Chapter 31

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A few days have passed since then. While Daphne, Tecna, Nyx, and Jax were coming up with the perfect plan, the rest of us were enjoying the surprisingly peaceful atmosphere of Alfea. I sit on the grass alongside Stella, Flora, Musa, Bloom, Aisha, and Roxy, as a soft wind blows against my hair. Although things have been extremely tense lately, it feels nice to have a calm moment.

Suddenly, the Trixs appear before us. I roll my eyes in annoyance, knowing that I spoke too soon. I should've known that this wouldn't last. We quickly get to our feet and turn to face them, as serious expressions appear on our faces. "What do you want?" Bloom demands, narrowing her eyes at them and clenching her fists in rage.

While Stormy crosses her arms, Icy intently looks at us. "Winx, we didn't come here to fight," Darcy says abrutply, as I raise my eyebrows in astonishment. "We just want to talk." I shift nervously and exchange a look with Musa, as she purses her lips in concentration. Should we give them the benefit of the doubt and trust them? But they hurt so many people! How can we trust them? Even so, our chances of defeating my future self would increase if they fought alongside us.

"Girls, please hear us out," Icy begs, lowering her head in dismay. "Darcy, Stormy, and I have been through a lot together over the years." She lifts her head. "We don't want to ally ourselves with them. The Phoenix betrayed us, we genuinely hate Valtor, and I'm over Tritannus."

"Alright," I state, as they stare at me with wide eyes. Icy shoots me a thankful grin, while Stormy eyes me cautiously. Darcy stands alongside Icy and Stormy, with a serious expression on her face. I look at Roxy through the corners of my eyes, as she nods in my direction.

"Aqua, your future self goes by the name of Adriana," says Darcy, who meets my curious gaze. "That name means darkness." I shift nervously and turn to Bloom, who furrows her eyebrows in concentration. In that case, it's likely that my future self wants to change our past enemies' perspectives and separate her current self from her past self.

"Also," Icy continues, placing her hands on her hips. "We're the reason the majority of these enemies became so dangerous." She runs a hand through her hair. "Even so, we want to help you defeat all of your past enemies." A warm smile forms on my lips, as I nod in approval. Although we've never gotten along with the Trixs, they turned to us after my future self released them because they didn't want to side with her and our other past opponents. In other words, we have a common enemy.

"Yeah," Stormy agrees, as a casual smirk forms on her lips. "Besides, once we heard them talking about destroying you, we didn't like that." She puts her hands on her hips. "If someone is going to destroy you, then that'll be us." I arch a brow, before chuckling to myself. Even though their motives are clear, it's almost reassuring to know that they haven't changed over the years.

"Besides, Adriana only wanted to use us," Darcy admits, clenching her fists in pure rage. "We've been there, and we don't want it to happen again." She scowls. "Your future self wanted us to weaken your defenses and tire you out, while the others would obliterate the rest of the magic dimension."


"It's nice to see that you three aren't like your ancestors," a familiar voice comes from behind us. I look in that direction, as Daphne, Nyx, Tecna, and Jax approach us. "Even though you three have done some bad things, I can still see the good in you," Daphne adds, shooting them a warm smile. "We would be honored if you joined us in fighting Adriana and our past enemies."

Icy and Darcy exchange a look, as Stormy scrunches her brows. "Alright. We'll do it," states Darcy, who has a toothy grin on her face. "My sisters and I will do everything in our power to defeat them." Stormy nods in agreement, as Icy scrunches her brow in concern and fakes a smile. I purse my lips in concentration, knowing that something is bothering her.

"Icy, can I speak with you for a second?" I question, as the said female's eyes flash dangerously. She shifts uncomfortably and meets my gaze, before nodding in response. I beckon for her to follow me, before leading her into Alfea and stopping at the staircase, where it is completely empty and not a single person in sight.

Icy eyes me cautiously. "What seems to be the problem?"

"You tell me," I respond, as she raises her eyebrows in astonishment. "When Darcy mentioned that you'll do anything in your power to help us defeat our past enemies, I noticed that something was bothering you." Icy frowns and crosses her arms. "I know it's none of my business, but I want to help you, whether we're on the same side or not."

Once I utter those words, Icy sits down on the staircase and heaves a sigh. "Okay..." She hums, before lowering her head in dismay. "I'm the crown princess of the lost world of Dyamond." I raise my eyebrows in astonishment, recalling the time when my mom informed me about Dyamond. She told me many stories about that world and explained how it was one of the most beautiful worlds in the entire magic dimension.

"What happened?"

Icy frowns. "Many years ago before I met Darcy and Stormy, I had a mom, dad, and younger sister named Sapphire," she explains, as I scrunch my brows in concern and intently stare at her. "One day, while Sapphire and I were playing, Dyamond was attacked by the Shaman witch. Sapphire instantly confronted her, but she turned my younger sister into white fox." Icy then lowers her head in dismay. "I was too scared to do a single thing, so I could only watch as the Shaman witch conquered my home planet, which turned it into an icy and cold place."

"I'm so sorry..."

"Aqua," Icy states, before narrowing her eyes at me. "The reason I want to become powerful isn't to destroy or take over the world." She runs a hand through her hair. "The only thing I want is to become strong enough to undo my sister's spell and save my home." She meets my gaze. "I know you could cancel the Shaman witch's power with ease, but I want to be the one to save my home." A serious expression forms on her face. "At the moment, I'm not strong enough, but I will continue to seek power until I can break my sister's spell and save my home."

After she says that, tears form in my eyes. "I can't imagine what you've been through," I say tenderly. "Icy, I know you want to save Dyamond by yourself, but I think you need to let people help you." She eyes me carefully. "Listen to me carefully. There are people that genuinely care about you and have remained by your side no matter what." I pause for a moment, as Icy furrows her eyebrows in concentration. "Confide in them and let them help you save your world."

Icy nods in response, before scurrying away. A genuine smile forms on my lips, as I put my hands on my hips. Although Icy was one of our very first enemies, I can only hope that she manages to save her home and undo the spell on her sister. I run a hand through my hair, knowing that Daphne was right. The Trixs do have some good in them, and I would love to see more of it.

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