Nova Star Stardust

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❝Now we're lost somewhere in outer space
In a hotel room where demons play
They run around beneath our feet
We roll around beneath these sheets
I've got a lover a love like religion
I'm such a fool for sacrifice❞

Name: Nova-Star Astra Stardust
Nickname: Nova
Age: 29
Birthday: September 19th
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Title: Princess of Pandora
Position: Princess Consort
From: Planet of Pandora


Parents: Icarus (Deceased) & Stella Stardust
Siblings: None
Children: Silvris
Grandparents: None
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Linphea Amaranth

The Angel of Time
Angel Type: Time
achieved Angelix
I have the power to control time, stop, start, and change the pace at which it flows at. I can pause people, and create time shields and light clock hand are projectiles.

Time control, Time manipulation, Time freezing, time dilation, time travel, time speed manipulation, pausing people and items, time forcefields, time discs, prehensile wings, time clairvoyance, time immunity, Energy Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Spell casting, Utility Magic, Magic Blasts, Cursing, Magic Constructs, Magic Detection & Sensing, Flight

Species: Angel
Hair: strawberry blonde hair
Hair style: hair is shaved short on left side while long and fluffy on the right
Eyes: left eye is light blue, right eye is golden
Height: 5'4
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: Energy Clock Shield, Energy Clock hand Lances, Halo
Other: has a halo and feathers behind ears, three sets of Angel wings. Was also born blind.

❝sweet dreams are made of these❞

Backstory Info
all she ever wanted to do was use fairy magic. Due to being An Angel, she instead had to learn Angel magic, which was far weaker. Due to being a time Angel, her magic held up, but dreams remain dreams. She was born blind, never seeing the world beyond her darkness, but feeling every second of her surroundings. He father passed when she was young, assassinated for being a member of the royal council. Being left with her mother on the other hand, was a challenge. Her mother is mute, thankfully she can hear, but has no functioning vocal cords. Nova, is blind. Their communications were a struggle, but Stella loves Nova dearly and did her best for her daughter. Nova was raised in high society on Pandora, and years went by before she mer the princess. They seemed to instantly click, and eventually would wed. Nova wanted to get into Alfea for its magical studies, but was not a fairy, unlike her then girlfriend. Linphea got her into the school through loopholes, where her lover studied happily. They ended up getting married and through magical means produced an heir.



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