Zenobia UltraViolet

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❝'Cause I'd laugh and drink and talk about things
And fall in love in my backyard
Now it's my own anxiety that makes the conversation hard
'Cause nobody seems to ask about me anymore
And nobody ever cares about anything I think
And nobody seems to recognize me in the crowd
In the background, screaming, Everybody, look at me❞

Name: Zenobia Opaline Ultaviolet
Nickname: Zenobia, Ze, Bia
Age: 28
Birthday: January 10th
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: Any
Sexuality: Pansexual
Title: No title
Position: none
From: Planet of Domino


Parents: Solleo & Sinmara Ultraviolet (Deceased)
Siblings: None
Children: None
Grandparents: None
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: None

The Fairy of Wild Magic
Fairy type: Fairy of Wild Nature
Achieved Dark Magic Winx, Dark Charmix, DisEnchantix, Dark Believix, DisHarmonix & Dark Sirenix
I am the fairy of wild magic. My power is untamable and rogue, I can do whatever I wish with it. I can transform into animals, I can call on the wild to assist me, I have limit range over elemental abilities, and when using them I have the resistances that come along with that magic.

Shapeshifting, animal transformation, animal communication, plant communication, elemental resistance, wild magic control, wild magic manipulation, Thermokinesis, Aerokinesis, Chlorokinesis, Cryokinesis, Electrokinesis, Ferrokinesis, Geokinesis, Geo-Thermokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Photokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Typhokinesis, Umbrakinesis, Crystalkinesis, Energy Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Spell casting, Utility Magic, Magic Blasts, Cursing, Magic Constructs, Magic Detection & Sensing, Flight

Species: Fairy
Hair: hair fades from white, light pink, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, magenta, hot pink, to black, while two streaks go from white to black, with monochromatic shades of grey between
Hair style: hair is long and is usually down
Eyes: Golden eyes
Height: 5'3
Piercings: Ears & septum are pierced
Weapons: A Staff, Dual swords, magic spellbook, Energy Bow and Quiver
Other: has golden henna markings on hands

❝I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me, I'll be the nightmare starring in your bad dreams❞

Backstory Info
Born on domino, she was there for the fall. Both her parents didn't make it out, so it was just her on her own. She joined the clan that went to pyros, where she learned the wild magic of the world. She felt at home in a place of no rules, but was still haunted by the memories of the past. From a young age she was told she'd do great things, her magic would be just as strong as the dragon flame, but seeing the fire fairy constantly succeed, she was jealous and wanted that fame. When the time came she did get sent to alfea, assimilating back into society quite easily, but her jealousy grew. Every one made her feel like a martyr, and she wasn't the great savior she had been let on to be. Chronos offered her a place underneath him, to which she accepted the quick offer to become stronger.


Dark Magic Winx

Dark Charmix


Dark Believix

Dark Sophix

Dark Lovix


Dark Sirenix

Dark Arctic Sirenix

Dark Arcanix

Dark Crystalix

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