Chapter 23

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As we leave the infinite ocean, I look down at Roxy, who lays peacefully in my arms. She sure has been through a lot today, and I cannot imagine how she was feeling. Honestly, I don't blame her for losing her cool. Roxy just learned that she was a fairy and made some new friends that mean the world to her. Although we were talking about death the other day and she had a feeling that someone was going to die, it's still difficult to deal with and accept.

We appear in the courtyard of Alfea, as I look over my shoulder at Musa, who holds Rena over her shoulder like a rag doll. I purse my lips in concentration, before looking down at my outfit. It was the gorgeous, pink and black dress that Stella helped me pick out the other day. I cannot believe how genuinely happy we were back then. If anything, it feels like a distant memory. 

Seconds later, the other members of the Winx Club scurry towards us, with worried yet uneasy expressions on their faces. "How'd it go?" I question, as Bloom lowers her head in dismay. "Did you manage to save Andros?" I look over at my cousin, as she clenches her fists in rage and scowls. "What happened?"

"He got away."

"On the bright side, Valtor is no longer a threat to Andros," Nyx points out, as relief washes over me. "It sucks that he got away, but the fact remains that we forced him to retreat." I shoot her a warm smile. "If that's not a victory, then I don't know what is." She looks at Roxy and then Rena. "It seems the infinite ocean was more eventful. What happened?"

Bloom, Stella, Tecna, and Aisha turn to face me, before staring at the unconscious fairy in my arms. "Hey, Aqua, is she okay?" Bloom questions, taking a few steps towards me. "Did Tritannus hurt her!?" Stella and Aisha follow right behind her, as Tecna furrows her eyebrows in concentration.

"She'll be fine..." I say softly, as tears form in my eyes. "She's been through a lot and just needs some time." I look over my shoulder at Daphne, as she nods in my direction. "Winx, there's something I need to tell you..." Everyone turns to stare at me, as I anxiously run a hand through my hair. "When I went to return the Legendarium to the dimension of light and darkness, I learned that there was a prophecy created about us."

Daphne studies me. "What did it say?"

"The first line of the prophecy says "a group of heroes will rise to the task"," I state, as the other members of the Winx Club intently stare at me. "That talks about our first encounter and creating our current group." Aisha exchanges a look with Musa, as a serious expression appears on her face. Stella runs a hand through her hair, while Bloom purses her lisp in concentration.

"That makes sense. What's next?"

"The next line is "through calm and storm"," I continue, as a soft wind blows against my hair. "This one is straightforward. It means through good times and bad times." Nyx nods in my direction. "The third one is "with dangers unlike any other". It's safe to assume that this line discusses the enemies we've encountered and overcome."

"Please keep going."

I heave a sigh and recall the next line, as my heart hammers within my chest. "The fourth line says "a traitor fights among them"," I murmur, lowering my head in dismay. "Out of all the lines from the prophecy, this is one of the hardest to accept. This one is talking about Rena's betrayal, but it's still hard to accept. At first, I couldn't imagine one of us turning their back on us, but it happened..."

An awkward silence fills the group, as I heave a sigh and glance around. Serious expressions appear on their faces, as I scrunch my brows in concern. What are they thinking? "The next line states "a beloved dove will perish"," I continue, feeling their intense gazes. "When we went to the infinite ocean to confront Tritannus, we learned the truth about that line of the prophecy. Rena revealed herself and attacked us. She told Roxy the truth about that line, before taunting her with it."

"Is there anything else?"

"The final line says "and a broken promise will seal a fate"," I respond, as Bloom furrows her eyebrows in concentration. "I don't know what this means, but I think it could be talking about Rena." I look at the other members of the Winx Club, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. "Winx, I'm sorry for keeping it from you. I'll bring Roxy up to our room and give you some time to process it. Let me know when you're ready to talk."

"Hey, Aqua," Flora says in a surprisingly gentle tone. "Thank you so much for telling us. It's a lot to take in, but we won't turn our backs on you. Honestly, I cannot believe you and Roxy put that much pressure on yourselves and were dealing with it alone." She looks at Rena. "Don't worry about her. We'll find a place for her and ensure that won't escape."

Musa grins. "You can count on us, Aqua!"

Bloom nods in agreement. "Just look after Roxy."

I gaze at their supportive expressions, as tears stream down my cheeks. "T-Thank you so much, Winx...!" I choke out, before wiping the water from my eyes. "You have no idea how much this means to me!" Stella shoots me a warm smile, as Daphne nods in my direction.

After that, I'm heading into Alfea, with Roxy in my arms. Within minutes, I return to our room and place her on her bed, before covering her up. I stare at the young fairy, before recalling what Flora and Daphne were saying earlier. Although Roxy learns quickly and will do anything for her friends, she's still younger and less experienced than the rest of us. If anything, I was putting way too much on her plate and pressuring her. All in all, everything that happened is my fault.

I sit on Roxy's bed, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. What could the other girls be up to? "Magic orb, show me the Winx Club," I order, as my orb lights up and reveals the other members of the Winx Club. They stand in a room, with Rena chained to the wall before them. While Bloom, Stella, and Aisha stand in the front of the room, Flora remains in the back and nervously stares at Rena.

