everybody including Payne looked at her with a curiosity.

The spell was broken when a soldier came in with a bowl. He just stood at the entrance, holding the bowl.

"Thank you," Payne said, taking the food. He paused before putting a mouthful. "Did everyone eat?"

"Yes." He lowered his head. "Should I bring some for the lady too?"

Mika jerked and snapped her head away from Yerinah's colonel way. "I don't need."

Payne rose his eyebrow. He knew what was it to be in hunger for long and see others eat.

She bit her upper lips and shook her head. "I know. I don't need."

Payne nodded at the soldier who left.

"Where were we?" Commander Rysen asked.

"Dyiq-lye," Misae answered, his fingers fiddling with a tiny silver blade. "Their connection here. In this war."

Payne felt his brows crease, an action which he became familiar with in the past few days. "If Dyiq-lye is involved, then Icathus will support whole-heartedly."

"More than this, General?" Misae asked, his fingers stopping the blade's dance for a while.

"Yes," Payne nodded finishing his meal for the night. "Lo-king Cathale's daughter, Eluria was killed by someone related to them."

"Not them," Mika said. "Related, yes. But not them."

"What makes you so sure?" the colonel's voice was sharp as his brown eyes fixed on her.

"I don't need to explain myself to you," she stated. "Lest of you out of all."

"Are you saying that I am incompetent?" His knuckles were white from the force he was exerting on his closed fist.

"No," Mika said as though she was teaching a child how to behave; without anger, without vexation. She was not even swayed by his fist. "I am merely saying my life is of no importance to you."

"We don't want any fight," Commander Rysen intervened. "We must be as united as possible. Especially at times like this."

That shut the colonel and he marched out of the tent. It took the chillness that second to enter the warm room and make it its domain.

"He needs to work on his anger," Mika stood up and took a quill. "And people's privacy."

Commander Rysen looked troubled but nodded anyway. "Aye that he should."

She dipped the nib in the black dye and drew some lines around the place where Commander Rysen said General Cahira was camping. At the end, it was a mess, but a mess only a genius could understand.

"What do you mean?" Commander Rysen asked, not able to say anything else.

"We need to split," Mika stated calmly. "We- Commander Rysen and myself need to go to the pass as soon as possible, while Payne here," she pointed him, "Can come up from their rear. They are right now in the Fields of Than."

Payne smiled. Had it been him to plan, he would have done something similar. As much as dividing brought disadvantage, when used properly, it did wonders.

"Why spilt?" Misae asked. "We have more advantage when we are together."

The light from the candle made looking at the map a painful process. The colour of the map was yellow, merged with the flame's light, it was bright and blur at the same time. Not to mention the performance of the shadows as it grew and reduced until it made itself used to the flames' dance.

"As much as unity is great, we need to split," she replied without wasting her breath. "I need to be there with Cahira before you all could." Mika's eyes met Payne's. "I know them better."

As much as he could see the logic behind it, he did not want to send her alone across a country where the war sat on the throne. He did not want anybody to travel alone. But would she listen?

"Then with three days' time," Commander Rysen pointed at the base of Adelphine, Kione, which was located in the north of the wilderness they were in, "We can reach Commander Afreen's army. We can club and go."

"That's nice," Payne commented. All of this did not matter anymore. Was Kale in the capital? "Who is in the capital?"

"Commander Rhisiart is in the Lleatia," Commander Rysen said. "Commander Plaise and Maahes with the Navy."

Mika shook her head. "The plan in your flaw, Commander, is that you wish to club with Commander Afreen. I am saying we need to go before him. We will be at the most only three or four and if we take this pass," she traced a line she drew. "We can reach at the most two days before Commander Afreen."

"Why before Commander Afreen?" Misae asked. "Did you do something to him?"

Mika paused and looked at Icathus' colonel with blank eyes. "Seriously? I have never met that Commander. Why would I fear him? I was merely saying, if we club together, we will reach Osryn and Daydra after a week, by which Payne's army would have assembled behind them. What I am saying is that even Yerinah's army has to assemble at the same time."

Commander Rysen nodded. "It will work. Are you suggesting that we draw them to the Fields or to the pass?"

"We will let the Spirits decide for us then," Mika said, her eyes searching for something, but she could not find it.

