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"You know, that Jungkook kid came to my room yesterday." Said Taehyung as he took a bite out of his burger, then handing it to Jimin and taking the one the boy handed to him.

"Really?" asked Jimin as he took a huge bite of the 'wako guaco' the younger had ordered.

"Hm." Taehyung humed, chewing on the piece of 'double bacon burger' he had taken from Jimin's burger. "He said he's worried about you and Hoseok's relationship."

Jimin frowned, taking a sip of his sprite, Taehyung looking at him weirdly because of  the change in his best friend's taste of drink, the boy usually taking Ice tea.

"Why? We're doing pretty good." He said.

Taehyung ran a hand through his hair and stuffed a hand full of french fries in his mouth.

"Do you really have feelings for him?" Asked Taehyung, not really wanting to know the answer to his question.



"And does he like you?"

"I think..."

"Are you sure it's not just lust?" Taehyung asked, really trying to be gentle with his words because he knew Jimin had was someone who could take things really personally and really bad.

"Why does everyone say that?" If he wants to fuck then isn't that great? It means he desires me!" Jimin argued.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes at him, because Jimin only rarely spoke to him looking this seriously irritated.

"You said it yourself remember, I've never felt anything for anyone except lust. Lust and like are two different things. I've only ever had sex with fuck buddies, there were no feelings involved and both parties were okay with that. So, if he wants to fuck that's great but if he doesn't have feelings for you, it means you're not looking for the same thing." He explained, popping a chicken nugget in his mouth. "Bcuz you're looking for a relationship and he's not, Do you understand?"

Jimin let out a huff before standing up and swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"stop treating me like a fucing kid. Maybe i have no experience, but i'm still older than you are." He said, voice cold and snappy.

Taehyung immediately stood up as well, taking a hold of Jimin's wrist and pulling him back into his seat.

"I'm sorry Jimin." He smiled softly. "I'm just worried about you, and so is Jungkook." He smiled.

Jimin signed, before smiling as well, offering a nod as well.

"I know, I'm sorry for being snappy."


thanks for reading

Love you all~

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