Flora shifts nervously. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Bloom nods. "Yes," she says sharply. "Flora, Aqua has been through so much. The last thing I want is for her to experience more pain. She became the empress of the infinite ocean, lost control over her powers countless times, spent months in another dimension trying to return to us, learned that a future version of herself is evil and trying to make her life a living hell, and then found out that one of her best friends stabbed her in the back. After everything that's happened, I won't let anything happen to Roxy! I love that they've become so close in such a short amount of time, but I know that would break Aqua if Roxy died."

"I understand where you're coming from, and we're with you," states Aisha, who shoots her a warm smile. "I've known Aqua since we were in diapers, and she wants to ensure our safety more than anything. She genuinely loves you girls more than anything. She believes that becoming apart of the Winx Club is one of the best things that has ever happened to her. It's like we're a family."

Flora's face softens. "Well said, girls."

"Hey, girls," Tecna says abruptly, which captures everyone's attention. "Rena is waking up. If we want information, then be ready." The girls turn to face Rena, who squints her eyes and starts to struggle against her restraints. Rena then glances around the room, as a smug look forms on her face.

"It seems I'm your prisoner, Winx," Rena mocks, before chuckling to herself. "So, what are you going to do to me? May I recommend torture to help you feel better? Or, if you so kindly release me, then I could put in a good word for you with Aqua's future self and see if she'll make your deaths quick and easy."

"That's not going to happen, Rena," Aisha states, before narrowing her eyes at the said female. "Listen to me carefully." Rena arches a brow and stares at her in pure amusement. "Here's how things are going to play out. You won't make demands; instead, we have some questions for you. Either you'll answer those questions, or we'll shock you with electricity. Pick your poison, Rena."

Rena smirks. "This should be fun."

"Okay, Rena," Bloom says, as the said female looks at her. "If we find out you're lying, then you won't like it." She takes a step towards Rena. "When is Roxy going to die? And, is there anyway to prevent it from happening?" I scrunch my brows in worry, as Rena shrugs her shoulders.

Seconds later, lightning shrouds Rena, as she starts to scream. I stare at the scene with wide eyes, as my hands start to shake. "I-I don't know!" Rena declares, as the lightning around her disappears. "Like I once told Aqua, I searched every possible way to change the future and found nothing! Roxy is going to die whether you like it or not!"

Bloom exchanges a look with Stella, as Aisha marches up to Rena and punches her in the stomach. Rena coughs out blood, as Aisha glares at her. "You failed to answer one of the two questions," she points out. "Now, Rena, answer the question. When is Roxy destined to die?"

"One day from now in the city of Magicix."

"Last question, Rena," says Bloom, who has her hands on her hips. "What does the last line of the prophecy mean?" The said female weakly stares at her for a moment, as Musa exchanges a look with Aisha. I purse my lips in concentration, as my heart hammers within my chest. How is Rena going to answer this question?

"Well, Winx, it really wouldn't make a difference either way," Rena remarks, as a casual smirk forms on her lips. "Even so, I cannot wait to see your faces when I translate the last line of the prophecy." She chuckles to herself. "Not too long ago, Aqua promised Roxy that she would never become her future self. Unfortunately, that promise is broken. "And a broken promise will seal a fate". Isn't it funny how everyone thought it had something to do with me because I'm Fate? Ironic, isn't it?"

After she utters those words, I turn off my magic orb. I lower my head in dismay and bury my face into my palms, as tears stream down my cheeks. I won't be able to keep my promise with Roxy. "Aqua, is everything alright?" Roxy questions, as I turn to stare at her.

"I-I'm so sorry...!" I apologize. "Roxy, I won't be able to keep my promise with you. I just learned what the last line of the prophecy means. I once made a promise with you that I would never become my future self, but it seems that I'm a dishonest person that can't keep a promise."

"Aqua, I never knew you'd let a prophecy dictate your life," a familiar voice comes from the door, interrupting our conversation. I look in that direction, as Jax stands in the doorway, with a stern expression on his face. I stare at him with wide eyes, as he meets my gaze.

"Jax, what are you doing here?"

"I heard everything that your friends said, and I'm putting an end to your pity party," he says sharply, as I stare at him in astonishment. "All of your past enemies have escaped and are threatening the magic dimension. You have more important things to worry about now." He eyes us carefully. "You're protectors of the magic dimension. Act like it."

I purse my lips in concentration. Although he didn't hold back against us and was brutally honest, we cannot stay in our dorm and mope around. We need to act and ensure the safety of the magic dimension. That's our responsibility. "I understand..." I hum, as he crosses his arms. "What do you recommend we do?"

"I never thought you'd be asking me for advice," he states, before chuckling to himself. "If I were you, I'd seek help from the dimension of light and darkness." I stare at him in astonishment, as an arrogant grin forms on his lips. That's an amazing idea! I exchange a look with Roxy, as her eyes light up.

"Jax, Roxy, let's not waste another second," I say sharply, before putting my hands on my hips. "I'm going to notify the other members of the Winx Club and let them know what we're doing. After that, we're heading straight to the dimension of light and darkness." Jax nods in approval, as I quickly leave the room to call the other girls. If anything, I'm thankful that Jax showed up when he did. With his help, maybe we can prevent Roxy's death.

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