Chapter 6

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Warnings: Character deaths (not anyone from the pack, don't worry)


The wolves, whimpering, retreat into the bushes with their tails between their legs and Vikk and Lachlan share a high five. But they soon realize they cannot rejoice so quickly.

"Hey Vikk... Where is everyone else?"


     ~Vikk's P.O.V.~

     "We must have split up..." I conquer, glancing around the forest trees to confirm my suspicion.
     "Fish fish fish..."

     I brush the snow off of my clothing which I had acquired upon landing in the snow. Lachlan reflects this movement and we scan the surrounding area, unsure of what to do.

     "Well seeing as it's night and the snowstorm isn't letting up I'd say let's just try and look for everyone else in the morning." Lachlan suggests, running his fingers through his waves of golden hair.

      Nodding in agreement we pile up snow to create some walls and then scoop out an area within these walls. Crawling into the space, the snow walls keeping off some of the wind, we snuggle into the dead grass now uncovered by snow. I shiver, wrapping my arms tightly around me. Why on earth did I wear a t-shirt? Is my last thought before I drift off to sleep.


With dull morning sunlight filtering through the spruce trees I awake, consciousness still hazy. For a moment I imagine I am in my bed, back in the village, wrapped in blankets of warmth. That until all the memories come flooding back, causing me to frown and sit up. I yawn, noticing Lachlan is already up. He's not too far away from our makeshift shelter, eyeing our tracks.

"Do you have an idea of which way we should go?" I question, rubbing my eyes as I walk up beside him.
He frowns and shakes his head, "Well I see that we came from this way, judging by these tracks, but I don't know how we'd find out where everyone else went. Even if we follow our tracks all the way back I'm sure once they reach the field the snow would have covered them by now."
         "You're right.... So what do you suppose we do?" 
         "Let's gooooooooooo..." Lachlan spins around, pointing in a random direction, "That way."
        I glance up at the sky, through a small gap in the trees, "So we're going West?"
      "Yes... We are heading West. Hey looked I rhymed."

      Lachlan strikes a victorious pose and I roll my eyes, taking the lead. From what I can tell the snow has ceased. Thankfully. I'm definitely feeling the cold, but I try my best not to show it. If Lachlan caught on that I'm freezing he'd most likely freak out. So I try my best to put on a poker face and trudge on through the forest.

      Eventually we come to a clearing in the forest, nothing big but it allows us to see the sky clearly for the first time this day. Luckily it is not snowing, and the sun is only halfway into the sky. I'm thankful for its warm rays shining down onto my frozen exposed skin. Lachlan seems content as well, turning directly to face the suns warmth.

"Think we should stop here and warm up for a bit Lachlan?" I question, rubbing my hands together so they warm up.
"Yeah, let's go once the sun is halfway down to the trees."
"Let's see if we can find some food too... I'm getting pretty hungry." I state, my stomach growling its agreement.

Lachlan nods and banks of to the right in search for things to eat. On the other hand I scan the edges of the clearing, looking for a berry bush or a small mammal to eat. It's only when I take my first step towards the trees that I notice a large dark lump half covered in snow. Curious I edge my way towards it, and notice there is a second lump near it, about the same size. Fear and shock slowly creeps up in my mind as my eyes start to recognize the shapes. Ten meters away and I freeze, eyes wide in shock. There, covered in slightly reddened snow, is the body of AntVenom. His broken diamond sword remains scattered by his hand. Beside him, propped up against a tree, is the frost bitten corpse of Captainsparklez. Ice now remained on his cheeks where tears had once flown, and his knees were brought up to his chest where his arms still hugged them tight. They died not to long ago...

     "Lachlan!" I shout, taking a step back in shock.

     Less than a minute later and he's bounding to my side, iron sword drawn. But once he sees them he immediately freezes, his sword wielding arm dropping to his side.

     "Are they..."
     "Dead." I finish for him.

     Before the night of the attack CaptainSparkles, or Jordan, and AntVenom, or Taylor, had gone out exploring. They were not present during the attack and I'm guessing they somehow got lost and ended up like this. I hesitantly step forward, touching two fingers to the lifeless face of Jordan. I turn grimly back to Lachlan.

