Chapter 14

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We stare intently at the book. Not too long ago, the book appeared before us and made a riddle discussing fate. While Rena and I knew what that was about, the others were left puzzled and dumbfounded. "Fate, huh..." Rena murmurs. "That's what the people of Makani believe in."

"Alright. Let's go to Makani then," Bloom says sharply, as I exchange a look with Rena. "I've always wanted to go." Roxy's eyes light up, as she nods in agreement.

"I'll go as well," I state. "It's been a little while. The rest of you will stay here." They nod in response, before Rena snaps her fingers and teleports the four of us to Makani. The last time I came here was when Rena unlocked her Enchantix.

"It's so pretty!" Roxy declares, glancing all around. "Oh my gosh! There's so many birds! Wait! There's one that I've never seen before in my life! What type is that!?" I chuckle to myself, knowing that she would get excited about something like this.

"That's a type of bird that only lives in Makani," Rena explains. "Not only are they unique and special, but they are very useful to the people of Makani. Since Makani is different compared to the other worlds, those types of birds help us."

"What do they do!? And, what do you mean!?"

"Makani is a world full of islands," she states. "It's full of tradition and many sky, weather, and air fairies and mages come from here. Along with that, the people of Makani don't use technology. Instead, people use our unique birds to deliver messages and to assist them in everyday living."

"That's so cool!"

"Yes, and the people of Makani believe in a being called fate," Rena adds, with a lighthearted smile. "This world is truly unique and different compared to the other worlds. When we're not on a strict schedule, I'd love to show everyone around sometime."

Bloom grins. "We'd love that, Rena!"

"I'm looking forward to it," Rena answers, as a serious expression forms on her face. "Let's head to the next clue. Follow me." She leads the way to a bright and clear stream of water, as I stare at it in pure amazement. It's gorgeous! "So, Tritannus hasn't been here yet," I note.

"Not yet," she murmurs, closing her eyes in concentration. "But, I can sense him rapidly approaching." My eyes widen in shock, as Rena clenches her fists in desperation. If anything, we can't allow him to go near this stream.

"Winx: Harmonix!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I jump into the water without hesitation, before glancing all around. "It looks amazing..." Roxy says, admiring the scenery. I nod in agreement, staring at the bright-colored reefs and sparkling water. I thought I've been everywhere on Makani, but I was wrong.

"Follow me!" Rena declares, having a serious expression on her face. She zooms ahead, as we quickly follow her. Within seconds, she stops at a cave. "This is it," she adds. It looks enchanting!

"Winx!" A familiar voice comes from behind, capturing my attention. I slowly turn around, being face to face with Tritannus. Not only he has entered Makani, but he seems a lot stronger than before. He's a monster. "Tritannus..." I say softly, as he glares at me. "Please... Forget your revenge... Forget this evil... We can ensure that nothing bad happens to you! Please, let it go... I promise I..."

"Empty words and empty promises," he responds, as my eyes widen in shock and horror. "Aqua, is that all you are!? I thought we agreed to be by each other's side no matter what! You lied to me!"

Tears form in my eyes, as I clench my fists in desperation. "I-I'm sorry..." I choke out. "I never intended for any of this to happen... Tritannus, what happened to you...? You wanted to become the king of the underwater kingdom of Andros. If you just asked, I would've done everything I could to help you achieve your dreams! B-But... I heard from the selkies that you ruined the ceremony and hurt your brother!"

"Aqua, it seems—"

"Tritannus, I never wanted to oppose you, but you've left me with no other choice," I say, lowering my head in dismay. "I don't want to fight you... Tritannus, you're my beloved cousin, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Please... Stop this madness..." I meet his gaze, as his face softens for a moment.

"The offer still stands, little cousin," he mentions, as tears form in my eyes. "You're extremely powerful, and I want to be able to help you." I clench my fists in desperation, recalling a conversation him and I had.

After a long game of tag, Tritannus and I sit on a large rock and watch the sunset. "Today was fun," he states, shooting me a cocky grin. "We should do it every single day."

I chuckle to myself. "I'd love to, but uncle Teredor and aunt Niobe want me to do some crown Princess duties tomorrow," I say in annoyance, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.

"Why can't Alex do it?"

"Uncle Teredor thinks that he's too immature," I admit, running a hand through my wet hair. "Since I have the power of the water stars, they think it would be best if I became the queen in the future."

"That makes sense," Tritannus states. "You're going to be one of the most powerful fairies to ever exist. You even unlocked your fairy powers at an early age! No wonder you're the heir to the throne..."

I look at him for a moment, realizing that something is wrong. "Is everything okay, Tritannus?" I question, scrunching my brows in concern. He sighs heavily, before looking up at the sky.

"Honestly, I'm slightly envious of you because of that," he admits. "My future of becoming crown prince is unknown. I'm pretty sure that my parents will pick Nereus over me."

I put my hand on his shoulder, knowing how much he cares for Andros. He may not show it all of the time, but he wants what's best. "Hey, listen to me..." I murmur, as he stares at me for a moment. "If your father ever chooses your brother over you for the crown prince, let me know. I'll have a chat with him and convince him for your sake."

He chuckles. "Okay. Sure."

I smile brightly. "Alrighty!"

The flashback ends, as tears form in my eyes. I heave a sigh, before narrowing my eyes at him. "Tritannus, I won't ask again," I say sharply, as he stares at me in surprise. "If you won't forget your revenge and attempt to take over the magic dimension, then I'll have no choice but to become your enemy and stop you." A smirk forms on his lips, as I clench my fists in desperation.

"That's your fault," he states, before sending a wave of pollution at me. My eyes flash dangerously, as I become one with the water and appear right behind him. "Tritannus, if you want to fight, then bring it down!" I declare.

He chuckles to himself. "Not today, little cousin."

I glare at him, as he starts to swim away. "Aqua, are you okay?" Rena asks, as tears stream down my cheeks. I clench my trembling fists, before placing my hand on my chest. Why does he keep asking me to be on his side? Does it mean that much to him?

"I-I don't know..." I admit, lowering my head in dismay. She engulfs me in a big hug, as I rest my head on her shoulder. "You'll be okay. I'm so sorry..." She murmurs, gently stroking my back.

After that, she leads us through the cave. Suddenly, mutants appear before us. I look at them in horror, as Roxy swims towards them. "Let me handle this!" She states.

She extends her hand, as a whirlpool of fish surrounds them and flings them out of the cave. Just as I smile in her direction, a bright light appears in front of us. "You did well, fairies," the voice echoes through the cave.

"What's the clue?" Bloom asks in a serious tone. The woman before us heaves a sigh and stares at us for a moment, as I furrow my eyebrows in concentration. "A lost world that was found," she hums. "Pull the gem from its jaws."

I intently stare at her for a moment. "Thank you," Roxy says sweetly, as the woman nods. I glance at the Winx, before following them out of the cave. That's when Rena releases a gasp and starts to swim away. The rest of us follow right behind her, as she stops in front of a weakened selkie.

My selkie remains by her side, with a caring expression on her face. "Winx, thank goodness you're here!" Nissa exclaims. "This is Skyla, the selkie of Makani. She was attacked by Tritannus."

"Hey, are you okay...?" Rena asks, before approaching the selkie and gently picking her up. Skyla turns to look at her, as the selkie's face softens. I exchange a knowing look with Nissa. They're bonding!

"Thank you so much, Rena!" Skyla cheers, swimming all around. "I feel a lot better!" Genuine smiles form on their faces, as they share an joyful look. After a few minutes, we were on our way back to Alfea.

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