Orphans Lost Pt. 2

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~+Next Day: Park+~

Torm rests on the tree branch quietly with his arms crossed behind his head. Above him are smaller branches with leaves to shade him from the sunlight.

Just below him he knows his younger companion is sitting at the base of the tree drawing with the sketchpad he salvaged from a store giving out free books in a box.


The older teen hums to let Tomi knows he's heard him. Then he hears scraps against the tree, Tomi climbing up to his spot and laid up to his chest with his arms crossed to rest his head on.

"Do you ever wonder what having parents is like?"

Torm keeps his eyes up looking at the swaying leaves. "Why the question?" His tone ever the same, no real emotion showing.

"I walked around and noticed kids our age and younger seem to like adults who they can depend on." He tilts his head and hears the breathing of his friend in a soft rhythm with the light heartbeat. "They seem so happy even if they do get into fights sometimes."

The devilish teen closes his eyes behind his mask. "It's rare for me to ever have a thought like that." Through his memories, all he remembers of his creator is all the experiments he did. Not only on him, but his siblings as well. "Although I cannot find myself to want parents. They are not as warm and loving as they appear to be."

"But Mom is kinda warm and loving..." He thinks back to the officer he sees almost all the time he's been thrown into the cell at the police station. There was this one time the man even bought him food and they ate together. A small conversation mends between them nicely before someone came to announce he had been bailed out.

"He..." Torm sighs. "He can be an exception, I guess."

Tomi hums as his eyes fall close. "Do you think there is still a chance we can have a place to call home?"

Torm sighs as he recalls the first time he's ever questioned Tomi in their still young relationship. Even the younger teen begins to think about it recalling the first time he heard the word 'home'.


Tomi sat in the familiar cell with his hands buried in the palm of his hands. He had been caught doing graffiti again by one of Tom's officers.

"Crap..." Tomi quietly says to himself as he removes his face from his hands. He had been sitting in his cell for a good hour now in slight panic about what could happen. "Ugh... Mom's is going be pissed."

Just before he could wallow in guilt again, the door to his cell opens. 'Shoot-' He thought before he heard a familiar voice.

"He's here. Good luck, Tomi." The appearance of a white capped officer makes him sigh in relief.

The officer, Ace, is a devoted young man to his work and his Mom. Apparently Mom has saved Ace's life once when he was younger and looked up to him as the officer had told him before after getting weird looks for awhile.

"Stay out of trouble," Ace warns him again like every other time. At the same time he is the only one who receives the bail directly from Torm who is the main person who comes to save him.

Tomi follows Ace to the front of the station and lets him out into the night. The officer closes the door up behind him while he walks towards the older teen in a red jacket with checkered pattern ring on both sleeves, grey shirt, and black pants. Hood up like Tomi since rain is starting to fall.

"I shouldn't have bailed you out."

"Then don't?" Tomi says back shrugging his shoulders. He raised a brow wondering why his friend was only saying this now.

"Then do yourself a favor by going home!" Torm said pointing at the young teen in a light blue hoodie. Honestly at this time Torm was slightly worried for the teen.

Tomi only gave the teen a purely confused look.

"What home?"

~FlashBack End~

Torm has decided at that point to keep a closer eye on Tomi. He couldn't help it, he just became too attached and began to have a need to protect the teen at all costs. He blamed his creator for this because of his altered instincts.

While Torm continued to think, Tomi snuggles up on his spot on his friend. He felt safe first of all by being with Torm. There was no problem how Torm showed him care like a brother at all.

He didn't mind because then he didn't feel so alone anymore than in the beginning.

His question was left unanswered for the rest of the time until a grumble of someone's stomach sounded.

Torm lifts his head slightly to look at the light haired brunet. "Tomi... when was the last time you ate?"

"Yesterday..." Sounding a bit meek. Then Tomi received that look from Torm to tell the truth before he makes him. "Fine, it was two days ago."

"No wonder," Torm said unamused by the answer he received. He trusts the younger one but when it comes to eating he often lies. "Go to my bag and get the money inside. Then go buy yourself some food. I can't have you stealing again after bailing you out a week ago." His hand moves from behind his head to lightly knock the back of the teen's head in light punishment.

Tomi rolls his eyes and rolls off Torm, knowing he was falling up from the high branch but lands perfectly on his feet. He goes up to the trunk of the tree and pulls out the older teen's black messenger bag from the tree cavity.

