Chapter 44

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Daphne's POV

I stand in front of the ancestral witches, with Nyx standing right behind me. I scrunch my brows in concern, as my heart ferociously hammers within my chest. Although Aqua's future self planned for us to confront them like this, we don't have much of a choice. Everyone in the magic dimension has been fighting so hard, and we need to end it right away. If anything, we can't let this war last another minute. 

I take a step forward, as a newfound determination forms in the pit of my stomach. "This is the final battle," I point out, narrowing my eyes at the three of them. "You failed against the company of light a few decades ago and lost to the Winx many years ago." I put a hand on my hip. "The only reason you're standing here is because Aqua's future self wanted to separate the Winx to face Aqua by herself." 

"So what?" One of the witches says, snickering to herself. "By siding with Aqua's future self, that means we'll be able to get revenge on the Winx and help Adriana achieve her goals." I shift uncomfortably and eye them cautiously. "Besides, if we switched sides now, then she would use her mind control powers on us just like she did with Rena." 

My face hardens, as I clench my fists in anger. Even though we suspected that was the case, this confirms it. "Okay then," I say sharply, nodding in Nyx's direction. "If that's the case, then let's settle this once and for all." A confident grin etches on my face, as I narrow my eyes at them. 

"This brings back memories," another witch states, as a dark smirk curves around her lips. "You tried your best, Daphne, but that wasn't enough to defeat us." She snickers in amusement. "This'll just turn out like the last time we fought. What are your thoughts about that?" 

My hair covers my eyes, as I clench my fists in desperation. Many years ago, when Sparks was under attack, I was the only one there to defend it. I managed to put Bloom in a portal and send her away from the ancestral witches, but when I tried to use my Sirenix powers to defend myself, they turned it against me and made me into a disembodied spirit. I was stuck like that for sixteen years! All I could do was watch as my home was destroyed!

"What's wrong, Daphne? Cat got your tongue?" 

"It's different this time," states Nyx, who puts her hand on my shoulder. "Not only are we in this together, but Daphne" -- She looks over her shoulder at me -- "You're a lot stronger than you were." She shoots me a warm smile. "If we work together, we can do anything. We're the two most powerful nymphs in the entire universe." 

Tears form in my eyes, as Nyx nods in my direction. "Alright," I state, as a newfound determination forms in the pit of my stomach. "You're right. Thanks for that." I get into a fighting stance. "Let's finish this off quickly and help Aqua!" 

Nyx grins. "That's the spirit. I have your back!" 

We charge at the ancestral witches with a newfound speed. Nyx jumps into the air and sends a powerful gust of wind at them, which launches them into the wall. "I call upon the element of fire!" I declare, as a large beam of fire charges at them.

Before the attack could hit, the ancestral witches reappear behind us. I scowl in annoyance and look at them through the corners of my eyes, as they snicker in pure amusement. "Is that all you've got?" One of the witches mock, before holding out her hand and sending bolts of lightning in our direction. 

My eyes flash dangerously, as Nyx takes a step forward and holds up a metal shield she conjured. I raise my eyebrows in astonishment, as a wave of relief washes over me. I never knew that she could do that! I nod in approval, before raising my hands in the air. Multiple elemental orbs start to circle around me, as I fire them at the three ancestral witches. 

The ice witch immediately puts up an icy barrier around the three of them, as I scowl in annoyance. This is so frustrating! As my attacks fade, the three witches remain unharmed. "Allow me to handle this," states Nyx, who starts to approach the ancestral witches. She extends her arm, as three, blue-colored orbs surround the three witches. 

"What the hell...?!" 

The darkness witch screams. "It hurts!" 

I look over at Nyx, who nods in my direction. "What's that attack?" I question, tilting my head to the side. "I've never seen you use that before." The brown-haired fairy shifts nervously and smiles sheepishly, as I purse my lips in concentration. 

"Well..." She begins, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I didn't want to reveal this to you earlier, but this is one of the countless abilities you can utilize with Dimentix." Nyx scrunches her brows in concern. "When it comes to this spell, it works well when your opponent has a clear weakness." 

"What did you do?" 

"For the ice witch, I gave her a little taste of a fiery climate," Nyx responds, chuckling to herself. "As for the darkness witch, I trapped her within a little sphere of light." She then peers at the weather witch. "As for her, she's stuck in a sandstorm where her powers won't do a thing." 

I stare at her in pure amazement. "Wow. That's impressive." 

"That should be enough to defeat them." 

I purse my lips. "Are you sure?" 


Seconds later, an explosion comes from across the cave. My eyes flash dangerously, as I look in that direction. The ancestral witches stand before us, being covered in countless injuries. Nyx stares at them in pure horror, as I narrow my eyes at them. Although they're covered in injuries, the ancestral witches managed to escape from her attack. 

"I don't understand...!" Nyx exclaims, clenching her fists in desperation. "How were you able to escape from that attack?" She glares at them. "Not only was it targeted for your weaknesses, but you shouldn't have been able to free yourselves from that. It should've been the end for you!" 

