The Scores

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Miri's PoV

"I didn't get a single point!" Izuku complains to me and Ochaco.

"'s fine. There is still a chance you'll get it!" Her face shows pity, but I know what she's thinking about doing.
Izuku and I part ways with Ochaco, and we head home.

Izuku looks at me, and says, "Are you happy that I got zero points? Because you're smiling." There's no sign of anger on his face, just confusion.

Oh great...I can't tell him he WILL get in, that would ruin the surprise, so I say something that's not completely a lie, "Oh sorry! It's just that when Ochaco said there's still a chance, it made me think there a chance, too!" I give a positive smile for comfort.

"Oh...okay." He responds.

When we reach home, Inko asks us, "How did you do?? How many points?"

"I got zero," Izuku says glumly.

Now I feel bad to announce my score, since it was way higher.

"And you, Miri?" Inko asks me.

"I got 70," I half murmur and talk.

"WHAT?" Both Inko and Izuku exclaimed.

"If your score is so high, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Izuku questions me.

"I felt bad to announce my score since you got zero. I didn't want to brag..." I admit.

"Oh..." Izuku says.

"Well you two go change into some fresh clothes, and we can eat out if you two want." Inko says.

Izuku and I exchange a glance, shrug our shoulder, nod our heads once, and say, "Sure."

The rest of the day is is really fun. After eating we went to take a walk, and then we just sit down and chat. It takes our mind off of the entrance exam, and Izuku's zero.

Once we return home, we're about to go to bed, when the doorbell rings.
"Oh! It must be the UA letters!" Inko rushes to the door, and sure enough, she is handed two envelopes.
She gives our envelopes to us, and we go to our rooms to open it.

"Wait! Miri?" Izuku calls before I walk in my room.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"I...want you to be there with me when I get my results." He nervously says.

"Gladly!" I answer, maybe a bit overexcited.

Izuku opens his, and a hologram pops out. All Might is shown on the hologram.

All Might announces that he will be a teacher this year at UA. It then shows a clip of Ochaco going to Present Mic and saying, "Uh, this boy saved me. Green hair, plain looking."

"She means me! She forgot my name..." Izuku says.

The clip continues, "I want to give him some of my points!"

"Sorry no can do," Present Mic tells her. "Those were your points, and you can't give any to that kid."

"But please!" Ochaco begs now.
Present Mic shakes his head.
Ochaco walks out.

"Well Midoriya, there is such a thing about saving points," All Might says. "And you got 60! You scored 6th in scores! You made it into UA!"

"Yes!!" Izuku smiles big, really big. It's literally from his ear to ear. I guess you can do that in this world.

"Good job Izuku!" I congratulate him, and give him a pat on the back.

"Thanks, Miri!"

"Time to see if you got in! Which you probably did because 70 is greater than 60."

"O-kay." I say. But I can't trust my luck for this.

I open the envelope, and once again, a hologram All Might shows up, and he goes on about he is gonna be a teacher, then he announces my score.

"70," he starts. "Very good! You scored 2nd, right below Katsuki Bakugo who has 75 points. You're in, Miyake!"
Izuku and I high five each other.

"Now I just hope we both get in class 1A." I say to him.

"Oh is that one of the classes? If so, I hope we both get in it too!"

We leave Izuku's room, and Inko asks us, "Did you get in??"

"I got in," I say.
"I got in!" Izuku says more enthusiastically.

Inko looks at Izuku funny.

"Oh right! I got 60 saving points from saving this girl, Uraraka."

"Good job you two!!" She congratulates us.

Time flies, and soon enough, it's UA time!

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