The Hair

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Izuku's PoV

I'm really glad I met Miri.

When I first met her, I wasn't sure about her, but I decided to go along with her plan because of she knew which notebook got thrown out, and that the sludge monster had escaped.
She's really nice over all, and I like when she stood up to the pro heroes for me. But Mom isn't making things any easier...

Anyways, today is the UA entrance exam. And I'm a bit worried because today is also the day when I have my last training before obtaining One For All.

I just hope Miri will help me train, too. Since she read all about me, she probably knows how I'll master One For All, or if I master it. I'll have to ask her!

She's also the first girl I spoke to, besides my mom.

I'm relieved she asked for my phone number because I was too nervous to ask her. And I really need to stop blushing so much.

"Izuku!" She calls.

"Yeah?" I answer back.

"Come ON! Get ready! You need to have your last training before you get One For All. AND we need to make it in time for the entrance exam!" She orders me.

She looks pretty when she's bossy.
She looks at me a bit longer then quickly turns and walks away.
Oh God! I was staring!

But then in order to please her I get ready quickly.

I knock at her door, and she says, "Come in."

"Let's go." I tell her.

"Well actually you go ahead early , and I'll catch up with you later." She waves me off.

And since she knows how a few months of my life go, I listen and hurry to the beach.

While I'm there, I decide to go above limits and clean the whole beach. It's tiring work, but then I stack everything into one tall pile.

When I'm at the top, I yell out of pride and exhaustion.

That's when Miri and All Might come.
Then I'm so tired out that I just kind of fall of the tall pile. Luckily All Might catches me.

Miri smiles at me and says, "Well aren't you very muscular?" She gestures to my arms and chest. Training for 10 months has really made me stronger.

"Thanks." I weakly reply.

She asks All Might to put me on a nearby bench so I can rest.

"You need to be well rested for the entrance exam," she explains to me.
And we all just sit there in silence while I rest. It's a nice type of peaceful. Then I stand up and say, "Well Miri and I need to get going."

"Oh right!" Miri checks her phone, "If we don't leave now, we'll be late." She stands up, and offers to help me up. I accept and she pulls me up.

She's really strong, has she been exercising by herself?

All Might then plucks out a strand of his hair and says, handing it out to me, "Eat this."

"W-What!?" I say.

Miri looks like she's trying not to laugh.
"You need a sample of my DNA, and this is the only way you can get it." All Might explains.

"Okay." I answer uneasily. I take the hair from his hand and swallow it.'s weird to eat someone else's hair!

"Well, let's go, Izuku!" Miri grabs my hand and pulls me away.

And as I'm being pulled away, I turn my head back and say, "Thank you All Might!"

He proudly smiles in return.

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