He opens the bag to take out a some cash, making sure to not take all of it for Torm's sake of making sure he eats too. Not that Torm would mind, he makes money somehow and Tomi doesn't even question him about it. After doing so, he stuffs the bag back inside the cavity.

"Make sure to back before 6 p.m. I don't want to go tracking you down."

Torm often sets up check-ins with Tomi just to keep an eye on him because of troubled streak with the police station. That's how the devilish teen figures out if Toni's either in danger or stuck in the station's cell again.

"I know, I'll be back soon." With that, Tomi leaves from the watchful eyes of his friend, if he could even call him that. Tomi still's trying to work out what kind of relationship they have after all this time. He thinks their friends but unsure if Torm sees him like that as well.

He soon loses himself in the crowd of the citizens bustling around London. All crossing the streets or rushing pass other people to get where they need to be on time.

Tomi finds himself in a local open market selling fresh food and other items of value. He heads to a vendor selling fruits and decided to buy some.

Meanwhile, a young lady a year younger than Tomi walks about the open market looking around. She needs to find food for her siblings and if she's luck for herself.

Devoted to taking care of the younger kids she considered her siblings, she finds herself fighting to survive just for them. She tries her best to provide a safe shelter in the night and food to eat.

"Please let there be something for them to eat today." She says to herself as she passes a couple of vendors.

"Oh! Tika!"

At the call of her name, Tika looks to the voice of a friend who greets her with a smile. She smiles, "Bryon!"

She was greeted with a friendly hug when she went over to his family's vending stall. His family works selling vegetables and fruits that they grow in their back garden from what's she's been told. They even own a shop just a few blocks down from here.

Bryon, a teen a year older than her, became her friend when she was still younger. Not really impressive their first meeting. She was rummaging around for food in one of trash cans nearby when they met.

The brunet sometimes brings it up just to tease her lightly for good old times. But really, Bryon and his family were the first to offer her and her siblings nice food to eat.

"It's good to see you again. It's been awhile since I've seen you in the market, is everything alright?" Bryon says with some concern. He lets her go from the hug but holds onto her hands gently.

"Everything's alright Bryon, really." She smiles yet Bryon still seems concerned.

Bryon takes a moment to look back at his parents working the stall with customers here and there. He lets go of Tika's left hand and grabs three apples. "For you and your siblings. I'd offer you more but mom and dad are busy today with orders and our big sale today."

"Bryon," Tika says looking apologetic while her tall friend places the apples in her hands.

"It's not a problem at all Tika, I swear. My parents would say the same." He pats her on the back in assurance.

Tika looks at the apples in her hands and smiles in relief to have something fresh for her and her siblings. She looks back up at Bryon and gives him a peck on the cheek by going on the tips of her toes to reach him.

Back flat on her feet she grins and turn around to head off back to her siblings. "Thanks Bryon! You're the best!" She happily says leaving behind a blushing brunet boy with his teasing full parents who saw the whole thing.

Tika smiles to herself as she makes her way through the crowd to make it back to her siblings's meeting place.

Along the way, she doesn't expect to have someone run into her. The two bump into each other hard enough that Tika lost grip on the apples to let them fall.

The three apples rolling onto the street where they were soon crushed under the wheels of cars driving by without care.

Tika had seen it all when she had gotten up quickly hoping to retrieve them. However, this was not the case when she had seen what had happened to them.

"Damn girl! Watch where you're going!" The person she had bumped into rudely exclaims. The stranger got up on his feet, roughly grabbing his bag before leaving her.

The teen felt her good luck get crushed like her apples. What was she suppose to get now?


"Big Sister!"

Apparently the twins had seen what had happened as well and went to her concerned.

"Are you alright?" Lawrence asks worried as he checks his older sister over as Tika stays seated on the ground.

Tika nods her head getting up on her feet again, only to stagger a bit. Her siblings helped her walk over to a bench and sit her down.

Lucille frowns slightly and hugs her sister by the waist. "I was scared you got really hurt." Tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.

Tika pats her on the back in comfort while Lawrence slowly continues to check her by asking questions and checking her arm and leg on the side she fell on.

Passing by, Tomi notices them all in a fuss of the two younger ones towards the older girl.

"I'm fine Law, really. I need to go back and try to find us some food before sundown."

Lawrence only shook his head, "No! You could get hurt again! We don't want to lose you Big Sister!"

"We don't need food!" Lucille said firmly as she hugs her sister tighter.

Tomi stops for a moment to listen for a moment longer.