"That's absurd," Misae said. "Why are you saying that?"

"Did anyone expect a storm to save the Navy?" she posted. "It just did. Also, it could have favoured them. But the currents blew in our direction."

"Can't disagree to that," Payne said.

Despite all the reassuring words, Commander Rysen looked at Mika with hope in his eyes, just the way, the fire's warmth replaced the chillness by its touch. The light of the fire enhanced it, making it more pronounced.

"Will your plan save our country?" asked a broken man.

"Though I cannot guarantee you," Mika said. "I can say I do know who we are against. The sooner I meet General Cahira, the better."

"We leave tonight?" he asked.

Before she could answer, Payne, bet her to it. "You will leave at the break of dawn. Rest while you can you all have a long journey ahead. And Misae here will accompany you."

"I will?" Misae asked, his eyes wide.

"Yes," Payne said. He was not going to let her go with a colonel who hates her. She needed to have someone who might listen to her.

"Then I will inform Fian," Commander Rysen muttered and fed the map to the fire by spreading it over another batch of candles that was burning in the corner of the room.

Seeing the entire map had been destroyed, he left. Misae looked nervously between Mika and him and was about to dart out.

"If you do this good," Payne began quietly. "I will promote you to a Commander. Commander Weine is leaving the army after this winter. You will be assigned to her legion."

Misae's footsteps stopped. "I do not know what to say of this."

"Age does not matter in the battlefield," Payne said, putting his hand over Misae's shoulder. "It matters your ability to survive. And only the strongest can."

Misae gaped at him like a fish out of water. He opened his mouth and only air came out; no words.

"Run along." Payne patted his back and took his hands off. "You have a long day ahead."

Nodding eagerly, Misae went out with an enthusiasm, Payne had never seen on his face ever since his father's death.

"Down to us again?" Mika chuckled, playing with the top, harmless layers of the candle flame.

"Is it not always?"

Her lips rose up. "Why did you not open your mouth tonight?"

"You said the same thing I would have said," He yawned. "I saw where you are coming from. Plus, did you not say you knew them? Why plan without knowing all the while having someone who knew what might happen?"

"How will you come to Than?"

"Through Rhanves' border along Tantalia's edge." He ran his fingers through his blond hair. "Might be a little problem, but its, not something we cannot manage."

A silence washed over them. The pause was not awkward, in fact, it held peace many things lacked. Though his eyes were fixed on the candle Mika was playing with, his mind was elsewhere.

"Had I not escaped two years ago, you will be fighting me," Mika said laughing without any humour. "It was Ella's memory that helped me to have my sanity."

He did not reply, nor did he move his glance. It was better that way to not meet the person's eyes while they were talking a truth.

"I am not proud of what they made me." When her voice wobbled, his head snapped up to see the tears trying to break its barrier. "But I can't, won't change it."

She closed her eyes and pressed her palms hardly over her eyes.

How he wished he could comfort her! He knew, if he made a bold move, she would no doubt shy away.

"Hey," he said, softening his voice. "It is your life. No one can say anything. It is not like you went there willingly. You said you were kidnapped. You were a kid then. What could you have done?"

Outside, the clouds parted and the light came back, forcing the dark glooms away. Seeing the change, Mika jumped to her feet and held his arms.

"Listen, Payne," she began nervously. Her voice was fluttery. "Do not attack until you get the message signed by me with the name Marina. And under no condition discuss the battle when the shadows are out. Eyes and ears are in places you will never know, Payne. They are much stronger than we. They have an Immo-"

Just like that, the stars and the moon were covered again and the shadows crept back into the tent lazily.

"I will leave by tomorrow," Mika gave him a pained smile and took a step out.

"Sleep in my tent for tonight, Mika," Payne called out, going with the dialogues she said. But her words plagued his mind. "Ask someone to lead you there. I will rest in Misae's tent."

Gulping she went out. The shadows touched his feet and he recoiled before it could grow more.

He could now say why general Cahira needed Mika sooner than any of them.

Their enemy had an Immortal.

How was the chapter?

Mika is amazing, is she not?

The next chapter is from Cahira's pov again. Estelle and Mika will meet and we can see Kale fight for the first time. I am excited! Are you?


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