Chapter 42

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Stella's POV

I stand alongside Bloom, as we intently stare at Valtor and Lord Darkar. A newfound determination forms in the pit of my stomach, as I run a hand through my hair. After everything that happened, I'll make sure they regret coming back. I put a hand on my hip and exchange a look with Bloom, as a confident grin forms on my lips. 

"Want to know something, Bloom?" 

"What, Stella?" 

"I know this is supposed to be our final battle, but I feel like we got the short end of the stick," I point out, eyeing the two males carefully. "I know we struggled against them back then, but we're a lot stronger now." I cross my arms in annoyance. "I just feel like the others will have more fun with their opponents." 

Bloom, upon hearing my words, huffs in annoyance. "Interesting thought," she comments, looking over her shoulder at me. "Even if we have improved over the years, we can't underestimate them." She purses her lips in concentration. "If Aqua's future self had a hand in them coming back, then there's no doubt that she enhanced their powers and abilities as well." 


"Are you two done chitchatting yet?" Valtor's voice echoes through the cave, interrupting our conversation. An amused smirk curves around his lips, as I eye him cautiously. After everything he's done to Aqua, all I want to do is kill him. Not only did he nearly torture her to death, but he turned her evil. I don't think I could ever forgive him for that! 

"What's it to you, Valtor?" Bloom remarks, taking a step forward. "It's really none of your business." She clenches her fists in rage. "If you want me to be honest, you're a pathetic excuse for a human being. You hurt others to get what you want and sided with Aqua's future self to continue hurting her. I won't let you get away with that!" 

Fire shrouds her entire body, as I raise my eyebrows in astonishment. There's no doubt that she's powerful, but I haven't felt this much magic energy from her in a long time. The red-haired fairy holds out her hand, as a fire-like dragon races forward and drags Valtor out of the cave. 

"Wow, Bloom! That...!" 

"Stella, I'll take care of Valtor," she says in a serious tone. "You deal with the Phoenix." I nod in response, as she opens her wings and vanishes into thin air. I exhale sharply and turn to look at Lord Darkar, as he slowly approaches me. I narrow my eyes at him, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. 

Although we fought the other day, this battle is undoubtedly different. Not only does it determine the fate of the entire magic dimension, but neither one of us are going to be holding back this time. I get into a fighting position, as my heart hammers ferociously within my chest. 

The Shadow Phoenix, who notices my posture, extends his arms, as two dark-colored beams charge at me. I raise my hands, as a galaxy-like forcefield surrounds me and blocks his attack. "Very interesting," says Lord Darkar, who puts his hands on his hips. "It seems you became more versatile and learned how to use other types of magic." 

"So what?" 

"Let's see if you can handle this." 

He snaps his fingers, as darkness fills the cave. My eyes flash dangerously, as I clench my fists in desperation. I didn't realize he could do something like that! If that's the case, then I really need to step up my game. "That's quite an impressive ability you have there," I admit, as a casual smirk etches on my face. "Even so, I'm the worst opponent for you." I then hold out my hand. "Eclipse." 

Seconds later, the darkness in the cave thickens. I glance around, as the Shadow Phoenix gets into a fighting position. I race towards him with a newfound speed, as he summons a few shadow creatures, who charge at me. I open my wings and launch the creatures into a nearby wall, before sending an orb of light at Lord Darkar. 

He falters and stumbles to the ground, as I stalk towards him. "You're quite an impressive individual, Stella," the Shadow Phoenix hums, before meeting my gaze. "Even so, I refuse to lose here." Just as he utters those words, a newfound energy shrouds him. My eyes flash dangerously, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. He's transforming into his true form! 

A powerful wind launches me into the cave wall, as I groan in pain. As the darkness that fills the cave begins to diminish, the Shadow Phoenix opens his wings and starts to consume it. My eyes widen in horror, as I clench my fists in desperation. Not only has he transformed, but he has consumed my spell. 

I slowly rise to my feet, as tears form in my eyes. What am I supposed to do!? I don't think I can defeat him! I thought I could take him earlier, but I don't think I can anymore. Even with my new powerups and years of experiencing facing powerful villains, I'm completely terrified. If it was any other member of the Winx Club, then they could win this. I wish I trained more!

"You're so weak. You don't stand a chance against me." 

