A Conversation

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Miri's PoV

Once everyone is back in class, Bakugo just gets up and leaves. I walk out behind him. And once we're out of the class, I ask him, "When will you train me?"

"What?" He responds with a confused and annoyed face.

"You said you would help me with my explosion quirk." I remind him.

"Ohh. That. We can do it now if you want."

"I...I'm not the type to miss class." I wince a bit.

"Tch. Fine. Then tomorrow after school."


Then he walks off. When he's about to turn the corner, my eyes widen, and my brain clicks.

"Wait Bakugo!" I dash up to him, and almost bump into him.

"What now!?" He shouts.

I recall what I said to Izuku. When we first met, "I have a secret, and I'm willing to share." And here we go again

He raises an eyebrow, and I start talking about the wish, how he's in a book and manga series, how I know what will happen for quite a while, and, yes, how I'm a bit of a fan of his.

He points to me and says, "You're a fan," then he points at himself, "of me?"

Why did I say that? I didn't even really like him as a character.

"Yeah," I reply slowly. I always go in too deep and don't realize it until it's too late

"Ha! Well what's going to happen when I walk out of this building?" He asks.

I smirk. This I know, "Izuku will catch up with you and tell you something about his quirk, and then All Might comes too I think."

"Oh. Wow. You're really not from my world." Bakugo now looks stunned.

I return to the classroom.

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