A Lost Girl

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Miri's PoV

Soon enough, one of the villains lands a hit on Kirishima. He gradually weakens until it's clear he won't win this fight.

But lo and behold, someone I never thought I'd be so excited to see enters the hopeless scene. "GODDAMMIT STOP HURTING HIM." Flying in is Bakugo, an expression on his face that makes a person never want to be on his bad side.

One blow of his knocks them to their feet, and the second and third knock them out completely. He adds a fourth just because.

BAKUGO!" I call out. "Kirishima got a good beating from those guys, I don't think he can even walk!"

He looks to the badly injured boy, who is leaning on a broken building. He seems to be concentrating on not falling.

His gaze lingers, then he looks back to me. "You don't look too good yourself, Miri."

"Huh?" I try to stand up, completely forgetting that my lungs were kind of filled with hot rocks a few minutes ago. I fall back down with a sad thump.

Bakugo thinks for a moment (wow, right? thinking.) "Well how am I supposed to help both of you?" A few seconds later, he snaps his fingers. "That's it! I'll just leave you." He points at me.

Swallowing back my pride, I say, "You'd better help me up right now because at the moment, I am quite the damsel in distress."

He shrugs, and picks up Kirishima first, supporting him with one arm. He then makes his way over to me, hoisting me up. Once I'm on my feet, I put distance between us.

"Thank you. I'll walk by myself from here on out."

"Suit yourself." He pulls Kirishima up on his back (so like an innocent little friendly piggyback ride oKGUYS).

A few other villains spread out to attack us, but Bakugo does his thing, and they don't cause us any more trouble. At some point I was of use by freezing their feet, but even that was almost impossible for me to do.

I see a pair of black shoes peeking out from behind of one of the collapsed building. I trail behind Bakugo and Kirishima to check it out.

As I get closer a girl's face comes into view. But it's not just anyone's face—it's the scared girl I saw with the villains earlier.

She looks up at me, and her nose and mouth turn into a bird's beak. Large, dark wings shoot out of her back and she flies backwards, away from me. She's a villain! What am I thinking?

She swoops by me, and I try to call out Bakugo's name, but before I'm even one syllable in, my mouth is covered. She gives me a light shove, but that's all it takes for me to topple over.

She gasps, "I'm sorry! I just... don't call your friends!"

I pull myself back up and give her a strange look.

She comes closer to me, " You've got to get me out of here! The villains captured me a while ago and they forced me to help them."

She could be tricking me. But what if she's being truthful? I can't leave her.

Bakugo's PoV

Why do I have to be the only strong one here? Because now I got a passed out guy on my back and a girl whose insides were burned right behind me. I look back.

Wait, what. She's not there. Don't tell me she just died without telling us first.

"MIRI WHERE ARE YOU." I yell. No way she'd actually have the guts to die.

I hear a distant, "I'M-" but the voice cuts off. Looks like we're going to waste more time by going back for her.

What is she even doing?

After about a minute of walking, I see her talking to a really big owl. Oh, never mind, it's another girl.

Miri's PoV

I see Bakugo with Kirishima still passed out on his back approach where I am. He looks at the owl girl beside me up and down.

I give a half smile and say, "Meet Yu Kaguya."

We wander around for a bit, and then we see a lot of figures in one spot. We hurry there and see All Might quickly punching a gigantic purple human like body with a creepy bird head that has its brain exposed.

All Might then punches it so hard, that the creature gets blasted out of the building.

"Looks like we missed a big fight." Kirishima sighs. "Oh well."
Well looks who's awake.

The guy covered with hands complains, "All Might didn't get any weaker!" The he sees Yu, and says, "Ah, Kaguya come here and help me."

I turn to Yu and see that she's stuck. She's not sure what to do. "Yu," I look her in the eye. "Do you want to be a hero or a villain?"

"I-I..I want to to be a hero!" She answers.

"Then stand up to him!"  I tell her. "You have us! We will save you." I gesture to  Kirishima, Bakugo and myself. I hope it doesn't go wrong because 2 of us can't really fight right now.

She takes a deep breath and nods. "No, Shigaraki. I'm done helping you. I'm not villain, and you can't force me to do anything."

"Ha, silly girl, you can't do that. I'm in charge of you! Now come and help me."  He orders her.

Yu stands her ground, and stares him down.

A bullet comes out of nowhere and hits Shigaraki's (hand guy) arm.

"Owww!" He whines, and looks up. "Oh great the pros are here. Let's go Kurogiri."

The purple warp gate turns in a portal, and Shigaraki walks in, and disappears, and so does the portal.

The class cheers. That was a crazy experience because, right before I thought about my little act with the villains that nearly killed me...I thought I was going to die. The feeling felt horrible.

"Yu," I say. "Come with me." I walk over to the pro heroes holding Yu's hand.

"This is Yu Kaguya. She was taken by the villains and forced to commit crimes against her will. She's been through a lot and needs help. Could you possibly help her? I found her in the collapse zone."

Midnight speaks up, "Sure. But what's her quirk?"

That I don't know.

"Yu, tell them your quirk." I whisper to her.

"It's called Owl. I can transform partially into an owl. When I transform, I can transform however many of my transformations at a time."

Her wording confuses the pro heroes.

"Let me explain, so when I transform, I can grow powerful large wings, turn my nose into a beak, turn my fingers and toes into powerful talons, increase the quality of my eyesight, and, yes, rotate my head 360 degrees. Point is, I can use however many of these at a time."

"Wow that's a powerful quirk." Another hero comments. "We can help her during the day, but she needs to live somewhere."

"Yu do you have a home?" I ask her.

"No...I'm homeless. Shigaraki found me in an alley, trained me, and once I got into UA, tried to make me a spy."

"Wow." A hero says. "Well we'll make sure that you're safe!" The hero gives Yu a thumbs up.

"I have an idea!" I pull out my phone,
II(pause) yes I brought my phone! For emergencies, and look it came in handy. What, did you expect me to snap chat something like, 'look I'm killing villains! Smiley face smiley face.'
I> (play)

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