Ch-6. Cahira

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Well, there is another chapter apart from this that might be added (There might be more). I am not saying anything now. But this chapter is to introduce you to Ophra. To those who read the first draft, you know what happens to Ophra, and I want you all to know something about her. 

This chapter is dedicated to my awesome reader @lilschraederava525 for being so supportive in Wattpad as well as Sweek! You're awesome!


"Why is she not back?" Cahira Yithare muttered as she hugged herself. "I knew I shouldn't have shouted at her, but she was getting on my nerves. Now she is not coming back home."

The sun had set hours before it should have. Yet, the sky withheld splay of colours, the swirls of red and orange being the dominant. It was a matter of seconds before the cool night marched in and fixed the canvas with deep blue.

"Cahira," Ophra said softly, as she came next to Cahira and wrapped an arm around her. "Your sister cannot hate you that much. As sisters you are bound to fight. But that does mean she would hate you. Avantika loves you so much. She just wants to stay a few more days with her aunt. What is wrong in that? Don't you see Piroska and me fight all the time? Don't we make up?"

Cahira's third protector, Piroska rolled her eyes from the table she was standing next to. "Seriously, Ophra? We are a bad example!"

"Better than mine, anyway," Taryn muttered.

"At least you have one," Sefine commented. When Taryn rose her eyebrows, she quickly defended, "At least you have a step-sister."

"I agree with Sefine on this," Estelle chimed, as she entered Cahira's quarters. "Neither do I have a sister."

Cahira glared at her five protectors. "You are not helping. If anything, you all are making me more miserable."

Ophra left her and went to take her seat next to Piroska. Those two were as close as any sister, but they were best friends, who were there for each other despite the circumstances.

Clearing her throat, Taryn stood up from the chair she was sitting on and went towards the table on which the map of Yerinah was pinned. Cahira glanced at her knights and then stared out of the window.

If she strained her eyes, she could see the shimmering waters of the Thyssil Sea through her window. That sight used to give her peace when her art and carvings could not. Now, even that could not quell the uneasiness that settled in her chest. Next to her on the pillow was the letter her sister had sent to her.

It was a brief one stating she was going to spend a fortnight at their aunt's place. Though it did give her assurance that her sister was safe, she could not shake away the feeling. With King Taimore's army outside Yerinah, she could not help but worry.

"Pretty soon, you will have worry lines all over your face and Kale will leave you," Estelle said nonchalantly. "We do not want that, do we?"

Cahira looked at the blue-eyed woman and narrowed her eyes. "I can't even worry about my sister now?"

"You worry about everything!" Taryn burst out, knocking the paper weight down. Sefine just managed to move her foot to prevent the injury. "Sorry, Sefine. But Cahira! You worry about Yerinah, about your safe sister, about your happy son, your calm lover, your art, everything! What are we supposed to do?"

From her bed, she was glad Taryn was standing quite away. Had that protector been near, Cahira was sure she would have hit her. Hard.

"There is nothing wrong in worrying, Taryn," Ophra said gently, but with a tone of finality. "But too much worrying is not good. At times, we must let the fate decide the path for us. That path may be better than the one what we have considered for us."

Piroska nodded. "As a heir and general you can worry about your country, about the army that is stationed out of Yerinah. But why are you worrying about your sister? She is safe with your aunt."

"I don't know," she mumbled. "My mother's elder sister's son was killed a fortnight ago. And he was pursuing to be a scholar in Samariya! He wanted nothing to do with Yerinah. Yet he was killed. He was in a country that supported King Taimore. Now I cannot worry about my sister?"

Ophra sighed, "Well, if you want to be assured, I will go to Khione and guard her myself until she returns. That is the least thing I can do. And not to mention that my cousin, Dame Alstonia Dalar is your sister's guard. But anyway, I will leave tonight to see her myself. Will that put you in peace?"

The night sky wore the colour Cahira knew it would. The royal blue bickered with the dark hues of green until a shadow fell over them and announced that sky's decision was the winner. With desolation, the trees and the plants accepted black and covered themselves with shame.

