Chapter 34

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We stand in the rocky terrain, as my heart hammers within my chest. Although I could've asked my magic orb to teleport us right into the base, I don't think the other members of the Winx Club and specialists would appreciate that. I scrunch my brows in concern, knowing that we don't know exactly what we're going up against. Perhaps, they already know we're coming and have set up an ambush. If that's the case, then we need to proceed with caution and be prepared for anything.   

"So, where exactly are our enemies?" Riven remarks, crossing his arms in annoyance. "I don't see our enemies anywhere. Alfea is under attack, and it feels like you're wasting our time." I look over my shoulder at Jax, who's glaring at him. I shift nervously and glance around, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. 

"What the hell, Riven?" Musa states, glaring at him. "Aqua would never do such a thing! If anyone is wasting time, it's you!" Everyone turns to stare at her, as she narrows her eyes at him. Riven scowls and meets her gaze, as an eerie silence falls over the group. I exchange a look with Jax, as he huffs in annoyance and intently stares at the two of them. 

"We don't have time for this," I say sharply, capturing everyone's attention. "Our enemies are in that cave." I point to a nearby entrance. "If we want to recapture the Legendarium, then we need to work together." I run a hand through my hair. "Riven, Musa, please don't fight. We really need your help." A stern yet warm smile forms on my lips. "Besides, we're stronger together." 

Musa's face softens. "I understand." 

Riven nods in my direction. "Got it." 

We then turn towards the cave, as my heart starts to beat uncontrollably. I look over my shoulder at Jax, who takes my hand and shoots me a reassuring smile. I heave a sigh, before squeezing his hand. If anything, I'm terrified of the thought of seeing Valtor again. Not only did he torture Jax and I many years ago, but I was unable to do a single thing against him a few days ago. 

Upon noticing my reluctance, Jax turns to face the others. "Alright, everyone, prepare yourselves," he states, as they nod in response. I purse my lips and sigh heavily, as Jax takes a step forward and starts to lead the way into the cave. I follow right behind him, before cautiously glancing around. 

Within seconds, we stand in front of all our past enemies. The Phoenix leans against the wall, seemingly asleep. As for the wizards of the black circle, they are engulfing wings, cheeseburgers, pizza, and French fries. In the center of the room, there is a hole in the ground that contains water, as Tritannus faces a practice dummy and practices his spells. The ancestral witches remain in the back, staring intently at their teammates. My eyes then fall on Valtor, who casually reads a book. I start to shake uncontrollably, as sweat pours down my forehead. I step away from him, as my heart ferociously hammers within my chest. 

"Aqua, calm down," warns Jax, who tightens his grip on my hand. "You're a lot stronger now. Don't let him scare you." I heave a sigh and meet his gaze, as a serious expression appears on his face. "Listen to me." He places his hand on my face. "I know what he did to you back then, but you're stronger than this. If you just fight, then I know you can beat him." 

I nod slowly. Although my body wouldn't move a few days ago, I need to try. I refuse to let him control my life! "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A familiar voice asks, capturing our attention. Valtor stares at us and puts his hands on his hips, as an amused smirk forms on his lips. My body tenses up, as I eye him cautiously. 

Upon noticing this, Jax takes a step forward and narrows his eyes at Valtor. "Uncle, let's settle this!" He roars, before snapping his fingers. Both males vanish into thin air, as my eyes widen in surprise. I furrow my eyebrows in concentration, realizing that Jax must've taken him somewhere else for my sake. If anything, I'm thankful he did that! Not only does this ensure our victory, but it allows Jax to deal with him privately. 

"It's time to get down to business," says Stella, who stands to my right. "Winx, let's make them regret coming back." I nod in response, as an arrogant grin forms on her lips. She raises her hands in the air, as a powerful yet enormous, sun-like orb charges at them. I quickly cover my eyes, as a soft wind blows against my hair. 

After a few seconds, I remove my hand, realizing that the entire cave was destroyed. I raise my eyebrows in astonishment and stare ahead, noticing a giant, shadow-like figure protecting our enemies. It's the Shadow Phoenix! He then opens his wings, revealing the ancestral witches, the wizards of the black circle, and Tritannus left unharmed. 

I chuckle to myself, before putting my hands on my hips. "That was quite impressive, Stella," I point out, instantly capturing everyone's attention. "Not only did you force the Shadow Phoenix to reveal his most powerful form, but you got our other enemies shaking in fear." 

Upon hearing my words, the wizards of the black circle scowl in annoyance. As for Tritannus, he clenches his fists in rage and glares at me. The ancestral witches get into a fighting stance, as the Shadow Phoenix chuckles to himself. "You know, that attack was quite weak," he mocks. "You'll have to do a lot better in order to defeat me." 

Stella, who's enraged by his words, narrows her eyes at him and takes a few steps forward. "You're on!" She declares, before quickly flying towards him. She holds out her arm, before sending a constellation-like beam at him. This launches him across the terrain, as she hurries towards him. I exchange a nervous look with Bloom, as she nods in my direction. The red-haired fairy opens her wings, before teleporting away. 

"It seems two of your friends have left the battle," notes Ogron, who has a casual smirk on his face. "They don't stand much of a chance against Lord Darkar." He chuckles to himself. "His skills are unbelievable. What makes you think you can beat us at once?" 

"We've beat you before, and we'll do it again!" Roxy declares, as a confident grin forms on her face. "Not only that, but we've gotten a lot stronger while you were frozen in ice, Ogron." She runs a hand through her hair. "I don't know what any of you expect to gain from this, but you're clearly outmatched. You don't stand a chance against us." 

"I would love to see..." Ogron starts. Before he could finish, Roxy kicks him in the stomach and knocks him to the ground. His eyes flash dangerously, as he falters and stumbles to the ground. Anagan, Dulman, and Gantlos hurry towards them, just as Musa and Tecna stand right behind her and send a beam at them, which launches them into a wall of rocks. Ogron gets to his feet, before sending a fiery orb at them. Riven jumps in front of the attack, holding up a shield and successfully blocking it. Timmy shoots at them with his gun, while Helia grabs Ogron by the feet and throws him to the ground. 

"Aqua, look out!" Flora states abruptly, tackling me to the ground. My eyes flash dangerously, as I notice the ancestral witches floating towards us. I quickly get to my feet and glance to the left, as Aisha, Daphne, and Nabu take on Tritannus. I purse my lips in concentration, knowing that Flora and I will have to beat the ancestral witches. If anything, we have an extremely high chance of defeating them. 

"Thank you for that," I say, shooting her a warm smile. "Now, Flora, let's take them down." A look of determination crosses her face, as she gets into a battle stance. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and narrow my eyes at them, knowing that our best chance of victory is eliminating them right away.

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