Chapter 3

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"I cannot wait to show them my dress!" Stella states, continuing to repeat the same thing over and over again. Even so, her dress is extremely pretty, and I absolutely love it. "I can't wait to see it!" Rena says, with excitement in her tone.

We return to the group, as my eyes widen in surprise. The guys are here! "Brandon!" Stella proclaims, before jumping into his arms. I turn to look at the ocean, as a strange sensation comes from it. A wave of pressure emerges, as I furrow my eyebrows in concentration.

Before I look at my friends, a bunch of tidal waves come roaring towards us. "Girls!" I call, as my eyes flash dangerously. "We need to transform!" The girls stare at me in alarm, as a serious expression forms on my face.

"Magic Winx: Charmix!"

I nod in my friends' direction. "We need to save the people!" Flora declares. "I can feel life coming from the ocean!" I look at her through the corners of my eyes, as an unsettling feeling washes over me.

"Let's go, specialists!" Sky shouts. I glance at Jax, as he stares intently at me. The other members of the Winx club and I fly forward, with Flora leading the way. A gasp escapes my lips, as I notice a bunch of people stuck on a wave. "Girls, follow me!" I call, as they nod in response.

I lead the way. "Air bubbles, bring them into the air!" Rena states, as orbs surround the people and start to lift them into the air. "I'll bring them to the land." I nod, before hurrying forward and searching for anyone else.

"We need to stop the wave!" Bloom states. "Let's go!" I nod, following her to the front of them. Stella glances all around, with a smile forming on her lips.

"Charmix convergence!" We shout, trying to balance the wave in order to protect the city. A bright light comes, as the wave vanishes into thin air. I smile, as relief forms in the pit of my stomach. We defeated the wave!

I frown, thinking about the cause of the wave. Anything could've happened. "What do you think caused it?" Aisha questions, as I purse my lips in concentration. A few seconds later, bubbles come from the water.

A platinum blonde haired mermaid reveals herself, having a bunch of injuries. "Princess Aqua, Lady Aisha, Andros needs you," she says urgently, as I gasp in horror. I should've known.

This isn't good at all. "Wait, we're coming with you!" Rena states, as I turn to face them. The Winx nod in agreement, as I exchange a look with Aisha. She frowns for a moment, as I cross my arms in annoyance.

"You can't," Aisha says. "None of you can breathe underwater." Rena scrunches her brow in concern, as I run a hand through my hair. I look at Jax, noticing his upset look.

"Aqua, I—" He starts. I engulf him in a hug, before turning to face Aisha. She nods lightly, before we jump into the water to prepare for the events happening on Andros.

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