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Every single day in the lush green village of Ashenbourne is the same, the air bright with fragrant pink petals and a sun that colours the horizon with every possible hue from dawn to dusk. A lot of people would find that dull, but for me, it is a comfort. There is a feeling of safety in routine and with familiarity comes love.

Today, I am up before the chirping of the birds. My eyes are bright and studying the stunning ensemble carefully chosen for the day.

If squee were a proper word in our language, I'd write that in my daily diary entry. It isn't, but it is the only thing that conveys the appropriate importance and lightheartedness of the day.

Today, I will turn one hundred years old.

In our culture, it is the day I turn from a child into a proper adult woman. I am old enough to be married, to choose a profession, decide to continue my studies, travel on my own, and even have children of my own. Of course, it is essential that the marriage part comes before the children or there is considerable trouble in this tiny village.

My name is Aurelia Lefevre, which means "the golden lady of fire". It was gifted to me by my parents, who noticed almost as soon as I was born that my skin is a creamy tone that is made darker by sparkling undertones.

When I concentrate very hard, my skin turns a charming shade of gold. If I am focusing all my energy, it's possible to see little shards of light glowing. It is a spectacle.

My mother has always said it is a sign. When I was born, all the Gods and Goddesses smiled upon me. They made me divine. I also came into the world with a tiny set of white wings that grew as I did. Instead of being large and shaped like wings of a hawk or an eagle, they are small.

All of me is smaller than even the rest of my kind, but people say I am the messenger of peace and hope. I think about this as I excitedly dress, donning the ornate but light layers of white and gold fabric.

I cover myself a little differently, because of my wings and because I am supposedly delicate. I hate that word.

Most girls my age wear heavy, ornate gowns that are modest and luxurious. I am a little less modest and allowed to dress in lighter, more provocative fabrics that show the curves of my body and reveal my shoulders and something called decolletage.

It's a fancy word that means cleavage, not that I have so much to show off quite yet. In human years, I am the equivalent of sixteen.

People say human girls have lovely parties for that age in the same way. I like that. It makes the whole process feel normal.

I braid the sides of my hair into a crown that encircles my head, leaving only the blazing red locks in back flowing free. That is the part of me that is fire.

Next to the elaborate gown with the sheer white scarf covering my neck, arms, and decolletage, I spy a small wooden box with an even tinier one stained purple on top. It is the same shade of purple as my eyes. Instinctively, I know it from the boy who has been courting me. His name is Niemand, and he's got dreamy blue eyes and the blondest hair you've ever seen.

He is a High Elf, and that means he is high in status and made to be a warrior. Only Elves like me have wings, so our children won't be able to fly. I don't mind that, though. I think it is better to be secure than free. Freedom can be lonely.

Opening the large box, I see a happy birthday note from my father. It tells me how proud he is of my nobility and virtue. Underneath are gold bracelets for each of my wrists, ankles, and light sparkly jewels to put in my ears.

My eyes tear up a little, and when I open Niemand's box, I gasp at the extravagance of what's inside. It is a light golden chain with a beautiful jewelled flower called a "forget-me-not".

Sliding on the necklace and the pristine white-gold shoes laid out for me, I run down the stairs. It is the day I begin my new life, as High Priestess of all of Ashenbourne.

Niemand worries I will forget him as I pursue such grand ambition. My parents have been reluctant to let me go the past month or so. I never can get a moment alone. Every day is a protracted goodbye.

That's why it's surprising that when I wander down into the kitchen, there is no one. No cake says "Happy Birthday, Aurelia".

I'm slightly disappointed. The servants must be able to tell because they stare at me before exchanging confused glances.  "Please tell my mother I am going into the forest to visit Amandine!"

Amandine is my best friend. She is small and energetic because she is a Faerie. My parents don't like her because she's a bad influence. In Ashenbourne, it is Faeries who determine the weather and the seasons. Amandine gets a little too excited about her duties with the Spring Court. Instead of April showers, she's flooded the village a few times.

It is not her fault, though. She is young, like me. She is still learning magic. While I am happy for this day in June, Amandine is sad. Her season is coming to an end.

I stop to buy a few cherries for Amandine, her favourite, from the stall. The grocer is Nymeria, a woman gifted with making things grow. She has the freshest fruit.  "Good morning, Nym! Today is my special day."

A blush forms as she stares at my pointy ears and gold-toned skin. "That'll be four pence, Miss. Welcome to Ashenbourne." She bows elaborately, something the sharp-tongued shopkeeper only does for royalty.

I pay for the cherries, looking perplexed as I fly into the forest, whistling for Amandine to come out of the little bungalow she has in the treetops. The whistle is our unique signal, but it falls on deaf ears.

"Amandine? Can't you hear me? It's my special day, and I brought your favourite treat."

My heart sinks into my stomach when she doesn't reply. "Amandine A' Leila, Ambassador Of Spring, I summon thee!"

I hate using my commanding voice, the one for orders and casting magic. It does make her appear, though. I fly to hug her.

"Amandine! It's my special day and cherries..." My voice trails off, watching the skittish little pink figure escaping into the forest.

My hands cover my eyes, purple orbs that no longer hide tears. "Amandine, you're my best friend. Why?"

I sink to the ground, never knowing this feeling before. It is a complete loneliness. My sobs turn into cries of relief when I hear a familiar voice.

"Aurelia! You're safe, and you're here. Thank the Goddess you're still with me."

Niemand picks me up gently and whispers, "Aurelia, do you remember me?"

He gives me a flower that matches the necklace I wear, and I look down at it. "Of course I do. I love you. No one seems to know me. " Tears stream down my face.

He sits with me on the leaves, and whispers, "I couldn't say goodbye. I'm sorry. Your crowning is the last piece of the story."

Niemand's head hangs in shame. "I couldn't let you fly off. I couldn't let the story end. I promised to take care of you forever."

My sobs stop, but I look at the flower in my hand. "Niemand, how do you remember me?"

His eyes are guilt-ridden. "I'm sorry, Aurelia. You deserve an explanation before we reset. I gave you the flower and the necklace so when we start over, we'll find each other."

My face looks confused and overwhelmed. "Start over? Isn't today my special day?"

Niemand holds me close, and says, "No, but it means we have all the time in the world. We'll grow older all over again. You'll still be Aurelia, and I'll still be me. This way, the story never ends."

I feel something inside my heart crack open as I cling to Niemand.

I can never see the young man about my age on the other side of the computer, or the tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Aurelia."

His voice is a whisper. "I know you're not real, but I need you with me. I restarted the game before it could end."

There are tears in his eyes as Niemand, and I break apart. Every beginning requires an end.

I return to my bedroom, dressed in a lovely purple gown. My body is much smaller.

I clutch the forget-me-not close to my heart, not quite knowing what it means.

Word Count: 1500

Author's Note: This story, which may be one of my favourites written during the course of this contest, was my third Star Author week, which gave me immunity the following week. Thank you so much for all the love and support, and especially to those who gave me inspiration to write it! 

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