Chapter 18

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A few weeks have passed since my future self attacked us. Although things have been strangely peaceful, I've been expecting her to randomly show up one day and cause problems. Even so, the Winx and I have been enjoying ourselves and having a lot of fun lately. As for now, we're spending time together in Magicix with the guys.

"Hey, Aqua!" Stella shouts, capturing my attention. "If we want to change the future, let's find you a new outfit that you would never wear!" I raise my eyebrows in astonishment and chuckle to myself, knowing that she has good intentions. By changing my style, she figures that it is one detail that could influence future events.

I shrug my shoulders, before following her into a nearby store. She brings me a few dresses and skirts, before shoving me into a changing room. I try on a lavender shirt, with a white skirt. I purse my lips in concentration, before shaking my head no. Honestly speaking, it feels too childish.

Once I put that outfit back on the hangers, I try on another outfit. It is some white jeans, with a red and yellow shirt. I furrow my eyebrows in concentration and carefully examine the outfit, before shaking my head. This outfit doesn't feel right.

After that, I try a few more outfits on, before coming across a gorgeous, black and pink dress. I stare at it in pure astonishment, as a bright smile forms on my face. I take the outfit off the hanger, before putting the outfit on. I look into the mirror and spin around, before nodding to myself. It doesn't matter what other outfits I try on; I love this one. 

I open the changing room door and step out of the room, as Stella stands outside the door. She intently stares at my outfit, as a bright smile forms on her lips. "You know, Aqua, you look pretty good in pink," she admits, as my eyes seem to light up. "It really suits you. I love it so much! I cannot wait to see more of this!"

She dances around the store in pure excitement, as I chuckle to myself. "Honestly, I fell in love with this dress the moment I saw it," I admit, as Stella nods in my direction. "Besides, I'm going to wear it for the rest of the day." I snap my fingers, as the other outfits reappear in the viewing area. I take my original outfit and walk up to the front, as everyone stares at me in amazement.

"You look so pretty!" The cashier states, nodding in my direction. "So, what are you buying today?" I take the tag off the dress I am wearing, before handing it to the female. She nods in my direction, before scanning the tag. Once I pay for the dress, she hands me a bag for my clothes, before we leave the store.

"Hello, Magicix!" A familiar voice calls, which immediately catches our attention. Stella and I simultaneously look at the sky, as Rena floats above us and looks down at the people of the city. I exchange a look with Stella, as a stern expression appears on my face. "It's Rena..." Stella murmurs, as I nod in her direction.

"It doesn't matter if she used to be one of us," I state in a surprisingly cold tone. "Rena has changed since she's been a member of the Winx Club. Even so, like any of our other enemies, we need to defeat her and ensure that she's no longer a threat to the magic dimension." Stella nods in agreement, as I intently stare at Rena. This battle will undoubtedly suck. Not only are we facing Rena, but we'll be in her element.

"Aqua, it's time to transform!" Stella declares, clenching her fists in desperation. I heave a sigh and run a hand through my hair, knowing that we must defeat her. I nod in response, before we get into a battle stance. "Magic Winx: Dimentix!" Stella and I declare simultaneously, before we start to transform. 

Stella and I fly towards Rena, with determined looks on our faces. Rena immediately notices us, as a smirk forms on her lips. "My mistress informed me that you became sappy the other day," she mocks, before chuckling to herself. "Is that the only way you can defeat a future version of Aqua? To make her emotional? That's pathetic. Wouldn't you agree, Aqua?"

"Stella, stay back," I warn, narrowing my eyes at Rena. "I'll deal with her myself." Stella nods in response, as Rena meets my gaze, with an amused smile on her face. Seconds later, the other members of the Winx Club surround Rena, with serious expressions on their faces.

"You can't beat all of us!" Bloom declares, as Rena purses her lips and glances around. Suddenly, a smirk forms on Rena's face, as a chill races down my spinal cord. Something isn't right. I nervously glance around, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. What is she planning?

"Gravity control!" Rena states, which freezes us in place. My eyes widen in horror, as Rena snickers and places her hands on her hips. She planned this, didn't she? This was a trap! I shoot a glare at her, as my heart hammers within my chest. No matter how you look at it, we're in a vulnerable position now.

"It seems you possess the powers the sky," notes Nyx, who remains completely calm. "Although your spell is extremely dangerous and powerful against normal magical beings, fairies of our caliber can easily escape your spell." Nyx brings her wings close to her chest, before opening them with a sudden force and eliminating Rena's gravity spell. "Spells like that are no problem for the wings of Dimentix."

I raise my eyebrows in astonishment, before copying her movement and escaping Rena's gravity spell. "I see you girls had no problem replacing me," Rena remarks, as the other members of the Winx Club break free from her spell. Upon hearing her say that, Flora's face softens, and she flies towards her, with a warm expression on her face.

"Rena, I'm sorry it seems that way to you," says Flora, who shoots her a genuine smile. "Even so, we never had that intention. Rena, we still care about you and want you to join us. Please... Come back to the Winx. We miss you so much." Flora stops in front of her and extends her hand, as Rena hesitantly stares at it.

Rena lifts her hand, before launching a powerful beam through Flora's stomach. "Flora!" I shriek, as tears stream down my cheeks. "Y-You'll pay for that!" Musa and Aisha immediately dive down and catch her, as Bloom and Stella narrow their eyes at Rena. I clench my fists, before firing two orbs at Rena. Before the orbs could hit her, a figure appears before Rena and blocks my attacks. She has dark blue hair and wears a black witch outfit. 

My future self hovers in front of Rena, with a serious expression on her face. "Rena, what have you done?" She questions, as the said female scrunches her brow in concern. "That wasn't supposed to happen." She purses her lips in concentration, before an amused smirk forms on her lips. "Even so, I'm glad that happened."

"Rena, that's unforgiveable!" I declare, as she stares at me in pure amusement. "You made your choice and can't turn back now! When we see you next, we won't try to change your mind and take it easy on you anymore! You hurt one of us, and we'll make you regret it!" Roxy nods in agreement, while Bloom and Stella clench their fists and get into fighting positions.

"My apprentice, it is time to go," my future self states in a bored tone, before looking over at me. "As for you, Aqua, until we meet again." She smirks. "If I were you, I'd enjoy the time you have with your beloved friends before it's too late." Once she utters those words, Rena and my future self vanish into thin air. We hurry towards Flora, who lays weakly on the ground. Musa and Aisha stand on both sides of her, with worried looks on their faces. I land in front of them, before hovering my hand above Flora's chest and instantly healing her. If anything, we can't allow them to continue escaping!

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