How Did Things Turn Out This Way?

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*showers sparkles onto audience* YES I AM UPDATING FOR A CHANGE!!! Anyways, how's it goin?

"Don't stop us now. The moment of truth. We were born to make history..." Gosh. Couldn't get that song out of my head. Too catchy. After the CritiCristia battle, I couldn't thank Aion enough even after we lost. I tried to make cookies, but I am a garbage cook, so I made a card! Not exactly the BEST way to thank someone, but it's what I could do on short notice. Right now, we were all gathered at Angelica's bar for food.

"You have been singing a lot these past few days. Are you happy, Pyuru?" Moa asked. "I dunno... I guess even though we lost, it still went over really well of the audience. So yeah." Everyone agreed and chatted excitedly. I wound up catching Aion's eye from the corner. Why does that make me so happy? Ah well. "Oh! I almost forgot!" President Maple said, grasping everybody's attention. "You are all performing in a concert tomorrow at the Futures Indies Band!" This got Crow really excited, while perking Chuchu's curiosity. "What's the concert going to be for?" "It's a major event where all the top notch bands perform. How do you not know about it?" Crow responded. I smiled with excitement. "Sounds fun!"

It was about that moment when Retoree's phone rang. "Huh?" She picked it up, and a look of surprise and almost horror filled her eyes. "It's Tsuretsurenaru Atsureyu Mugenan! They were attacked, and Darudayu got hurt! Thankfully it wasn't anything fatal." Moa's expression went from panicked to relieved with that final sentence, but me and Cyan were both confused. "Tsuretsure?" Cyan asked. Chuchu looked confused at us. "You mean you don't know? They are high on the list of most popular bands. The music they play is mostly from the Far East." My tail wound up flicking with excitement. "Cool!"


-Chuchu's POV-
Something has been very odd lately with Cyan and Annette. They didn't know about CritiCristia or Tsuretsure, and neither of them went into any detail about their hometown either. I don't think this is much of a coincidence anymore. And this is the only thing as of right now that is driving me to spy on Annette. And if I want to get a good solo career, I need to know how my bandmates are. Right now, she is practicing her guitar, singing quietly. After a while, she stopped. "So, what do you think?" She asked. Who is she talking to? That is when I heard a second voice. "Getting much better! The way your channeling your emotions into your notes are making them stronger. You will be a superstar in no time!" I almost screamed from the shock. Jeepers! Is that her guitar talking? Something is definitely going on. I carefully snuck away, but couldn't help but notice an excited Aion pass by.

-Aion's POV-
I'm gonna do it. There is something I want to show Annette, and I have been very nervous up until now. My hand slowly reached to the door before knocking. "Coming!" I heard as a reply, before the door opened. "Oh! Hi Aion! What is it?" She said in her cheerful way. I blushed slightly. "There is something that I kinda want you to see. You can consider it a thank you for the card you gave me. She agreed, but had a slightly awkward look on her face. Knowing her, it was probably something to say "Its just a card, though..." I smiled and grabbed her hand.

I took her over to my room, and opened the door slowly. It was littered with instruments here and there, and a couple of posters of some music artists. "So this is your room? Its cool!" She said, observing it. I smiled, and eventually, she saw what I wanted her to find. "Oh my gosh! You never told me you could play piano!" "I forgot to mention it the first time you played, and I haven't found a good time si-" she grabbed onto my hands, causing an automatic blush. "You. Me. Duet. Please?" She also had a faint blush on her face. Ummmm.... I couldn't help but accept. We played together, and it sounded beautiful. She looked so happy, and that made me happy. I wish things would stay like this forever.


-Annette's POV-
"Well, we are here!" Chuchu said. We were at our destination for the Future Indies Band competition.The sign for the room said Plasmagica, and also something else. "Shizuku Secret Mind?" Cyan asked, basically voicing my thoughts. By this point, I was very confident she was from earth as well. "I guess we are sharing a room..." Retoree confirmed. We went in, and mer the two band members supporting the group: Corriente and Wendy. They were very fun to talk to, and we even had some refreshments, but that was before it happened. SSM told us some rumors, that band members are disappearing. On top of that, the incidents of targeting popular bands are all related. I was getting pretty worried, and then calmed down slightly when I heard Shingan CrimsonZ playing over the TV, but that too quickly faded away. DARK MONSTER ATTACK AT S-RIVER. TARGET: NINJINRIOT. Another band targeting! Me and Cyan both shared the same panicked look, and the conversing of the other members seemed to fade away for that moment. "Oh! Sorry, I have to use the restroom." I quickly said, before sneaking away. But I could tell at least someone was suspicious.

"Do I have to?" I said, looking down at Shining. "I know this concert means a lot to you, and I also know that you want to stay here. But the more dark monsters you wipe out, the sooner you can make it back home. I guess he is right... I turned to run out of the building, but a hand grabbed mine, stopping me in my tracks. "Mind telling me whats going on here?" I turned around, and my eyes widened in shock. "Chuchu?" "We ain't got no time for this!" Shining said in panic, but Chuchu wasn't letting up. "What is this? Why is your guitar talking?" "GOTTA GO FAST!!!" Shining pulled, and before I knew it, I was whisked away, forcing Chuchu to let go. I have a bad feeling...

I ran as fast as I could go, but when I made it, the screen was off. "What happened?" I asked the nearest Mnyumon. "I don't know. I think they were able to escape." My eyes widened slightly. All of that... was for nothing? "Hey!" I heard someone run over. "Cyan?!" This confirmed me theory. She is human too. "Cyan, you have to go back! Hurry!" "But what about Nin-" "Ninjariot escaped! There is nothing we can do! Chuchu is already suspicious of me, go now before you-" "You thought I was suspicious of just you?" My hands were shaking nervously. "Chuchu, I can explain, you see, I-" "How could you guys just leave like that?" No.... Shingan Crimsonz too? Cyan tried explaining on her own, but she constantly stammered, and couldn't get the words out. "Fine. I'll explain" I said, forcing back tears. "But... Annette.." she tried to argue. "I lied just as much as you did. So if you can't explain, I will." "Lied...?" Retoree asked, eyes widened. "Annette..." Aion said, genuinely worried. "What's going on?" And so I vented. Everything. Everything from Earth to home to my depression, ending with "I am so sorry." Everyone was silent. Retoree was the first to speak. "Does this mean... you are going to leave soon?" Cyan nodded. Retoree began holding back tears. "And by the way, thanks so mich for waiting this long to tell us!" And with that, she ran away. I was mostly fixated on Aion's shattered look. "..... Aion?" I called out. He ran without a word. "Hey, wait!" I screamed, before tripping on my own feet and falling to the floor. "Are you okay?" Cyan asked. The only words I could say were "I'm an idiot...."

Finally I am done with that! I would give an end Author's note, but it is 2:27 AM, and I should really get some sleep. Thank you and good night!

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