Chapter 17 - END

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Warnings: The blood has returned

     ~3rd P.O.V. (As seen from the pack, ***** and *****)~ (props to you if you can figure out who it is, try looking at how many *'s there are and the picture above for hints.)

     "Ch-Choco? And Kenny?" Preston breathes while Lachlan rubs his eyes, thinking he's hallucinating.

     Kenny is huddled into the farthest corner of the room, his mocha eyes, once happy and bright, now dull and filled with fear. Choco sits just in front of him, his feathers ruffled and stained with blood, clumps of his feathers missing here and there. (FYI, like Jerome I'll make Choco look like his minecraft skin. Not like an actual human) Choco is seated in front of Kenny, as if to protect him, and a dented stone sword is gripped loosely in his hand wing thingys. He clutches his other wing to his side. But upon seeing Preston, Jerome, Vikk, Lachlan, and as well as Mitch and Rob who have joined Choco drops his sword.

"Guys... Is it really you?" Choco asks in disbelief, Kenny now looking up to weakly stare at them.
"Choco... Kenny..." Vikk repeats, glancing at them in awe.
"We thought you were dead..." Mitch continues, the six moving into the large room.

Choco and Kenny were among the village of friends, and everyone in the pack thought they were the only survivors left. Apparently they're wrong.

"How did you escape...?" Rob asks curiously, no sure of what to feel.
"We were just coming back from a mining trip when it happened. We hid behind a tree and watched for a few seconds, seeing everything getting destroyed. Then before we could go help everyone out a few creepers came at us so we ran. But in the morning when we got back... There was nothing left..." Kenny explains, breathing heavily.
"Kenny, are you okay? You look pale dude... And Choco you don't look great either..." Lachlan potions out, glancing at his once-believed-to-be-dead friends in concern.

Before either one of them can reply Kenny wavers briefly before collapsing limply against the cracked stone wall. Choco passes out a second later, falling forward. That's the only time when the pack notices a large gash tearing across Choco's back, and the small pool of blood gathered underneath Kenny. Instantly Preston, Rob, Vikk, Lachlan, Jerome, and Mitch explode into action, multiple things happening at once. Rob shrieks, not really knowing what else to do, Vikk and Mitch rush to Kenny and Choco's side, calling out to them, Jerome orders Lachlan to go look for something to clean their wounds before dashing off himself to find food, and Preston tries to yell over the frenzy that the sun is almost fully down.

"GUYS THE SUN IS GOING DOWN GET BACK HERE." Preston calls out to Jerome and Lachlan.

Jerome who has found an abandoned chest picks out a few scraps of leftover food, mainly carrots, and dashes away form the rubble, back to the house where everyone else is. Lachlan who has also located a chest digs through it quickly to find some sort of fabric and a bucket of water, himself also rushing back to the shelter. At this moment Rob has come to his senses and as soon as Lachlan bursts through the door Rob picks up the fallen door and re attaches it to the wall, right before a skeleton wanders in.

"Everyone stop for a second!!!" Preston screams at the top of his lungs, causing everyone to freeze whatever their currently doing. "We need to do this calmly if we want to save them! Mitch, see what's wrong with Kenny. Vikk, Lachlan, clean up Choco. Rob, watch the door and make sure nothing comes in. Jerome, put those carrots down and come help me get this furnace going." Preston directs, everyone taking to their own tasks.

Preston and Jerome walk over to an old worn furnace, attempting to get it started. Mitch puts Kenny on the ground, taking off his hoodie to reveal a large tear on his side, the skin around it burnt... As well as the fact Kenny is as cold as an icicle. Lachlan dips the fabric into the bucket of water and hands it to Vikk who in turn leans over Choco's back, dabbing at the bleeding wound stretching diagonally almost the entire length of his back. Rob stares out the door, keeping an eye on the wandering mobs closely.

Suddenly a black figure, features unknown due to the darkness, slashes through the bodies of a creeper and zombie, gradually making its way towards the door that kept the mobs out of the room.

"Umm guys..." Rob calls uncertainly, the figure approaching.

But everyone is preoccupied. Rob huffs, yelping as he sees the figure is now really close to the hut. It's obviously a male, and he wears grey armour. An enchanted diamond sword is clutched in his hand and a bow is slung across his back. A few potions hang from a belt and a blue capes flows out behind him.

