Chapter 61

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I open the door and find myself in a classroom, before nervously glancing around. Aqua, the voice continues. I grab my head and scrunch my brows, wondering what exactly this voice wanted from me.

"Who are you!?" I demand, before creating a sword out of thin air. I cautiously look around the room, before tightly clenching my fists around my sword. Since this person won't reveal themselves, they must be a coward!

You're so simpleminded. Sometimes, things aren't so black and white, the voice states, as darkness starts to surround me. I drop my sword, before extending my arms and creating a shield around me. This must be one of the Trixs' traps!

I scowl. "Crap..."

You must be thinking that this is the Trixs' doing, but they are nothing compared to me! The voice declares. My body begins to tremble, as fear washes over me. Who the hell is this individual? And why do they care so much about me?

"I'm the fairy of the water stars and empress of the infinite ocean!" I state, before clenching my fists in desperation. "You'll regret this!" I slowly spin around and look for the source of the voice, as my heart hammers within my chest.

You think you actually stand a chance against me? The voice mocks. Tears form in my eyes, as I fall to my knees. Although this person hasn't revealed themselves, I'm completely and utterly terrified.

"Show yourself, coward!"

Where would the fun in that be? You would completely tremble at my presence, the voice states. I heave a sigh, before forcing myself to stand up. If anything, I can't allow myself to give up! I need to continue fighting!

"You'll never win!"

"You're so brave, Aqua," a familiar yet dark voice mocks. I slowly turn around, being face to face with a woman. She has long, dark blue hair that's tied back into a braid, with a crown in her hair. She has a gorgeous, navy gown, and her blue eyes seem to stare into my soul. I meet her gaze, as a smirk forms on her lips.

The moment I notice her, my body begins to shake uncontrollably. Her presence is overwhelming. My legs falter, as I stumble to the ground. "W-Who are you...?" I choke out, as she stares at me in pure amusement.

"I don't see why that concerns you," she says in a calm yet intimidating tone, before bending down to look at me. "Listen to me carefully, young fairy. You are nothing, and you will die like the pathetic being you are!" She chuckles to herself, as my hair covers my eyes.

I place my hands on the ground and struggle to stand up. "Y-You'll..." I start, as she cups my chin and forces me to look into her emotionless, blue eyes. A chill races down my spinal cord, as a dark smirk etches on her face.

"You can't even stand in my presence, Aqua," she mocks, before grabbing my hair and lifting me into the air. I squeeze my eyes shut and scowl in pain, before clenching my trembling fists. "I-I won't let you win..." I murmur.

"Oh, Aqua..." She hums, before using her other hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "I already have." I heave a sigh, before narrowing my eyes at her. Even though her presence is overly intimidating, I cannot let her win!

"E-Extending water..."

The moment I utter those words, orbs of water shoot from my body. The woman's eyes flash dangerously, as she releases me and leaps away. She holds out her arm and prepares to attack, just as the room door slams open.

Rena stands there, as her eyes widen in horror. "Aqua!" She shrieks, before racing towards me. The woman scowls in annoyance, before vanishing into thin air. Until we meet again, young fairy, the woman's voice echoes through my head.

"Aqua! What happened? Are you okay?"

Relief washes over me, before Rena catches me and gently lowers me to the ground. "Rena..." I say softly, struggling to remain conscious. "Thank goodness..." My eyelids grow heavy, before I fall unconscious.

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