The End of Middle School

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Miri's PoV

All eyes are on me.

I am so late.

Luckily, I've always been somewhat good at hiding my embarrassment. So even though my face is slightly burning, I hold my head high and walk to a seat.

And with my luck, it is not my seat.

"That is not your seat," the teacher comments.

"I'm sorry, where is my seat?" I ask. Now I cannot hide my embarrassment.
He points to a seat in the front row to the left. I hurry and sit there.

"As you all know, you will all be leaving middle school tomorrow, and some of you have high hopes of getting into UA." The teacher states.

The class starts cheering and showing off their quirks, only to be interrupted by the teacher.

"No quirks allowed in this school!"

Everyone stops. Except for one boy.
I have to contain myself, seeing him for the first time.

Katsuki Bakugo.

"I'm gonna get in UA! It's the only school that is good enough for me!" Bakugo yells, slamming his hand on his desk.

The teacher continues, "Izuku Midoriya, you want to go there, too, correct?"

The class looks at Izuku and starts laughing. Everyone laughs except for me and the teacher.

And now since I knew everything that will happen, I start daydreaming, succumbing to one of my classroom habits.

I snap out of my state when I hear Izuku cry out, "No! I would never try to rub shoulders with you, Kacchan! You're too amazing!"

I am tempted to jump in but I want to introduce myself to both of them in a better situation. Selfish, I know... sorry.

Bakugo then takes Izuku's notebook, partially explodes it, and throws it out the window.

The class is then dismissed.

Here I am a year later, editing this. Cringing so hard I may die.

Here I am 2 years later, actually editing it because I didn't get past a few chapters last time

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