"Guys we have a visitor!" Rob calls out, gathering everyone's attention and stepping away from the door.

Mitch quickly draws out his bow, notching an arrow and pointing it straight at the door. Vikk jumps to his feet, drawing his diamond sword. The man bursts into the room, and upon seeing the weapons pointed at him slams the door shut, drops his sword, and hold his hands up.

"Woah woah woah guys, I'm not a threat." He explains hurriedly. "I heard all the screaming and stuff so I came over to see the commoti- what happened to them?" He questions, pointing at the limp forms of Choco and Kenny.
"What's it to you?" Jerome interrogates warily, eyeing the stranger down.
"Well do you want help or not? I kinda have a few potions of healing on me. And I just fought mobs to get in here but I mean, if you wanna fight I'll just leave." He challenges, causing Jerome to shut up.

     Everyone backs away, allowing the armoured man to approach Kenny and Choco. He unlatches two splash potions of healing from his belt and pours them over their wounds. Choco's gash shrinks until it's only as big as a bad scratch. Some of his feathers even grow back in. Kenny's wound also shrinks, much of the burnt skin regenerating itself.

     "Wow, thanks so much. If you didn't show up we might not have been able to save them." Lachlan thanks, although Jerome is still taken aback by his retort and is scowling.
     "Yeah thanks, umm... What's your name?" Vikk questions.
     "The names Pat. I'm what you might call a wanderer. Haven't really found a place to call home yet so I just explore in random places, helping out where I can."
     "So your like a hero, because you definitely look the part." Rob chuckles, "My name is Rob."
     "I'm Preston."
     "I'm Vikk, nice to meet you."
     "I am Lachlan."
      "I'm Mitch, and Mr. Grumpy pants over there is Jerome."

     Everyone chuckles at that, except for Jerome of course.

      "Oh and the bird looking thing over there is Choco, and the other guys name if Kenny." Lachlan fills in, Pat nodding along.

     Right on cue Choco groans, pushing himself up with the help of Lachlan. Kenny also groans, his eyes parting slightly and Mitch helps him up.

     "What happened..." Choco grumbles, scratching his head.
     "And where's my shirt..."
     "Ha sorry dood, had to take if off to get at your wound." Mitch chuckles, handing him his grey and black striped hoodie.
     "Because you two are obviously really confused I'll explain it as simple as possible." Preston informs, clearing his throat, "So you guys passed out and we all had a panic attack, we tried to clean you two up and that's about when Mr. Hero, aka pat, came in and healed you guys with a potion, and now voila, here we are. Oh did I forget to mention Jerome's a salty little cactus cuz Pat totally owned him?"
     "WILL YOU STOP IT ALREADY PRESTON?!" Jerome roars, Preston laughing giddily as Jerome begins to chase him in circles around the room.
     "Excuse them." Rob apologizes, everyone else simply laughing.

     Until the morning everyone, once they got Jerome settled down thanks to Mitch, proceeded to fill Kenny, Choco, and Pat in on the past days. Starting with their villages demise to the current time. And once daylight shines through the darkness and the last skeleton burns off, Pat turns to the door.

     "It's was nice meeting everyone. I should get going now. I have to continue my search in finding a suitable home."
     "Wait, Pat." Jerome calls out, causing pat to turn back to him with a 'hmm?' "As an apologize I wanna invite you to stay with us. We were thinking of starting again here, rebuilding and making a new home. Since you said you were looking for a home then... Why don't you stay with us?"
     "Aww there's the Jerome we all know and love." Rob chimes in, causing Jerome to guiltily smile.

     Everyone pauses in suspense, Pat unmoving. Then Pat nods, causing everyone to break out into cheer.

     "It's not like I have anywhere else to go, thanks guys."
     "Come on everyone, let's celebrate surviving this absolute Winter Wasteland!" Lachlan cheers, pumping a fist in the air.


Reader: Great book! *Starts to walk away*

     That's right, don't leave quite yet! Still have an epilogue coming up and who knows... I might even add in a bonus chapter ;). (Avalon gave me the idea for a bonus chapter, go check out her profile for some awesome stories!)

     But seriously, thanks for all the support and I'll see you all at the end of the bonus chapter!


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