Chapter Two

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"You're worthless! You're an Omega! Good for nothing! You're only good at cooking and cleaning! And even then you aren't great at it!" Alpha Dylan shouts, punching Kai in the face.

"I'm sorry, Alpha!" Kai cries, no more then three years old.

He has bruises and cuts littered on his pale skin.

"No talking out of turn!" Alpha Dylan snarls, bringing his hand back down onto the child's cheek.

Kai cries as another joins in the "fun" as the Blood Walker Pack calls it. Basically it's just where they, the pack, hits him, punches him, slaps him, whips him, etc. The kid cries as a whip is slammed down onto his pretty much bare back, blood pouring form the wound. Kai's vision starts to blacken as he looses more blood. But he knows, even dead this pack would continue beating him. But he also knows he just doesn't die. With one last cry, his world goes dark, his body going limp. And just as he thought, his "pack" doesn't stop. They continue on...

Kai smiles as he follows his mate on the pack lands, just breaking away from the forest into the living area, as some call it. Basically, it's where the Pack House is along with every pack member that lives there. With his heightened hearing, he can hear all the whispering about him and his mate.

"Are they mates?"

"Did Alpha Xavier find his mate?"

"He smells like a vampire."

"Is he a rogue?"

"He looks hot!"

"I would totally bang him."

Kai rolls his eyes and continues walking until the two of them are stopped by a little girl, no older then six. Kai smiles at her, which she returns.

"Who are you? Are you Alpha Trent's mate?" The girl asks, "I'm Claire Westfield!"

"I'm vampire Nico Baker, and yes, I am your Alpha's mate," Kai replies.

"A vampire?! Can I see your fangs? What does blood taste like? Have you ever had a werewolf's blood before? Are you faster then a werewolf?" Claire starts questioning.

"I am a vampire, yes, the taste of blood depends on what you're eating, no, and yes," Kai chuckles.

Kai crouches down and bares his fang. Claire gasps at them.

"I've never seen a vampire before! I glad you're our Luna!" Claire grins.

A woman runs up to the three, pulling Claire into a protective hug. Kai rises and raises a brow at the woman. She has lapis blue hair with beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Kai remembers her name as Katelyn Farrell.

"Get away from her, vampire!" The woman growls.

"You will not talk to my mate that way!" Xavier growls right back.

"Sorry, Alpha, Luna," Farrell instantly replies.

"Don't be. Your indicts told you to protect her from a vampire, and I respect you for it. Not all vampires are friendly, most wouldn't hesitate to kill her. I've had to witness a lot of vampire kill little girls get drained from their blood by a vampire, that's why when I feed I only feed on deer or blood bags sent from the Vampire Council. I couldn't stand the thought of drinking from another creature, whether it's my own or not. I have only drank from one person before, and that was my grandfather. The blood bags that were supposed to arrive that day got postponed for another week. I would've lost it and killed many if it weren't for my grandfather stepping up and practically shoving his wrist onto my fangs, forcing me to drink from him. And to this day I still apologize," Kai says.

Yes, what's he's saying is true, but it wouldn't have been since his other creatures would've pushed the vampire side of him to the very back. He only has to feed once every three to four months.

"Your grandfather? The one coming tomorrow?" Xavier asks.

"Yes," Kai confirms.

"Is he a vampire?" Katelyn asks.

"No, I got my vampire gene from my father. My grandfather is dragon. But sadly the dragon gene was lost when he had my mother," Kai says.

Lie, Kai's father was a vampire-werewolf hybrid, his mother witch-Fae-angel hybrid. He got the vampire and werewolf from his father, witch, Fae, and angel from his mother. And indeed, Joe is a dragon, but he lost the ability to shift when he got injected with a poison that killed it. So, he only has the senses. Somewhere in Kai's line, a family member had a dragon gene, which awakened in Kai when he had the Fae gene.

"Dragon?" Claire gasps.

"Yes, but the dragon gene disappeared in our line. He lost the ability to shift when he was hunted and shot with poison that killed his dragon, but he still has his senses," Kai chuckles.

"Are you anything else besides vampire?" Katelyn asks.

"No, I had my blood tested and I'm 50% vampire, 50% human," Kai answers.

"Oh," Claire whispers.

-So, what is he, Katelyn? Werewolf? Human?- Someone asks through the Pack Link.

