Gaki's Last Words

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Today, I write a letter to all those who have loved someone with all their heart.

I know what you have done. You have given everything you had, and even more than you had to give. You have put yourself aside to make sure they are happy before anyone else is.

You have given them your time, your body, your mind and your soul. You have stretched yourself beyond what you thought possible because it was the only way to make them happy.

You made room in your heart, in your life and in your home for them to come in and stay as long as they needed to. You didn't push them away or demand that they leave, but instead you comforted them, supported them and encouraged them to stay longer.

You said no when you wanted to say yes just so that they could be happy. You let go of things that you were holding onto just so that they could feel free and unencumbered. You gave up on things that were important to you just so that they could feel like their needs were being met first.

You've never once complained about any of this; if anything, you've been silent when others around you questioned why you would do something like this. In fact, oftentimes people don't even know about the sacrifices you make for someone else, but that doesn't make them any less real.

If anyone out there has ever done this for someone else—if anyone out there has ever given so much of themselves away—then I am here to tell you that it is okay to take your life back. It is okay to reclaim what was yours in the first place. It is okay to be selfish again because while you're doing all these things for other people, who is taking care of YOU?

I've been to the edge of selfless love. And it's hard to see it all pass by. So take it, own it and wear the glow of love with pride. Because you dared to love!


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