Chapter 12

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I lower my head in dismay, as my hands tremble in fear. Out of all places, why did they bring me here? What's the meaning of this? Does Rena want me to relive bad memories? Or, perhaps, that woman used Rena's knowledge to plan this!

Sudden footsteps echo through the corridor, immediately capturing my attention. I lift my head and look in that direction, as Rena and the woman reveal themselves. "Look whose awake," the woman mocks, having a twisted smirk on her face. "Well, Aqua, it seems your friends are quite persistent. It's really a shame what will become of them once we're through."

I narrow my eyes at her and get to my feet, as she stares at me in pure amusement. "That's where you're wrong," I retort, as she arches a brow. "I know how my friends are. They won't surrender to the likes of you. I dare you to keep me as your prisoner. I'll only be a burden to you!"

"That's what I'm hoping for," the woman responds, as I scrunch my brow in worry. "If they surrendered so easily, then that wouldn't be fun. In fact, that would defeat the whole purpose." She stalks towards me, before cupping my chin and forcing me to stare into her eyes. "Actually, we're a lot alike, Aqua."

I scowl. "No, we're not!"

"How amusing," she remarks, before running a hand through her hair. The woman nods in Rena's direction, as the female raises her arm and sends a powerful beam at me. I falter and stumble to the ground, as the woman grabs me by the hair and chuckles to herself.

"What do you want with me!?" I demand through gritted teeth. A smirk curves around her lips, as I narrow my eyes at her. If she wanted a fair fight, then she would release me this instant! What the hell does she want with me!?

"Oh, Aqua..." She says softly, before kicking me in the stomach. "There's so much you don't know. It's really a shame... Allow me to reveal my true form." I raise my eyebrows in astonishment, as she steps away from me. She snaps her fingers, as her physical appearance begins to change.

The woman has shoulder-length blonde hair, with black streaks. She has violet-purple eyes and wears black eyeliner and lipstick. The woman has a black scarf, white shirt, gray sweater, blue skirt, pink leggings, and gray, heeled boots.

I intently stare at her, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. She looks strangely familiar, but I don't know how. I've never seen her before, excluding the times she was in her disguise. Perhaps, I dreamed about this form?

"You're probably wondering why I look so familiar to you," the woman states as if reading my mind. "Do you want me to answer that question for you?" I eye her cautiously, as she stares at me in amusement.

"I don't trust you."

"That's a real shame, isn't it, Rena?" She says, before looking over her shoulder at the said girl. "I guess Aqua doesn't want to hear about her future and what she becomes."

"W-What do you mean!?" I exclaim, as the woman turns to stare at me. "What do you know about my future!? How do you know!?" As soon as those words escape my lips, I turn to look at Rena. She must've used her powers as Fate to tell her! "You probably looked into the future to see how it turns out, didn't you, Rena!? Filthy traitor! You used your power to rat me out once again!"

"That's a pretty bold assumption," the woman says, before chuckling to herself. "However, I knew about the future even before I met Rena." She smirks and places her hands on her hips, as I shift nervously. "Do you really want to know how I know your future?"

"Just spit it out already!"

"How impatient." She steps towards me. "The reason I know your future is because I'm future you. I know everything you're going to say and everything you're going to do before it happens. There's not a single thing that leaves your mouth that I'm surprised about. I have your impulsiveness, pride, impatience, determination, intelligence, and competitiveness, but I also know all about the present events and what's about to happen, unlike you."

In that moment, I couldn't bring myself to say or do anything. My hair covers my eyes, as I refuse to move a single muscle. How do I become this person in front of me? Why did this happen? What occurs in the future to turn me evil?

"You must be so confused," the woman mocks, as I stare at her with wide eyes. "To answer many of the questions swarming in your head, someone you love dearly dies right in front of you. You do your best to save them, but you're unsuccessful. Once your friends hear the news, they turn their backs on you."

Tears form in my eyes. "W-Why...?"

"I guess your bonds with them weren't that deep," she states, before chuckling to herself. "After that, the prophecy will be fulfilled, and you will become me. Your friends will perish at your hands, and you'll take their powers for yourself."

"I-I don't believe it..." I say in horror. She has to be lying! There's no way my friends would ever betray me... right? I purse my lips in concentration, as a casual smirk crosses my future self's face. "We'll give you some time to process everything that I just said," she states, before marching out of the room with Rena following right behind her.

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