"Now you two, remember what I said." Tika said firmly. "We may live on the streets but we survive together. I need to do my part in making sure you two don't starve."


Tika pats her sister's head, "It'll be alright."

Tomi by this point had enough. He walks over to the three and offers them his plastic bag filled with fruit and a couple of candies he was able to buy with the extra cash he had left.

"Do you guys want my bag? I think I bought too much today." He holds the plastic bag to them while offering his lie.

The stranger to the three look at him strangely, especially Tika. She wondered why this stranger is offering these to them.

"Do we need to pay you back?" She asks all hesitant to accept the bag.

Tom closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Not at all, I'm just offering."


Tomi held the bag to them again and Tika accepts with her hesitance still in play. But all the time they've been talking, Lucille and Lawrence noticed something about the stranger.

The older teen in the light blue hoodie than waves at them, pulling his hood up as he does so, before heading away towards the direction of the park from what they remember.

Once out of sight, the twins look at their older sister with wide eyes.

"Big Sister! That guy has black eyes like us!" Lawrence said as he looks back at his sister. Lucille nodding in agreement with him.

Tika tilts her head a bit looking down, "Yeah... but Law, that guy has two not one like us."

"But what if he's like us? It's a possibility, right?" Lucille question shyly from behind her hands.

The older of three hums unsure how to take the possibility. For one, the other teen is a stranger after all yet he gave them a bag filled with fresh fruits. Looking into the bag more there is also some sweet treats the twins very rarely get.

"Next time," She looks from the bag," if we see him again we'll take to him more and get his name."

The twins nod before being given some of the fruit to eat. Tika even able to participate with them with a smile on her face on the park bench.

~+Police Station+~

Tord leans back in his chair and sighs. So far the day at the office has been slow without his partner, Tom.

His blue wearing partner had been called to the Boss's office for something important. He wasn't able to come with because it only had to do with the captain of their office department.

"Hey Red! Blue's back from the big man's office!"

As if on cue, Tom steps through the door way carrying a file in his hand. Tord shows him a usual smug look before asking, "What did the Boss ask?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary for our department." Tord watches Tom set the file on the desk and opens it up. "A complaint file about a group of siblings going about places, especially the market to get food. People are saying it's an eye sore for them to be seeing young kids not being taken care of properly."

"So what? That want us to get them and put them in an orphanage through social services?"

Tom nod, "Pretty much." He picks up a couple of papers from the file while Tord gets those photos.

Tord analyzes them to take in what they're looking for. Three kids from what he sees, one a older teen probably 17 or 16 years of age. The other two seem to be twins around the ages of 11 and 10.

Oddly enough they all had one black colored eye similar to Tomi and Tom's eyes.

"The oldest is said to be the one getting food for the younger kids while they go about wandering around nearby." Tom said as he reads some of statements from some of the people who turned in the report.

He honestly felt bad for the children. To himself he doesn't like it when children are left alone without a guardian. From his own experience growing up alone after a traumatizing experience of the death of both of his parents. He had to readjust the images of his dead parents in order to lessen their horrible deaths the way he had seen them.

Which would explain to most people why he would cry sometimes when he sees pineapples and bowling balls.

Tom hums as shuffles the papers a bit more to read more about the trio wandering about the streets. If anything from the picture they were sweet kids just trying to survive without their parents.

'Maybe I should talk to them first to get to know their thoughts on their situation.' He thought to himself as he places the files back in the folder. He pulls away one of the photos Tord had set down to see them all in one photo.

The younger two seem to be twins, the boy obviously protective of his twin sister. Trailing behind them is the older girl in her teenage years.

"We should start heading out to see if we can catch them today." Tord said as he places the photos back into the folder.

Tom follows after him after getting folder back together. He stands up and heads out the door with Tord walking next to him twirling the keys around his finger.

"Be safe, Blue! Red!"

Tord merely rolls his eyes before exiting their department's office, Tom smiling a tad at Reggie and waving bye to him and Zack who watched them leave.

Once the two of them got outside, Tord lead Tom over to their assigned police car. He unlocked the vehicle so they could both get inside.

Tord took the wheel while Tom sat on the passenger side to keep a eye on the road for the children. The radio in the car playing some music lightly and not overbearingly loud when the car came on.

"Ready to head to the local market?" Tord asks to make sure they didn't leave anything behind.

"Ready," Tom confirms as he rests his arms on the arm rest of his seat. His eyes already drifting to the sight of the window as his partner pulls out from the parking lot.