Despite loving to paint the bright fields of orchids, Cahira's fingers itched with the desire to colour her canvas with the scene out. She wished she could capture the lingering scent of sea in her room, but her fingers would limit themselves when it came down to that.

"It definitely will," she replied.

"Things we do to keep you happy," Taryn grumbled, but she was still playing with the paper weight.

When she threw it up in the air, Sefine interrupted its trajectory and caught it. She gave her companion a stinking look. "Are you a child now?"

"I wish I was." Taryn tried to reach Sefine, but she threw the back rock to Estelle who glared at both the women.

"Enough!" Estelle snapped at them. "I assigned you both-"

When knocks interrupted her, Estelle nearly growled. "See who it is, Taryn!"

"Why should I?"

"Because I said so!" Estelle shouted.

Grumbling under her breath, Taryn went to the door and opened. When she turned, her face was twisted into a grimace. Without even looking who had entered, Cahira knew who it was.

"Commander Afreen, huh?" Piroska asked.

"Yes, Dame Piroska!" Afreen said, smiling. "I am here to tell Cahira something."

"What is it?" she asked, looking at her childhood friend. He was someone whom she grew up with.

"Liris, Colonel Desil's son had indeed agreed to accept his father's post upon his resignation," Afreen said, his mauve eyes lighting up.

This was one of the best news she had received. Despite being young, Liris knew war like the back of his hand. Perhaps, it had something to do with his father, but she needed him to be in Commander Fadeyka's legion. Liris was an asset she was not willing to lose.

"That puts me at peace," she said. "Anything else?"

He shook his head, his brow curls falling on his face. "Kale said he would not be able to come tonight. He had to meet someone very important."

Cahira frowned. Who was more important to Kale than her? If it was another woman... no, she would not allow these thoughts. He better explain who he had gone to meet the next time he met her.

"That murderous look!" Ophra said, covering her mouth. "Had I been Kale, I would be buried."

Piroska cleared her throat. "That boy loves you so much, Cahira. He would definitely not betray you. I have seen him the way he sees you and trust me, that is exact way every woman wants to be looked by their lovers."

"Still," Sefine grinned. "I would enjoy a good spat."

"Aren't you always out for that?" Taryn asked.

"Aren't you?" Afreen asked, folding his arms and giving her a smug grin.

"Only with you," Taryn commented dryly. "You manage to irritate me to the ends of this world."

"Only me?" he asked, the shine in his eyes increasing a thousand fold.

"This isn't a compliment!" she shrieked. "I am saying, I genuinely hate you. There is nothing to feel smug about."

His face fell a little. "One day, Taryn. One day."

"One day what?" she asked in a sharp voice.

"One day I will-" Afreen began only to be silenced by Cahira's glare.

He knew what would happen if he were to finish that sentence. He might be a rake, but he knew her protectors were off limits. As much as she was his friend, she would never hesitate to stand up for these five who guarded her.

Taryn scowled at him. Though Afreen might have the chances of winning her heart, it was Taryn they were speaking about. She was too wild to be tamed by someone.

"Afreen," Estelle warned softly. "Leave her be."

He yawned. "I will see you in the armoury tomorrow, Cahira. Night."

Cahira smiled at him. "Good night, Afreen. Wish to-"

"Neron," Afreen finished for her. "I know."

Saluting to her protectors, he left her chambers closing the door.

A minute passed after he left. Then Ophra asked, "Why do you hate him too much, Taryn? He is a Commander. You need to get along."

Taryn groaned. "I can get along with everyone, Levka, Reeya, Rysen. But not with him."

"Cause he makes your heart flip?" Sefine jested, taking her seat next to Cahira on her bed.

"Where did you ever get that idea from?" Taryn shrieked. "From the romantic novels that you read?"

Sefine did not answer, she just rose her eyebrows.