-Vampire, friendly, but could be an act,- Katelyn warns.

"Excuse me, Katelyn is it?" Kai asks.

Katelyn pales at the mention of her name.

"H-How do you know my name? I never told you," Katelyn says, her eyes wide.

"My name is Nico Baker, and yours is Katelyn Farrell, a female Warrior Wolf," Kai says, cocking his head to the left slightly.

"How do you know this?" Katelyn demands.

"Don't talk to Luna Nico like that!" Claire growls, surprising Katelyn.

"I like you," Kai chuckles, earning him a blush on Claire's cheeks.

"Thanks," Claire whispers.

"Anytime," Kai replies, looking back at Katelyn, "and for your and your friends information, my personality isn't an act. If it were, I wouldn't be standing here right now, I would be across the country killing another Alpha. But since this isn't an act, I'm not. Why do you think this is an act? Because as soon as a vampire starts talking and revealing personal information that means they're up to something and must have an act on?" Kai asks, scowling when he realizes he hit the nail on the head as Katelyn flushes in embarrassment. "Next time, make sure you know what you're accusing someone on before you do it."

Then her eyes widen in horror as she stares at the vampire.

"Y-Yo-You said an-another Alp-Alpha, you-you've ki-killed an Al-Alpha be-before?" Katelyn stutters.

"Yes, but that was because the Alpha was abusing pack members and allowing vampires to drink them dry. I know this because I was someone that was asked. I informed the Vampire, Werewolf, and Supernatural Council and was given permission from all three to kill the Alpha and pick a better Alpha for the pack," Kai says.

"Really?" Claire asks.

"Sadly, yes," Kai sighs.

He's had to kill many leaders of different creatures. Be it humans, vampires, werewolves, Faes, even angels.

"So, you've killed before?" Katelyn asks.

"Yes, as have you. I do it to protect those who might be dead if I didn't do anything," Kai replies.

"How many have you killed?" Katelyn asks.

Kai pauses before he answers. How does he explain to her that he lost count after the first one hundred? And that was years ago. Luckily, he doesn't have to respond as another woman walk up to them, a child at her side. Kai recognizes her as Sarah Luttrell, and her son Nathan Luttrell. Kai smiles at them in greeting. Nathan looks at Kai with calculating eyes before looking at Claire with a smile.

[They're mates,] Alistair, Kai's dragon, says.

[Yeah, they look cute together,] Mako, Kai's wolf, says.

[They do,] Kai agrees.

"My name is-" Sarah starts.

"Sarah Luttrell, and your son Nathan Luttrell. My name is vampire Nico Baker, mate to Alpha Xavier," Kai cuts her off, nodding at the two.

"How do you know our names?" Sarah asks.

"You're a vampire?" Nathan asks.

"Yes he is! He has fangs and everything!" Claire grins, jumping up and down.

There's a rustle in the trees making Kai to look over, watching the forest with cautious eyes.

"Nico?" Xavier asks, worried.

"Duck," Kai shouts, his arm flinging out in front of Claire.

Everyone ducks, following his orders, just as a rogue flies out of the forest, it's target is Claire. A vampire snickers and walks out of the shadows, hissing slightly at the light. must be about 75% vampire, Kai guesses, his teeth bared at the two.

"What do you want?!" Kai demands, standing protectively in front of the children.

"For this pack to die!" The vampire shouts, using his speed to attack Kai.

But luckily Kai's faster, he grabs Claire and drops to the ground, his body over her's but not crushing it.

"So, vampire, why're you with a bunch of mutts?" The vampire asks.

"I could ask you the same thing," Kai fires back, glancing at the werewolf rogue.

[Let me go, I'll return but this will throw everyone off your trail for the future,] Malachi, Kai's angel, requests.

[Wait until he attacks,] Kai replies.

Which doesn't take long. The moment Kai focuses back onto the two rogues, the wolf goes for the girl. Kai bares his teeth as he feels Malachi's presence leave him, but there's still a tie that he can use to bring him back.

"Back off, rogue!" Kai snarls, his pose ready to bite the rogue if necessary.

"I would listen to him," Malachi says, flying softly onto the ground.

"Malachi," the vampire says, remembering who the angel is.

"You do remember who I am," Malachi says, then turns to Kai, "Nico, nice to see you again."

"And you as well, Malachi, how's life?" Kai asks casually.