~+Park: With Tomi and Torm+~

When Tomi came back to the tree where he had left Torm to get some food, he found the older teen had already left. A sign that the teen wasn't coming back was the fact the black messenger bag is gone.

Tomi sighs as he listens to his stomach faintly rumble at the need for food. He shook his head not denying what he did earlier was a good thing.

Three mouths needed to be fed, especially the girl who appeared a year younger than himself. She was fairly skinny but by the way the two younger ones look, she may have focused on them eating more than herself. Something he could find to respect her for not being overly selfish.

He may as well return to the plaza and figure out how to get at least something edible to eat some way. The day is still young and he wasn't planning on stealing any time soon.

Tomi really didn't want Torm bailing him out again from the station after doing so a week ago.

The officer he dubbed as 'Mom' already gave him a disappointing chewed out lecture that he felt so guilty for afterwards.

At the thought of the officer, Tomi felt the urge to see him even if meeting the man was brief. He just seemed to have that small connection that kinda built upon meeting him the first time years ago.

'I wonder if I should actually go to the station to see him...' He wondered to himself as he starts making his way to the plaza again.

As he does so, Tika and her twin siblings sat on the bench sated with some of the fruits the teenager from before gave to them. The teenage girl decided to save the rest of the fruit for later times as there were a lot of rations the older teenager bought.

Lucille tugged on her sister's shirt and pointed to the small crowd forming near the sculpted fountain in the middle of the plaza. "Look big sister, they're getting money for dancing."

Tika followed her direction of point to see woman dancing in front of the fountain. The three working their movements in sync and coordinated to music played through their speakers.

She smiles and decides to bring her younger siblings to he adding crowd to watch them.

The music had the twins clapping and nodding their heads to the tune which Tika enjoyed.

Lawrence looks to his sister with a grin, "Big Sister, you should dance!"

It was no secret to the twins that their big sister loves dancing. On rare occasions she would be dancing when she thought she was alone in their temporary shelters. Her movements were always so eye catching with emotion in each movement.

Embarrassed, Tika waves her hands in senile in front of her. "I'm not that good you two." She pats them on the head when they pout. "Let's just enjoy the show."

After a couple more minutes into watching the show, the dancers smile and wave at their audience. They thanked them for watching and supporting their dance practices.

"Thanks so much for all the support everyone! With this money we'll surly put it to good use into helping our dance academy." The oldest woman in the team of three says happily.

A woman with red hair from the team takes the abundance of money away from the ground and over to their dance bag.

"Now, I'd like to invite anyone up here to show this amazing crowd their own creative moves." The third woman from the team with blond hair comes up to the front and sets a hat down on the ground to replace the can of money from before. "Any volunteers?"

The twins grins and raise their hands quickly while their older sister was oblivious to their intention of being called to dance in front of the crowd.

The brunet woman, the leader and oldest of the group of dancers, smiles at the sight of the twins waving their hands frantically to get her attention.

"Alright we have our first dancers!" She walks over to them and leans down with her mic in hand. "Nice to meet you kids, may I and our lovely crowd know your names?"

Lawrence poke into the mic when it was held over to him. "I'm Lawrence."

"Lucille," The girl says when the mic was then held to her.

"Are you two twins? If so, who's older?" The woman asks curious.

"I'm younger, my twins sister is older even if she doesn't seem like it." Lawrence answers for them.

The brunet nods, "So why do you two want to dance?"

Lucille shakes her head and points at her sister. "We wanted to get our big sister to dance. She's an amazing dancer." The young girl praises while her older sister blushes with embarrassment.

"Lucille!" Tika says trying to shy away from the spotlight as the crowd and woman turn their focus on her.

Lawrence grins as he places his hands on his hips proudly, "She's awesome! Her dancing beyond amazing!"

Tika brings her hands up to cover her face as the attention is now on her fully.

"Really now?" The older woman says with the corner of her lips tugging up now intrigued by the praise. "Then I say we let her show her stuff out on the dance floor. Who agrees?"

The crowd claps and shouts in encouragement for the teenager to not be shy. They want her to dance confidently for them.

Tika reluctantly gives up and passes the bag of fruits to her younger siblings. The twins give each other a high five with winning smiles. Tika is lead over to the small platform stage for the crowd to see.

"Have any music preferences?"

"Um, jazz, pop, anything but country I guess." Tika tells her with an uncertain shrug.

