Red Game Pt. 1 [Tomtord]

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+Future Time: National Meeting: London, England+

"We can't have those fuckers running around any longer!"

"I agree, they've been controlling my homeland since the first conquer by the Red Army!"

The man at the head of the table pinches the bridge of his noise listening to the ongoing complaints of nation representatives.

Times have changed since the Red Army made its appearance known five years ago in Africa. Their attacked left an indescribable impression on people once it hit the newsfeed and on television. The next attack wasn't long after a few weeks that they've taken over Japan and the Philippines at the same time.

People started to fear them and government figures all over the world were suspicious and concerned. To this day half of the world has been conquered in the span of five years.

Even so national representatives from each conquered country still attend the meetings. At first they were suspicious to let them participate, but later they learned Red Leader nor the smaller armies trying to win the world bother to put a spy in on them. Red Leader has even specifically sent them a message saying the game wouldn't be any fun if he did that.

Of course, the message rouse up anger within the government circle as to think Red Leader thought they weren't even a challenge at all.

"Now now gentlemen, it's only the beginning of the meeting. We still have to sort through our officials' suggestions on how to win against these armies." Charles Winston, England's representative, says softly to get the other reps to settle down.

America's representative, Albert Jones, have his blue eyes narrowed down at him. "What good will it do us? Every tactic we try, they know how to counter or evade besides the minor armies." He felt so frustrated with the situation of the world just like the rest of the representatives.

Charles sighs as he straightens his papers up into a meet pile. "Nations are trying their best, even the conquered ones, to take back control of the situation, All we can do is continue to fight until a god sent miracle happens."

As if on cue, the TVs in the meeting room fall to static screens. Security pulling out their guns trying to pinpoint a suspect while trying to protect their assigned representative official from danger.

"What's going on?!" Hana Nakamura, Japan's representative, questions loudly while staying behind her bodyguard.

A familiar laughter rings through the panicked atmosphere of the room. The TV screens all tuning in on the same image of the person they all hate the most.

"Red Leader..." Albert grits out with his fist clenched tightly.

"Oh what a wonderful day it is! I greet everyone who is watching this broadcast!" The man on screen, caramel colored head stayed with two horns pointing out like the devil. His lean but has a strong build there wearing his official leader uniform in red, gold, and black. His mouth stretched into a smile.

"You maybe wonder what I am doing on your screens, possibly listening to a radio if you cannot see me. Well, I have something to share with everyone!"

This peeked the representatives' interest as well as the civilians watched outside or in their homes.

"I've become rather bored with our game of war. I would love to have that thrill I felt five years ago." Red Leader shakes his head and rest his cheek against his hand. His smile turning sharp before speaking again.

"Listen well if you want to defeat me."

The world quiet as they listen to him closely for the help of their lives from the one person they hate the most.

"In order to win the game, find three people I know to assist you."

"W-What..." Charles says unsure about what he's heading to right now. Those around him, even in the same room, are confused or angry.

"To make this game fair, I should at least give you some hints. Five hints should do it." Red leader reaches for something off screen. As he seems to grab it he pulls the item into view for the world to see. "Your first hint I suppose is this."

On screen with Red Leader is a mangled up red hoodie. One of selves ripped off and burnt at the seams in some other places.

"There is a story behind this hoodie and the three of them know it." He sets the hoodie down before looking at the screen again. "I should also give you some background since you don't know why I'm playing this card into our game."

Everyone wanted that answer as well.

"These three people were my friends... They know me on a personal level, and they may as well be the key to bring what you love back to normal." He sighs and taps his finger against the top of his desk.

"If you three are watching..." His smile turns into a smug smirk. "I can't wait to see you again, just like old times."

The feed cut out and silence reigned over the room.

"Get me a phone."

+Red Army Base: Red Leader's Office: Norway+

Red leader held onto the fabrics of his old hoodie with his red metallic hand. His good eye focused on its burnt patches and the missing sleeve.

I thought we were friends?!

This is for my face!

His hand seem to clench the fabric tightly at the next thought.

I am not you friend!

The leader loosens the grip on his old hoodie and gently hides his face against the fabric.

"Let's play another game."

+England: Apartment building+

The apartment was silent after the live video cut off from the television before returning to the usual program.

The brunet and ginger sitting on the couch were left speechless. The light haired fellow on the armchair glares at the screen.

"Guys... That was-"

"The fucking Commie," Tom says with spite.

Matt grabbed onto Edd's sleeve looking terrified. "I thought he was gone."

Edd comforted his tall friend by patting him on the head. He missed the way Tom angrily got up from his seat to head into his kitchen to grab a bottle of alcohol.

"I'm too sober for this."

Edd looks over his shoulder to his blue wearing friend. "Tom, sit down. We need to talk about what to do about what happened."

Tom turns around to face Edd across the room from the open kitchen. "What's there to talk about Edd?! Do you actually want to fall for another one of his tricks?"

Silence again as Edd and Tom express their feelings with their facial expression. Edd's expression looking sympathetic against Tom's frustrated one.

"The world as we know it needs help after what Tord has done so far. Shouldn't we help them?"

Tom places the bottle of liquor on the counter top and sits himself down on a stool facing Edd's way. "I know you want to help others Edd... but you know we're playing with fire against Tord." He shakes his head and twists the cap off the bottle. "Playing games with him is dangerous."

"And you would know this how?" Matt asks peeking up to look at Tom who had crossed his arms.

"I've played a game with him." He remember the start of the game around their high school days. Everything they did was like a game of chess. You have the pieces set on the board and move them accordingly. Sometimes the game switched to poker in between. There were some underhand tricks but Tom and Tord faced each other head on. All pieces and cards leading to the end when he shot down that stupid robot Tord made. "I won."

"Then we can win," The brunet said with hope towards Tom.

"Just because I won before doesn't mean I could win again." He sighs and takes a swig of his bottle and sets it back down. The cool drink relaxing his nerves in a good way. "It's all about luck and how you play against him."

"Tom..." Matt says looking between his two friends on how edged they were with the topic conversation.

Tom picks his bottle up and walks back into the viewing room to sit back in his armchair. "Listen, if those government officials can solve Tord's hints and find us, we'll help them. Other than that, I'm not getting involved unless they make us in person."

Edd gave Tom a look before sighing in defeat. "Ugh, fine."

Matt hums while holding his chin in thought. "What if they find us out one by one?"

"Well, we live in different apartments so they shouldn't find us all together for all they know. If one of us gets caught then stay quiet on where the others two are. We can't give them hints, who knows, the Commie might throw a fit if we don't play it his way for now." Tom sits back in his seat already bored of the conversation.

"We're just making it harder for everyone." Edd comments shaking his head.

"Since when have we ever made it easy?"

Tom rolls his black eyes and they return to watch their usual programmed show.

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