"Great, I see you found your mate, or was it the other way around?" Malachi asks.

"You know each other?" The vampire asks.

"Yes, he had to help me once when I was stupid and caught my wing in a tree," Malachi lies smoothly.

"Yes, speaking of which, how is your wing doing?" Kai asks.

"Better, thank you," Malachi nods.

The rogue growls in annoyance and lunges at the angel. Malachi scowls and flings a dagger into the rogue's head. Kai shield the scene from the kids, gaining a thankful look from Sarah.

"Leave while you still can, vampire!" Katelyn growls.

The vampire bares it's teeth at Kai before retreating back into the forest. Malachi sighs and picks the rogue's body up.

"Bye, see ya around, Nico," Malachi says, flying off.

A few seconds later, Kai feels Malachi's presence return in his head.

"Are you two OK?" Kai asks, turning around to face the two kids.

Kai smiles at the sight. Nathan has Claire wrapped protectively in his arms, holding her close while he has a look of fear on his face.

[Definitely mates,] Alister says.

"Yeah, we're fine," Claire smiles

"That's good to hear," Kai says, standing up.

"Thank you for protecting them," Katelyn says, nodding at the vampire.

"Of course, anytime," Kai replies.

"I don't want you putting yourself in harms way, Nico," Alpha Xavier growls.

"Yes, but if I have to do it to protect others, I will," Kai snaps back.

"But I can't lose you. I just found you," Xavier frowns at the mere thought of Kai... dead...

"And you won't, I'm stuck with you until I die," Kai says, adding a quick, "sadly," under his breath.

"Hey!" Xavier pouts.

"Luna Nico?" Claire calls out.

"Yes, Claire?" Kai replies, looking down at the little girl.

"What does a vampire bite feel like? Does it hurt?" Claire asks.

"Claire!" Katelyn starts.

"No, it's fine, she's curious," Kai says quickly, looking back at Claire. "The bite is only pain for the first couple of seconds, that's what my grandfather said. Then it turns... nice... Like you're floating and you're not in the right state of mind."

"Would you even bite Alpha Xavier?" Nathan asks.

"No, but if he wants me to, I still might not," Kai replies.

"Oh?" Xavier speaks up.

"'Oh?'" Kai mocks.

"Watch your tone," Xavier says teasingly.

"What if I don't want to, Alpha?" Kai says.

"I guess there's nothing I can do about it," Xavier shrugs, locking eyes with his mate, before smirking.

Kai shouts and rushes behind Claire and Nathan, crouching down.

"Help me!" Kai cries as Xavier walks forwards.

"Sorry, Alpha rules the pack," Nathan says, walking away and to his mother.

"So does the Luna!" Claire fires back.

"Mate!" Xavier exclaims, rushing around Claire and tackling Kai to the ground in a hug.

"Fine, you win," Kai surrenders.

"Win what?" Xavier asks.

"I don't know, what do you want that's appropriate for children's eyes?" Kai smirks at the irritation in his mate's eyes.

"A kiss," Xavier says.

Before Kai can even object, he has lips on his own. Sparks ignite and fly through their bodies, causing Kai to shudder. Xavier pulls away a few seconds later, smirking smugly.

"Shut up," Kai whines, shoving the werewolf off him.

"I didn't say anything though!" Xavier fire back, standing up with Kai.

"You were thinking it!" Kai retorts.

"There you two are!" Luna Delilah exclaims, rushing up to the group.

"Hello, mother," Xavier greets.

"Hello, Delilah," Kai greets with a slight nod of the head.

"Hello, Nico! It's time to get you two to dinner," Delilah says.

"How long are you going to be staying here?" Katelyn asks Kai.

"As long as I'm wanted here," Kai replies.

"I will always want you here!" Claire exclaims, hugging the vampire.

"Then I will always be here," Kai smiles.

"Come, mate, we got to go before the food gets cold," Xavier says, pulling Kai away from the four others.

The three, Kai, Xavier, and Delilah, walk to the Pack House, Kai zipping around every now and then.

"Why do you keep zipping around?" Xavier asks, a brow raised.

"Because, it's fun," Kai grins, zipping around the two Wolfes.

"Could you do the same with another person?" Xavier asks.

Kai smirks and zips in front of Xavier.

"Want to find out?" Kai asks.

