fifty sixth

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"Jimin-ah."  Yelled Namjoon as he caught up to the other.

The two didn't know each other more, but they shared one history of the arts class, as both had heard bout the other from their friends.

The blue haired boy turned around, watching Namjoon clumsily run his way, tripping on his own feet at least twice.

"I haven't seen you in awhile, what's up?" Namjoon asked.

Truthfully, he knew Jimin had been pretty down in the last few weeks, and he wanted to make it up to him in some way.

He and Yoongi had gotten into a huge argument when the latter had told him about how he had spilled Taehyung's feelings to the younger. Namjoon thought that it was absolutely not his place to say such things and to this day the couple were still ignoring each other after their fight.

And Namjoon couldn't help but feel guilty because the other wasn't feeling so well after having lost his best friend.

After exchanging very boring small talk, Namjoon suddenly decided he had had enough of Jimin's persistent frown

"Hey Jimin?" He smiled in advance. "Have you ever tried to eat a clock?" He suddenly asked, completely out of the blue.

Jimin looked at him weirdly, not at all understanding what the hall was happening.

"It's very time consuming." Namjoon uttered between his already booming laughter, Jimin following right after, slapping Namjoon arms for being such an idiot.


Taehyung walked through the halls, on his way to the lunch room for a small snack, when he heard familiar laughter spread through the halls.

He peeks at a corner, seeing Jimin and Namjoon seemingly sharing a conversation, both of them smiling and laughing loudly.

I made a dull pain erupt in his heart as he saw the kid he had been crying over for the past weeks, seeming completely unbothered.

He sighed, thinking it was time he got over him as well, this stupid crush was pointless anyways.

He scooped his phone out of his pocket, dealing one of his many numbers.

"Lalisa? Yeah... I have an answer to your offer."

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