"By Harva!" Taryn exclaimed. "I don't hate him because of that. I hate him because I feel it in my bones. I have a bad feeling about him. No, he does not make my heart flip. If anything, he makes me retch. Is that what you call love, Sefine? The urge to throw up when you see that person? I may not be in tune with the affairs of my heart, but at least I know that is not how love feels like."

Piroska snorted. "She does have a valid point, Sefine."

"Let's see who is wrong," Sefine said.

"Let's see," Taryn said. "And when you do-"

A series of knocks interrupted her. Frowning, Sefine stood up to see who it was. Opening the door a little, she peeked out. Then she sighed and allowed whoever it was to enter in.

"Who is it?" Ophra asked.

"Healer Maghne," Sefine said coming from behind the healer.

Maghne was a short woman in her late twenties. Her mouse brown hair was pulled in a bun. In her hand, she held a tray with a vial of liquid.

Seeing the familiar orange liquid, Cahira sighed. It was a tonic she had requested to Rafela Felicia ever since she had accepted Kale as her lover. A child now was not in her mind. Somewhere in the future, yes. But now with the war coming? That was the last thing she wished to do.

Before Healer Maghne could offer her the portion, Ophra took it and sniffed it. When she was convinced nothing was malicious, she gave it to Cahira. Her protectors would not believe even her own healers. Well, they trusted only Rafela Felicia.

Drinking the tonic in one gulp, she gave the vial back to Maghne. Bowing low to her, the healer left without another word.

Sefine followed her and secured the doors.

"Is that for...?" Piroska trailed off.

"Yes," Cahira replied crisply, taking a glass of water from the table near her bed. The water washed the remnants of the bitter-sour medicine. "To prevent conception."

Ophra nodded. "You are safe."

Cahira yawned and stretched her limbs. "I am going to sleep."

"Kale's not coming today!" Estelle groaned.

Cahira laughed. "Not today."

Estelle pouted. "Darn it! We have to be here then."

"Really Estelle?" Cahira asked. "You can take off, you know?"

"And have your father after my head. Thank you very much," Estelle snapped childishly.

"He will not be," Cahira said, arranging the pillows the way she liked. "I am giving you off."

"He will be if one drop of your blood spills," Estelle grumbled.

Cahira chuckled. Despite her protests, Cahira knew Estelle took her job seriously. Not because Estelle was assigned to be her protector, but because she was her friend. If anything happened to her, she was sure, Estelle would be the first person to stand there. Even if she groaned about it now, she would be the one to watch over Cahira like a mother hawk.

"Fine," Estelle said glaring at her sniggering companions. "First four hours, Ophra and Taryn. Last four Sefine and Piroska. I will come and wake her up and stay the day."

"Wonderful," Piroska commented as she and Sefine stood up to leave. "I don't need to wake her up then."

Cahira laid on the bed, her ears registering the lock of her doors as her three protectors left.

After Commander Kyalise had taken her resignation, Commander Fadeyka was appointed to take her post.

"I am sure, general," Commander Fadeyka said. "I saw them with my own eyes. Taimore's army is standing outside Yerinah as we speak."

The armoury went silent, everyone pondering over his words. Her experienced Commanders were not here. The borders separating Yerinah and Samariya had numerous rifts that forced them to go there.

"What are they waiting for?" Commander Rysen asked. "They have also not approached us yet. Why are they stationed out?"

"I wish an answer for that," Cahira said, narrowing her gaze at the location on the map Commander Fadeyka said they would be.

"A simple one would do well," Estelle muttered.

Commander Reeya frowned. "What if I go and see?"

"That might work," Commander Rysen agreed. "We might get a clear picture of why they are here."

"Afreen?" Cahira asked. "Your thoughts?"

He bit his lower lip. "What if?" he started, looking into her eyes. "What if they are waiting for their man to strike?"

"What do you mean, Commander Afreen?" Estelle asked.

"I mean," he said. "What if they have an insider in our army and they are waiting for him or her to strike from within?"

There! How was it?

Do you like the Protectors? What do you think about Afreen?

I know, you will meet who Neron is pretty soon. Until then,


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