"How amusing," the darkness witch hums, before appearing alongside another version of herself. "Perhaps, you should make sure that you capture all three of us within your spell next time." She snickers to herself. "I barely managed to escape your attack." 

"I see," says Nyx, who runs a hand through my hair. "I guess I need to be more careful. It seems I was too overconfident." I scrunch my brows in concern, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. She was so confident about that attack being able to defeat them a few seconds ago! 

"You almost had us," the weather witch sneers, as lightning fills the cave around us. "I won't let you do that again!" She holds out her hand, as bolts of lightning race towards Nyx. The brown-haired female's eyes widen in horror, as she attempts to dodge the attack. 

She ducks under the first lightning bolt and rolls to the side, before being electrocuted in the leg. Nyx scowls in pain and grabs her leg, just as another bolt grazes her hip. "That's enough!" I declare, narrowing my eyes at the three ancestral witches. "I won't let you continue to hurt my friends! This ends now!" 

A newfound power surges through my veins, as multiple portals surround me. The climate around me begins to change, as the ancestral witches' eyes widen in terror. I extend my hands, as numerous attacks from the different portals charge at the three witches. 

Even though they attempt to block the incoming attacks, their efforts are futile. Not only are they not strong enough to defend against various attacks from different worlds, but the amount of power was overwhelming. With a last effort, they grab each other's hands and try to combine their powers for a counterattack. 

"Daphne, be careful...!" 

"It's okay, Nyx!" I shout back, as multiple elemental orbs surround me. "Ancestral witches, you lose!" I extend my hands, as the circling orbs charge at the three witches. Along with the intense pressure from the different worlds, they were overwhelmed by the attack and thrown across the cave. 

As smoke covers the inside of the cave, an eerie silence falls upon us. I nervously glance around, as my heart ferociously hammers within my chest. What if my attack didn't work? Perhaps, they're hiding in the smoke and planning an attack? 

"Aqua, you did it!" Nyx declares, as I raise my eyebrows in astonishment. What? The smoke then begins to clear, as I cautiously look around. Three small piles of ash lay before me, as my mouth hangs open. The witches, who were once a dangerous enemy of the magic dimension, were nothing more than ash on the ground. 

"T-They're gone...? Like for good?" 

"Yes, Daphne. You did it." 

Tears form in my eyes, as a genuine smile forms on my lips. After all this time, I finally managed to defeat them. I can't believe they're actually gone! I hurry towards Nyx and engulf her in a hug, as a newfound excitement forms in the pit of my stomach. They're gone! I don't know why, but I feel like a burden has been taken off my chest! 

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoes through the cave. We glance in that direction, as Bloom, Flora, and Stella hurry towards us. "Daphne, Nyx, what a pleasant surprise!" Stella states, as a bright smile curves around her lips. "I'm so happy to see you!" 

Bloom purses her lips. "What are you doing here?" 

"The ancestral witches showed up, so we decided to confront them," I state, as a serious expression appears on my face. "So far, it seems like Aqua's future self knew that we were coming and wanted to separate us." I purse my lips in concentration. "It's safe to assume that she has placed our other enemies farther along the cave to separate Aqua from the rest of us." I put a hand on my hip. "This is a final battle, and we've played into Aqua's future self's hands." 

Flora shifts nervously. "What are you saying?" 

"Aqua's future self has specifically placed all of our past enemies throughout this cave," I point out. "Rena was positioned outside the cave because of her versatile attacks. Aqua's future self must've wanted more than one of us to deal with her." I then turn to Bloom and Stella. "The two of you decided to face Valtor and the Shadow Phoenix. That was a smart tactical move from Aqua's future self." 

"I think I understand why," states Bloom, who takes a step forward. "When I fought Valtor, he was wearing two bracelets. I know he was immune to my power, but I also believe Aqua's future self wanted to use him to weaken Aqua." 

Stella's eyes widen in shock. "What!? That's insane!" 

"It sounds accurate," I hum, pursing my lips in concentration. "After that, it was the ancestral witches. Honestly, they were extremely hard to beat. If I was here by myself, then I would've lost." I look over at Nyx, who nods in my direction. 

"The same could be said about me," Nyx points out, scrunching her brows in concern. "If I recall correctly, they were more powerful than I remember. Since Aqua's future self has a hand in this matter, it's safe to assume that she enhanced all their abilities to give them a better chance." 

Flora frowns. "That would make sense." 

"Even so, we still have a few enemies left," Bloom says in a serious tone. "There's the wizards of the black circle, Tritannus, and the Legendarium." I shift nervously and run a hand through my hair, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. Although we know which enemies are left, none of us know where Aqua's future self positioned them. 

Stella puts a hand on her hip. "What's the plan then?" 

"We need to catch up to the others right away," I state, feeling their curious gazes. "I have no idea what will happen next, but we need to do our best to help the others." My face hardens. "There's a chance we will encounter more of our past enemies, so we have to be ready to jump in and help the others." 

"Alright then. Everyone ready?" 

"Yes. Let's go!" 

And with that, we race forward. Bloom and Nyx lead the way, with Stella, Flora, and I following right behind them. If anything, I hope we can get there before it's too late.

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