12 : No Not Again!

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to kittycatlover23 for voting my chapters. You should check out her stories, they are amazing! I hope she enjoys the chapters as well as other readers. On with the chapter;

Flora's POV

We rushed out to see what had happened; the noise had seemed to come from our attic, "I presume the noise came from the attic...." I started but couldn't finish because Rain said, "Oh no no no NO! The pixies cage! It must be them! Oh but please it shouldn't be......." By that time we had reached the attic, and the pixies' cage was burst open.

"And it is. GREAT!"

"No, not again!" Musa complained.

"C'mon Winx, we have some friends to stop!" Aisha commanded.

"Yup." Rainbowta agreed, clearly tensed.

"Magic Winx CHARMIX!" We all commanded in unison.

(They transform)

"So Rain, what's the plan?" I asked while flying out into the grounds.

"Just do what you think is accurate." She said, evidently exasperate.

We soon loomed the pixies, they were walking like zombies, again.

"Huh! What is this? What's happening?!" Rainbow wailed, and she fell clutching her head, "It's as if something is happening to Sparkle!"

"No Rain, you must be mistaken. Sparkle is right in front of you." Tecna informed.

"No Winx, these aren't the pixies. Flora, ask Mother Nature whether these are the pixies or not."

"On it! Winx just stay back so you won't get hurt. Nature's Symphony!" A strong wind blew around me and I heard the voice of nature (this spell can be used to heal someone and ask Mother Nature something). It told me that these are not the pixies, these are just the copies and the real pixies have already reached their village.

I repeated all this to the Winx and they were NOT happy about this.

After Reaching the Pixie Village

"Oh no! The whole village is frozen!" I worried. "Don't worry Flora we will just unfreeze it. I and Bloom will heat it, Flora will restore life, this place could use some light Stella, Aisha will wash everything off with hot water, Musa will crack the ice with her sound waves and Tecna will, first of all, calculate the amount of ice and the amount of energy we will need to apply to unfreeze the village. Is that okay with you guys?" Rainbowta announced, rather calmly I wonder why, but anyway, we all agreed.

Soon the whole village was as good as new. Rain asked Sparkle that what had happened and she said, "The Trix came and attacked us, they took me, Lockette, Chatta, Amore, Piff, Cherie and Caramel to give them the Codex and we had to give it to them. Sorry,"

"Oh my dear, it's okay. It wasn't your fault the witches attacked." Rainbowta assured to all the pixies, "Those witches are gonna have to pay for this." She said, clenching her fists.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of chapter

Happy New Year! Hope you Winxers have great New Year Resolutions (NYRs).
(PS: It's 8:34 am where I am)

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