Chapter Five

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"I see you've taken my advice."

Genji's head shot up, the notes around him fluttering as the rotating fan turned towards him. His momentary panic melted away as he caught sight of a halo of blonde hair. "Angela! What brings you here?"

She shrugged, shifted the bag on her shoulder. A few strands of hair escaped her bun and fell in front of her eyes. "I was coming to visit someone else in zhis apartment building, but on zhe way a friend of a friend asked me to see you first." She glanced around for a moment at the messy yet bare living room, then back down at Genji, who was sitting on the floor. "Why's zhe door open, anyhow?"

"It's hot today," he answered simply, clearing a space for her. His notes were in unorganized piles around him. The fan sounds towards him, threatening to blow them away again. "Let me guess: Zenyatta?"

"Partly." The medical student took a seat beside him. "Zen, zhen Lucio."

The Shimada felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the man's name. A warm, giddy feeling rushed through him and he tried to force it down. "Oh? Is that so?"

She hums in response, letting her bag slide off her shoulder. She quickly unzipped it and started searching through it. "He gave it to Tekhartha to give to you. It seemed rather important."

Her hand comes out of the bag, and between two fingers sits a business card. Genji stared at it, perplexed. Angela holds it out to him and he warily takes it. On it, the shop's logo shimmers in holographic print. The tree frog sitting on top of the words seem to glare at him.

Contact Info:
[email protected]

The last number was handwritten and circled numerous times, making the Asian read it over and over, memorizing it. He looked up at his friend, a look of disbelief painted on his face. "Did he just...?"

The blonde cocks her head, confused. "Did he vhat?" She peers over at the card and her eyes widen. "His mobile number?" She leans back, looking just as surprised as him. "I don't think Zen even has zhat. He must really like you."

Color rushed to his cheeks and he started stammering. "N... Now, I wouldn't put it like that--"

"Vait a minute..." A small laugh escaped the Swiss's throat. "Genji, do you... Like him?"

"No one said that."

"It's highly implied."

"Implied?" Now it was the Shimada's turn to laugh. "It wasn't implied--"

"You're right," Angela cuts off, smirking. "It was made obvious. Still, you like Lucio? I'm surprised."

The Japanese man shot her a glare. "Don't mock me."

"I'm not mocking, I'm just curious." She had crossed her legs and leaned towards him. "You have many attractive friends - me, for one. And many of them are extremely talented - that, I'm not. But he's just... Not someone I thought you'd hang out with."

"He's both of those things, mind you. And it's not... I'm... He's just..." An exhausted sigh escaped him, along with any possible excuses. "Can't I just find a guy interesting?"

She raises an eyebrow. "You can..." Her gaze travels to the card in his hand. He was turning it over and over again, not even realizing he was doing so. "... But Mr. Playboy doesn't do zhat often. So I'm guessing it's somezhing more serious."

"I barely know the guy, how can it be--?"

The med student shushed him, waving his protests off with one hand. "You don't know him well now..." Her blue eyes gleamed playfully. "But zhat number might change zhings."

Genji glances back down at the business card, Lucia's handwriting staring back at him and begging him to dial it. Fighting the temptation, he pocketed the card and locked eyes with her. "We'll have to see if it does, then."


A/N: Please don't call that number or message that email, I made them up for the story but they probably belong to real people and I don't want them harassed over a fanfic. Thank you!

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