fifty second

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"Hello? yes? oh my... i'll be there in a few hours." The woman hung up the phone, throwing it in her pocket before rushing out of the kitchen and back to the couch, finding Jimin still in it.

"Jimin-ah, get dressed, Taehyung is at the police station."

Jimin's eyes widened, with both surprise and worry.

"What happened?" He asked as he followed her rushed steps to her car.

"He spray painted in a private property or something." She huffed, hands on the steering wheel.


Taehyung sat against the dirty floor of the small cell in the police office, his hoodie pulled over his red hair and arms resting on his folded knees.

He was looking at the floor, back against the cold cement wall, when the sound of large combat boots sounded against the floor, then revealing a police officer, keys in hand.

"You're lucky kid, you got bailed out." The man said with a small smile that Taehyung didn't notice, too concentrated on looking at the floor as he was leaded out.

"Taehyung!" Said a feminine voice he didn't register as he kept his eyes trained on the floor and his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie.

He was soon engulfed in a hug, feeling thing arls wrap around him and the familiar smell of a Channel perfume he knew so well.

"Mom?" He asked, voice cracking.

There was only a nod near his head as the hug tightened and a hand pulled his hood down, then lacing it's fingers through his red hair.

"I missed you, Taehyung-ah. God, Jimin said you two got into a fight but you didn't have to go as far as-"

"You met Jiminie?" taehyung immediately asked, pulling away from the hug and finally taking in his surroundings, only then noticing a certain blue haired boy fiddling with his fingers behind his mother.

Jimin felt terribly bad, even more so when he saw his best friend wiping at his eyes, only now noticing the state his hands were in.

One of them was in a cast, the other completely wrapped up in a red stained bandage.

"God, Taehyung what happened to you hands." His mother gasped, taking them in her own.

Taehyung only shrugged.

Yet another tug pulled at Jimin's heart, because he had never seen Taehyung look so broken before.With his bruised hands, his glassy eyes, tear stained cheeks and strained voice, but also his slouchy posture and the way his red and slightly puffy eyes were glued to the floor, not a word leaving his chapped lips.

"Sorry for the trouble mom." He said, smiling the most heartbreaking smile his mother and best friend had ever seen.

The middle aged woman looked at him, seeming devastated, her worried eyes desperately trying to find a trace of the usual lively energy they used to have, only finding a void of stillness.

Her shaky hand moved to gently stroke his cheek, only raising his skin with the tip of her fingers, as if to not make his skin crack under her touch.

"Are you okay, Taehyung," she asked, even though his state, the answer was quite obvisous.

Jimin bit at his lip nervously behind her, because the urge to go and hug his best friend was eating at him, but then again, he was probably the reason for him to look like that in the first place, for being an asshole.

"No." Taehyung admitted with a saddening smile. "But i'll manage."


thanks for reading! Hope you still enjoy this :)

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