The older woman nods while her two friends cross their arms with awaiting expressions on their faces getting ready to analyze her dancing. Because not only was this a way to raise money for their academy but to also scout for talented dancers.

The music they decided to put on was a basic ballerina song, Swan Lake.

Tika let the music sink into her core from her ears. She followed the flow of the music and where it wanted to lead her. Sometimes putting her own twists when the song allowed her.

The crowd themselves watched with awe and astonishment at how natural her movements were. She danced as if she had her princely partner leading her through the song. It was like she was a natural born dancer who also needed guidance to hone her skill even more to bring the diamond out of the rough.

Amongst the crowd were a pair of red eyes watching with hidden regret and guilt behind his stoic expression. This person makes his way to the front slowly not gaining anyone else is attention.

Just like that he makes his way to stop just behind Lucille and Lawrence.

Lucille looks behind her when she notices a slight shift behind her. She sees a teenager in a red hooded jacket with bands of black and white checkered patters at the top half of his sleeves. His shirt simply grey contrasting the black of his pants. Adoring his feet are high top red vans.

But the most noticeable thing about the teenager was the black mask he wore over his eyes. Replacing his eyes under the mask is red digital eyes that seem to be calculating everything around him.

"Mister?" She says quietly like a whisper in her shy tone.

The older teen looks down at her and his digital eyes seem to soften just by seeing her. He gets down on one knee and shows her a small smile.

"Forgive me little one, did I hurt you?"

She shook her head a little to indicate she had not been hurt. His voice, she had noticed, is smooth and very welcoming to her. In a way it was little familiar to her as if she heard it before in the past.

"That's good..." His eyes seem to glance at the stage before back at her. "Is she your sister?"

Lucille nods as she feels the need to answer the stranger honestly even with her shy personality.

"She takes care of you and your brother?"

Lucille glances to her twin brother who is all caught up in their sister's dance than she and the stranger she's talking to. Her attention goes back to the male teen and she nods.

The teen then nods accepting the answer. She receives a pet on the head in a comforting way before the older teen strays off.

Lucille was left in confusion when the other leaves. She didn't even notice that the stranger knew about her brother unless she came up with the conclusion he had been here at the start of the performance to hear what they said earlier.

By the end of Tika's performance she was greeted by claps and whistles of encouragement. She smiles at the small crowd and give them a small bow.

The three women presented her with the money she was given during her performance while also receiving a pamphlet of their dancing academy.

Tika thanks them before running off stage to get back with her siblings. She pulls them away from the crowd where more people are encouraged to dance on stage.

She eventually throws away the dancing academy pamphlet in a nearby trash can. Why bother hanging on to it when she obviously doesn't have the support to attend. Tika had to take care of her siblings anyways because they were her family, this they came first before anything else.

Eventually the money she even got from dancing was dumped in the plastic bag with the fruits. Lucille handed her the bag back when since their was now valuable money Tika needed to save for future purposes for them.

At the sound of someone clearing their throat, the siblings look up from whatever had their attention before to a man familiar looking to them.

Lawrence pointed at him with an accusing looking on his face. "You're the guy who gave big sister the bag of fruits!"

The other man next to the one who cleared his throat stifled a laugh.

The first man obviously was surprised by the accusation but shook his head before smiling at them. "I think you must be talking about someone else." He places his hand on his chest. "My name is Tom Thompson, a cop working at a nearby police station in the area. Next to me is my partner, Tord Lawson."

"What do you two want from us?" Tika questions getting in front of her siblings protectively.

Tom takes a step forward cautiously as he holds his hands up slightly to show no harm. "We'd like to take you down to the station to ask a few question. Then we'd like to decide how to help the three of you."

Tika looks between the two officers, Tom didn't seem to want to hurt them but she couldn't really be too sure with Tord.

"How can we trust you two are really cops?"

Tom was prepared by showing his badge, "If this isn't enough I can always have you hold onto my radio."

Tika hesitantly nodded and was able to hold onto Tom's radio.

Tord and Tom lead them to their police car where a certain troublemaker catches sight of them.

Said trouble maker watching them for a while as they pile into the car before driving off, probably to the police station.

People walk by as usual, not always noticing what is happening in their surroundings.

Shadows shifting as someone uses their skillful misdirection to get lost in the crowd to follow after said car towards a familiar building.

Not only was this troublemaker following them but a second person was following after them as well in silence.

Red eyes tracking all of their movements as he finds his past is starting to come back together piece by piece.

The puzzle of the past is coming together again.

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