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"'Sup Brooke?" I asked, placing my overflowing food tray next to my undeniably best friend.

"The sky's up, how about you?" Brooke said, using her hand to cover her food-stuffed mouth as she spoke.

"A couple clouds," I replied, sitting down. The both of us exchanged smiles as we began our lunch together.

"So still nothing, huh?" Brooke said, flicking her eyes to my wrist. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah," I moped. "It sucks." I popped out my bottom lip and leaned back, pretending to be sad.

"I know it does," Brooke said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "But hey, you could still be the one to save the world and stuff!"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Sure," I sarcastically sighed. "I can save the entire world using a mountain of postcards and a pair of safety scissors."

"Just saying, but safety scissors can still hurt someone!" Brooke contradicted me.

"I know they can hurt a person-- but they can't murder an entire fleet of inter-dimensional demons and monsters the size of Mount Everest."

Brooke let out a defeated sigh and looked down at her plate with sad eyes, playing with her so-called 'food.' She knew just how to make a person-- especially me-- feel guilty.

"Ok, look-- thanks so much for your help," I reassured her, tapping her arm to get her to look up at me. "But I'm just saying; the legend never said that they didn't have abilities. It said that they were a less powerful person and the underdog of the five."

"Yeah, and I guess you could say you're the underdog of the five of us," Brooke said, gesturing to our other three friends scattered in the lunch line.

"You're right," I mumbled, massaging my face with my hands. "I am-- but we don't even know if we're the five people everyone's talking about. Anyways, there's Ingrid's group."

I shuddered at the thought of Ingrid and her posse saving the world. Their definition of 'saving' it would be taking it over! They've already accomplished that much at Soldierwood!

Brooke, if you're reading this, I swear you're a psychic.

"They're gonna take over the world, not save it," she argued. "Besides, they're already ruling High School."

I shrugged and took in a mouthful of an apple, desperate to end the awkwardness of this conversation.

"What's up you guys?" I heard my friend Damon ask.

"The sky," Brooke and I replied in perfect unison. Both of us broke out in laughter, and when one of us (though I never found out who) snorted it turned from laughing into a full-blown cackling fit.

Damon cracked a smile, revealing a very slight indentation of a dimple on his right cheek.

"You guys are like sisters, you know that?" Damon said, his eyes moving back and forth to Brooke and I. "I wouldn't be surprised if you guys were long lost family!"

"Well you never know," Brooke said, wiggling her eyebrows. "You say you don't know who your birth parents are... they could be my mom and dad."

I gulped. She was right-- my birth parents could literally be anyone. I guess it's both a good thing and a bad thing at the same time-- I could be related to Brooke, or I could be related to someone like Icky Ingrid.

Speaking of the devil herself...

"Oh look, the accident misses her mommy and daddy!" Ingrid said as she walked by. "Boo hoo!" She tauntingly popped out her lower lip and balled her fists, putting them by her eyes and pretending to cry. Terrible acting.

"Lay off Ingrid," I heard Damon say, starting to stand up and glaring daggers at her.

"The mute speaks?" She dramatically gasped, pretending to be surprised. "The more you know every day."

"Shut up, Ingrid!" Brooke said. "You talk too much I wish you were mute!"

I noticed that she was beginning to hover about an inch above her seat. Not now! I thought.

You see, the word written on her wrist was 'Pilot,' and if you guessed it right, she's able to fly. When she starts to hover; whether it's an inch or a foot; it means something's about to go down... in this case, it was probably Ingrid's soon-to-be corpse from a mile off the ground.

"What're you gonna do 'bout it, huh? Rip my tongue out and ruin your entire future?"

I tapped Brooke's shoulder and tried calming her down.

"Dude, she's not even worth it," I whispered.

Unfortunately, I'm not known for being a quiet whisperer.

"Not even worth it, huh? Well, I'm worth more than your entire house, thank you very much," Ingrid said, overhearing Brooke and my conversation.

"Worth more because of all the plastic in your boobs!" I snapped. She gasped-- for real this time-- and drilled her finger to my chest.

"Just shut up, ok?" she practically screamed at me. "Is your mark 'annoying?' because none of us would be surprised if it were! Who even hides their mark anyway?"

I yelped as Ingrid lunged at me, suddenly grabbing my wrist.

"Wha-- no!" I screamed. All the heads in the cafeteria turned to me and Ingrid wrestling it out. "Ingrid-- stop!"

Ingrid, ignoring my comment, pushed up my sleeve and gasped.

Too late.

"I knew it!" she screamed. "Oh my gosh, you don't even have a mark!"

Everyone became quiet, looking over to our table.

"And to think you were one of us! Ha!" she spat. Her hand tightly grabbed my wrist and I yelped in pain.

"Ingrid, please stop!" I screamed, unsuccessfully trying to wiggle my way out of her grasp.

"You don't even belong here!" she yelled, slapping me on the face with her free hand.

I stumbled a little but quickly recovered from the pain, head butting her back in the stomach. Ingrid quickly let go and clutched where I hit her.

"Ingrid, leave her alone!" Brooke screamed. I had forgotten all about her hovering, but when I saw her this time she was about half a foot above the ground.

"What're you gonna do 'bout it, Tweety Bird?" Ingrid taunted with a chuckle.

"You're gonna find out soon if--" she started, although the fire in her brown eyes suddenly simmered and she was back on the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Remember Brooke-- she's not worth it," I heard my friend, Ace, say. He was standing behind Brooke and holding her down.

Thanks, Ace, I mouthed to him. He mouthed don't mention it and comfortingly rubbed Brooke's shoulder...

Yes, it was that obvious that they liked each other. Everybody besides them knew it.

"Ick, save it lovebirds. No one wants to see that," Ingrid said, folding her arms.

"How much do you want me to give you to shut up?" I said, digging in my pocket for any random trade item.

"Oh shut it Regular. The whole world will know who you are tomorrow," Ingrid said with a smirk forming on her face. "Enjoy freedom while it lasts!" Ingrid blew a kiss and started waving goodbye, until the wonderfully hot-headed Brooke stopped her. She grabbed Ingrid by the collar of her uniform dress shirt and held her about a foot off the ground.

"Don't mess with my best friend," she said coldly, pushing Ingrid backward into one of the cafeteria tables. "Unless you wanna meet me behind the gym today after school."

Ingrid smirked one last time before brushing herself off and shaking Brooke's hand.

"Deal," she said soft enough to be a whisper.

Oh Brooke, what have you gotten yourself into now?

A/N : Thanks for deciding to read this book! It's going through some (not a lot tho) rough editing right now, but my updating schedule should be at least once every week.

Any way, please make my day by commenting how you like Winter Storm and what you think should happen. Maybe I might take some ideas and put it into this book (with dedications, of course!)

But to make my day EVEN MORE, please vote, comment, and follow!

Well, maybe not follow if you don't want to, but please vote and comment :p


Your homie,


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