Not giving his mate a chance to reply before he has Xavier on his arm, running up to the Pack House with a shouting Alpha.

"How can you stand that?" Xavier asks, his face slightly pale.

"You grow used to it," Kai chuckles.

"You should've seen your face!" Grace exclaims, tears in her eyes and she clutches her sides in laughter.

"Do you want to try it?" Kai offers.

"No!" Grace shouts, rushing back into the Pack House.

"You can't run from me!" Kai yells back, zipping into the house.

Delilah giggles as she walks up to her son.

"I've noticed he's able to light up the room, no matter what. And I've only been with him for a not even a hour total," Delilah tells her son.

"I've also noticed he holds more information than a normal 19 year old vampire. Some of the things he's said not even our Elders know," David states, walking up to his mate and son.

"It is strange, but it's what makes Nico, Nico," Xavier smiles.

"And he knows the guardian angel, literally, protecting our pack," David says.

"Which might be helpful for the future," Delilah adds.

"We are not using my mate!" Xavier growls.

"And we're not!" Delilah exclaims, her eyes wide.

"And I'm glad," Kai says, a smile on his face as he walks up to the trio, "this pack's starting to grow on me."

"I'm glad, as you're going to be the Luna to this pack," David says.

"And I accept the fact and title, I just hope everyone else can accept the fact I'm a vampire as their Luna," Kai counters.

"Katelyn didn't take too kind to him," Xavier says.

"Neither did Sarah till I ended up protecting the children from the death of the rogue," Kai retorts.

"Rogue? Protecting? What happened?" David demands.

"A rogue vampire and werewolf wanted to attack the children, but Malachi stepped in the way," Kai states calmly.

"You did as well," Xavier adds.

"Yes, but out of the safety of the children's, and at the time, Malachi wasn't there," Kai retorts.

"Nico! Xavier! Mother, Father! Get your butts in here! It's time to eat!" Grace shouts.

"You don't talk to me like that!" David scolds, walking into the Pack House with his mate at his side.

"I just did! And what are you going to do about it?!" Grace shouts back mockingly.

Kai smirks and zips into the Pack House. He quickly picks up the female Wolfe and zips back outside and places her butt on the ground before zipping back over to Xavier.

"You little vampire!" Grace shouts, standing up and dusting off her butt.

"I'm 19! I'm older then you!" Kai shouts.

"By one year!" Grace scowls.

"How do you know that?" Xavier asks, curiously.

"You're 20, and you two are two years apart, am I wrong?" Kai asks.

"Nope!" Grace shouts, sitting down at the table.

-Alpha! Rogue sighting at the northwest border!- Someone shouts into the Pack Link.

"What's with all these rogues?" Xavier growls, standing up from his seat at the table.

"I'll go with you," Kai insists, rising as well.

"No," Xavier growls.

"Why? I know a vampire's weakness and I've killed an Alpha before. And if I remember that time we encountered a rogue wolf and vampire, you didn't do anything. So either I'm coming with your OK or without, what is your choice?" Kai retorts, his eye brow raised.

"...Fine, let's go," Xavier sighs.

"Wow! You go Nico!" Grace shouts.

Kai smiles at her before zipping along side his mate's wolf form. Xavier's wolf, whose name is Ace, is a dark grey, almost black. There's a silver line running from the tip of his tail to where the tail and butt meet. The duo slow as they walk, or trot, up to the pack member, a vampire in front of him. Recognition passes through Kai's eyes at the vampire.

"Draven," Kai greets.

The vampire's head whips over to look at Kai, his eyes looking cautiously at Xavier.

"Why are you here?" Kai demands.

"To destroy this pack," Draven Parnell sneers.

"And why is that?" Xavier asks.

"Because my leader told us to! And don't feel so special, once we take down your pack, we'll move onto another, fellow vampire," Draven sneers.

"May we talk in private?" Kai asks.

"N-" Xavier starts.

"It's not a requests," Kai growls humanistically.

"I don't trust him, Nico!" Xavier growls.

"I can stand up for myself, Xavier!" Kai shouts, his eyes flickering to a bloodish color, signaling his vampire counterpart is close to taking over.

"Fine," Xavier huffs, motioning for the pack warrior to follow.

Kai sighs, grabs Draven's arm, and zips farther away from his mate, needing the privatness because this might be a dozy.

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