Quirkless or not

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Miri's PoV

"Miri! I forgot! We need to take you to the doctor to see if you're quirkless or not!" Inko exclaims.

I'm nervous all of a sudden, but I really want to know! Chances are, I'm quirkless, since I'm not from this world. But I'd rather know for sure!

"Okay, let's go now?" I say/ask.

"Yes! Yes. Of course. Let's go. Izuku! Do you want to tag along?" She answer and calls.

"What's this about?" Izuku says.
I glare at him, and he seems to get it.

"Oh are you checking if Miri has a quirk? If so, yeah I want to come!" He answers.

And off we go.

Once we reach there. The doctor looks at the X-ray of my foot, and tells us, "Sorry folks it looks like this nice girl is quirkless, she has that extra bone of her foot that people with quirks don't have anymore." The doctor says.

"Oh...okay." I say, heartbroken. There's no way I'm getting into UA now. Tears threaten to come out of my eyes, but I wipe my eyes quickly. I will not cry in public.

Once we reach home I go to my room and then start crying. I hear light footsteps as the door opens and I turn quickly to see it's Izuku. I wipe my tears and pretend to be on my phone. It fails.
He turns me around to face him and says to me, "You can still be a hero." And he walks out.

How could I have forgotten? I read the books and watched the show. That's what Izuku wanted Inko to say to him, but she didn't, but then All Might said it to him, which inspired him. I can still be a hero!

There's a knock and the doorbell rings. Inko rushes to see who it is.

It's the doctor. He looks out of breath, as if he ran here.

He tells all of us, "That Miri girl, she's a strange case. Her extra bone says she's quirkless, but new technology claims she has a quirk, well more than one actually."

I smile, and wait for more info.

The doctor says, "And with this new technology, it even told us what her quirk, well quirks, are!"

"What are they?!" Inko, Izuku, and I all say.

"Her quirks are..."

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