Another hero and VIllan?

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Last Time on Winx Club: Ultimate Hero

Vilgax was a little happy that Zs'skayr was able to tire out Ben even when he was defeated. He then send Charmcaster to destroy Ben and the fairies. Charmcaster couldn't wait to destroy Gwen cousin once and for all.

Ben was in the nurse bed so he can regain his strength. THe girls try to convince Ben to stay in the bed for a while so he can get better but Ben was going to listen.

When they heard a huge explosion from outside, Flora made vines around Ben so he will stay in bed. Then the girls then rushed to to the scene so they can save the day from the villains this time.

THey saw Charmcaster and they try to stop her but she was too strong and was about to destroy them. Ben heard one of the winx club scream and he turned into Heatblast to get out of the vines and help the girls.

He sneak up behind Charmcaster and tapped on her shoulder and and punch her. When he was not make a scratch on her, he turned into Shocksquatch. THanks to his powerful electricity, he was able to weaken her and was able to save the day again.

Who will try to destroy Ben know? Find out on Winx Club: Ultimate hero. Chapter Another Hero and Villain?

P.S. I am making a new alien that is not from the series later in the chapters so please comment me if you  want to know about it


At Vilgax Ship

VIlgax was so angry of the lasted defeated by one of his allies to destroy Ben TEnnyson. He was o mad that he kick on os his drones robots. THat robot crashed into the wall and was shattered into pieces.

He was running out of allies to defeat Ben from his world. THen he got a new idea. What if he brought stronger foes from another world. He then summoned  his little partner, Albedo. He is a gavlin like Azmuth but his clothes are red and so are his eyes. HE was cured from his human form once for all.

"Albedo, is it possible to bring other stronger foes from other worlds to destroy Ben and his fairies?" asked the might VIlgax. "Yes it is possible since I can out smart Azmuth. IT will take some time sir." Said Albedo.

"Then do it." said Vilgax. He watch Albedo work his smart brain to the test and he built a circle wormhole portal.  When he activated it, a new villain from different universe came in vilgax ship.  From where he is standing, you can already smell the evil around him.

THe villain look like a man size goblin and metal armor on his body. His skin is green. He had yellow eyes and a creepy smile. He had a glider with him. His name was the Green Goblin. "So who are you I ask?" Said the Goblin.

"I am Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds. This guy right here next to my foot is Albedo. He is very smart and he brought you here on my ship. Who are you I ask." said VIlgax. "I am the Goblin. And thanks for getting me away from Spiderman. So I guess you want me to kill somebody." Vilgax nodded and showed a picture of ben and where he is.

Goblin then went  to the teleporter device and was send to Alfea. BUt what he doesn't know is that Albedo little portal brought another person on his ship. He stick to the shadows and and went after the goblin. Who is he? And what side is he on?

Back at Alfea

Ben and the girls were outside eating their lunches on a picnic table.. Ben was a little upset that Vilgax had not send any villains yet to destroy him. BUt that all change when Ben saw a ball shaped grenade landed on the table.

"GEt down!" said Ben as he and the girls ran for cover. Just then BEn saw a green goblin in front of him with armor on his chest, legs and hands. "Who are you?" asked Ben.

"Call me the Goblin. And I am here to kill you Ben. HHAAHAH". he said in a creepy lunatic laugh. He throw more bombs at Ben so he can't transform. He was about throw another one, when something stopped him.

A spider web was on hi hand that wanted to throw another bomb. THe person who shot it was a human size version. HE had a costume that had a spider symbol on it. He had red and blue colors on the shoulder and hands. on the red color were like spider webs on it. He had two big white eyes. "NOt so fast Gobby. No one is going to get hurt when I am on the job." Said the mysterious figure.

"YOU! Spiderman. What are you doing here?" Goblin asked as he  ripped the web off his hand and turn to spiderman.m"Oh I was in town and I thought I wonder what the villains up to. So I just want to make sure you are put behind bars again Gobby." Said Spider Man

"Well then I destroy you first!" said Giblin as he made a gibler appear and floated in the air and throw bombs at Spider Man. Ben saw this new hero and Ben got a idea. He turn on the watch and salm the dial down.

A green of light covered ben. What stood in his place was a monkey like alien he had four arms. He had a tail like a monkey. He had four green eyes. His fur was blue and black. The watch symbol was on his chest. "SPIDERMONKEY!" said Spidermonkey.

He then shot some webs at the goblin and which blind him for a while. HE then ran to SPiderman. "Thanks for the save. I guess that your that man who was getting attacked by Goblin over their?" asked Spiderman. "Yes I am. In my human form, call me Ben. But now call me Spidermonkey." Said Spidermonkey.

THey then turn to the goblin who had just go the web of his face. He then charge at the two heros trying to ram them with his glider. But the two hero jumped out of the way. Spidermonkey the slap his watch again on his chest and began to change again.

Four spiders came out of the watch symbol. Spidermonkey body began to look like a ape body. He had two arms and two legs. HE had now six green eyes. He had four spider legs coming out of his back. "Ultimate Spidermonkey." He then roared very loud.

Spiderman was a little surprised that he can go ultimate. "Ben let's put this Goblin back where he belongs." BEn nodded and went to stop the Goblin. BEn opened his mouth and a huge spiderweb came out and he fired at the glider and throw it away. 

The goblin fell to the ground and was more mad than usual. HE then ran to Spiderman and his new sidekick and started to try to hit them. SPiderman and Ultimate Spidermonkey were doging too fast for Goblin to hit them. Spiderman then fired some of his webs at Goblin and Ultimate Spidermonkey then fire a huge chunk of Webs that made the Goblin trapped.

"Just you wait Spiderman. You and your new friend will feel the wrath of Vilgax and you will be destroyed once and for all." HE said and laugh evilly as he was taken to Alfea Prison.

Ben then return to his human form. THe rest of the girls watch the new villan being lock away. "ONe more villain where he belongs." Said Stella.

Ben then shook Spider Man's hand. "I am Ben Tennyson. What is your real name?" aed Ben. Spiderman then took his mask off and reveal a face of a tennager. "My real name is Peter Parker. And I am great to help you Ben." He said as they became friends.


THat is the end of this chapter. Ben just met a new villain and a new hero. Who is coming next? find out next time on Winx club: Ultimate Hero.

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