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I love snow! I wrote this short little "thing" last night after watching Frosty the Snowman. XD I love winter. haha anyways, leave a comment!


Snow is here again. I race to the windowpane to see this awesome wonder. Cold as it is, there is nothing quieter and prettier then snow. The sky screams when it falls, a million demons flying in a whirl of flurries across the earth. But once it touches the ground, it hushes as still as my heart. I love the snow. Winter has a sparkle. I love the way it crunches beneath my boots and the way each snowflake is different. I open my mouth and watch, cross eyed, as a snowflake lands on my outstretched tongue and melts so quickly I barely have a chance to register its brief touch. I fling myself backwards into a pile of snow, my arms waving back and forth, I imagine a white angel blowing the snowflakes through the air, a vast array of shimmering sparkling pieces of ice. A gusty wind blows snow into my face and I can barely see, but I don't care. I love every minute out here. feeling cold, I begin to head to my house, my boots leaving imprints in the perfect snow. my snow angel is already being covered by more and more snow. my mother waves from the doorway, and I can smell hot chocolate being heated on the stove. At night I lay in bed, listening to the wind howling outside my window. Tomorrow I will build a snowman and give him a carrot nose and an old faded hat my father has. I snuggle into the blankets and am soon fast asleep. When I wake up the next morning, I throw off my blankets and go to the windowpane. There I see that Jack Frost has come and visited me in the night. His icy breath and fingertips have carved such intricate designs on my window. I stare in wonder and trace my fingers across the pictures that I hold in my sights. I see knights in shining armor protecting maidens from dragons. I coo in delight at the sight of baby polar bears basking in the sun. From the corner of my eye I see a gallant hero riding in to save the day. All of this is etched into my window after one winter night. Truly, winter is a glorious time.

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