Upon hearing those words, I slap myself to regain focus. "Okay," I say sternly, before narrowing my eyes at him. "My friends are counting on me, and I won't let them down." I get into a fighting stance. "Lord Darkar, you probably are one of the most terrifying enemies we've ever encountered, but not for long. As the fairy of the entire galaxy and the heir to the throne of Solaria, I will be the one to defeat you." 

"You're on, little fairy." 

The Shadow Phoenix sends a powerful beam of purple flames at me, as I pivot to the right and duck under his attack. As I place my hand on the ground, a star-like imprint is left there. Lord Darkar, who doesn't seem to notice the mark, swings his arm at me. I open my wings and slowly backflip into the air, before landing closer to the entrance. 

I leave another imprint on the ground, before charging at the Shadow Phoenix. He opens his mouth and sends a roar of purple flames, as my eyes flash dangerously. I quickly open my wings and teleport behind him, before putting the third mark on the ground. "Light of the sun!" I declare, raising my hands in the air. 

A powerful beam hits him from behind, launching him into the cave wall. Lord Darkar quickly emerges to his feet and glares at me, as I get into a fighting position. "What a cowardly shot," he hisses, as a dark red mist starts to fill the cave around us. An uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach, as I scrunch my brows in concern. What is he planning?

I backflip away from him and appear by the cave wall, before resting my hand against a rock. The fourth, star-like imprint appears, as I intently stare at the Shadow Phoenix. I just need to put three more stars! My heart hammers within my chest, as I narrow my eyes at Lord Darkar. If anything, I just hope he hasn't noticed the imprints yet. 

"You're so disappointing," he states, as I intently stare at him. "I genuinely thought you were something special, but I was wrong." The Shadow Phoenix snickers to himself. "That attack earlier did nothing. You don't stand a chance against me." I scowl in annoyance and race towards him, as a bright light surrounds me. 

I open my wings once again and appear under the Shadow Phoenix, before putting another imprint right under him. Light shrouds my body and sends him into the air, as I extend my wings and form above him. I gently tap the roof of the cave and stare down at Lord Darkar, as he scowls in annoyance. 

I hold out my hand, as gravity forcefully pulls him to the ground. He lands on his back and gasps for air, as I nervously glance around. Where can I put the last imprint? My eyes lock on the far side of the cave, as a newfound determination forms in the pit of my stomach. If I can place one more mark and cast the spell, then this battle will be over. 

Just as I opening my wings to teleport over there, the Shadow Phoenix launches me into the cave wall with his tail. I hit my head on a rock, as a sticky, red liquid pours from my head. I stumble to the ground and stare at him through blurry eyes, before groaning in pain and clenching my fists in desperation. 

I know it's difficult, but I need to keep trying. I slowly get to my feet, as the Shadow Phoenix arches a brow. "You sure are a resilient one," he comments, as I eye him cautiously. "Even so, you can't afford to take another hit. I bet your body just wants to quit, doesn't it, Stella?" 

"Oh my gosh!" I groan, grabbing my head. "You're so annoying! Can you, like, shut up?" Lord Darkar, upon hearing my words, stares at me in pure shock, as I roll my eyes and cross my arms in annoyance. Even though I feel like absolute crap, all I want to do is end this battle quickly. 

"What? But..." 

"That doesn't matter!" I declare, as light shrouds my entire body. "My friends are relying on me to win this battle, and I won't let them down." My wings slowly begin to open. "This is the final battle, so I don't have the luxury to give up. Everyone I know is fighting so hard to protect their homes, and I will do the same." 

As my wings finish opening, I appear behind him and place my hand on the ground. The final imprint forms, as a relieved smile curves around my lips. The seven marks start to glow, as the Shadow Phoenix nervously glances around. I tuck a few strands of hair behind my ears, as tears form in my eyes. 

"Lord Darkar, I believe this is good bye." 

"What the hell did you do!?" 

"You'll see in just a second." 

He turns and starts to charge at me. "You'll die before...!" 


The moment I utter that word, the seven imprints connect and become the constellation Pleiades. The Shadow Phoenix's eyes widen in terror, as he anxiously glances around. The constellation continues to become brighter, until an explosion comes from the imprints and eliminates Lord Darkar. With the battle finally over, I fall to my knees, as tears stream down my cheeks. If anything, I can't believe that I was able to defeat him. I bury my face into my knees, as relief forms in the pit of my stomach. Honestly, I'm just happy I was able to do my part.

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