     "I can still feel a little bit of warmth left on him... This didn't happen too long ago."

      Lachlan, who has not moved this entire time, gulps and quivers. I step away from the two, and return to Lachlan's side. The overall shock of our witness has left me oblivious to the fact that my body is now unwillingly shivering. I shake slightly, rubbing my hands against my arms in an attempt to create warmth.

     "Are you cold Vikk?"

     I stare at Lachlan. Oops. Forgot about the whole keeping-the-fact-that-I'm-freezing-a-secret thing. I drop my arms to my side to give the affect I'm no longer cold.

     "Nah I'm good thanks." I lie simply, avoiding eye contact.

     Lachlan frowns, touching his hand to my freezing arm. I recoil it quickly, adverting my gaze elsewhere.

     "You feel like an ice cube Vikk!" Lachlan exclaims, as excepted, freaking out.

     Before I can question his thoughts he is stepping up to what once was Jordan and gently removing his black jacket. He turns back to me, holding it out.

     "Vikk put this on. Your going to freeze to death just like him if you don't put another layer on." Lachlan states firmly, nodding towards Jordan.

     I shake my head frantically, pushing his hands away.

     "Put that back on him Lachlan! We should at least be respectful... That jacket does not belong to us!"

     Lachlan frowns, looking at the jacket in his hands, then to Jordan, then to me. He steps closer, holding it out once again.

     "I don't care, Vikk! This won't do him any good now... And I don't want you to end up like that! Not now... Not ever!" Lachlan protests, forcing the jacket over my arms.

     I'm about to rip it off, arguing that it not right, until I feel the major difference in warmth. Much of the cold disappears and instead I glare at Lachlan, pulling it up until it's properly over my body. Lachlan grins cheekily and I turn away, delivering a quick 'fudge off' before storming off, forgetting about food. I can feel the smirk on his face as he follows after me, continuing on our journey to who knows where.

     And many hours later, just before the sun is about to set, we find ourselves at a very very long clearing, stretching on as far as the eye can see. The forest continues to the right and follows the clearing just as far.

     "We should stop here for tonight, I see a small overhang on that Boulder over there." I explain, pointing in the field to where a lone Boulder stands.
     "Sounds good to me. But we better hurry, the sun it almost gone and that thing is like a hundred meters away."

     I nod and we begin dashing through the snow, (in a one horse open sleigh XD), and we safely reach the rock just as a creeper spawns nearby. We pant quietly, setting down our stuff and making sure the coast is clear before starting to settle into our temporary spot. Until an arrow skims Lachlan's hair and embeds itself within the rock.

     Lachlan yelps in surprise, jumping out of the way as a second arrow plunges into the rock where his head was a second earlier. We whip around to see a skeleton, standing on the opposite side of the rocks overhang. It must have just spawned there. It shoots a third arrow, this time towards me since Lachlan has scrambled to the other side of the rock. I quickly pull up my sword, the arrow harmlessly clanging off its blade, toppling to the ground. I whip the sword as hard as I can, successfully crushing the skeletons head and causing it to fall to the ground. It's skull now cracked, it tries to push itself up, but I shift over to it and crush it's fractured skull, causing it to disappear and leave a bone and a bow in its place. Plus a couple of arrows.

     The bow is in fairly good shape and I happily pick it up, gaining a secondary weapon. Lachlan peeks around the corner, slowly emerging from his hidden spot and returning to the rock.

     "Is it gone?" He asks cautiously, eyeing an arrow still wedged in the rock.
     "Yeah and looks what I got!" I beam, holding out the bow.

      Lachlan smiles, reaching to run his fingers along its wooden handle. I smile and playfully pull it back.

     "I'll be taking this since your ping will make this as useful as a snowball if you use it." I tease, once again slinging it over my shoulder.
      "Oi no need to be a Darude sandstormer Vikk." Lachlan pouts, turning away.

      I giggle, settling back down and placing my bow off to the side, before drifting off into content sleep.


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