sixty third

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I'm sorry I completely forgot to update this !!

"Taehyung-ah!" Yelled a high pitch voice as the black haired boy ran through the large hallways.

"Morning Min-ah" the younger greated, wrapping his arms around the boy as soon as he crashed into his body.

"Happy valentines day Tae." Chimed the older, breaking the hug and patting the slightly shorter boy's head.

"You too." Taehyung answered, a side smile on his calm features.

They both walked towards their locker, thankfully, they're lockers were in the same hall, though they weren't in the same class for their first year in highschool.

The younger boy held onto his bag tightly, taking a deep breath before swinging it off his shoulder and stopping Jimin in his tracks.

He took out a package, wrapped in cheesy pink wrapping decorated with red hearts.

The older's eyes widened at the sight of the gift his best friend held in front of his chest, then raised his eyes to meet taehyung's.

"Could it be you found a girl you like?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung bit his lips slightly, feeling guilty he had yet to come out to his best friend, but as much as Jimin seemed like an open minded person, he came from a somewhat conservative family, and he was scared it would ruin their friendship.

Instead of saying anything he had on his heart, he simply shook his head, handing the gift to Jimin.

"No, this is for you." He smiled, his eyes glistening with a feeling he had only recently acknowledged.

"You got this for me?" He asked, a large smile blooming upon his face, making Taehyung smile even wider himself as he nodded.

"thank you!" He grinned, his eyes disappearing into crescent moons.

"I thought i'd give you something because no one else will." He teased with a smile as Jimin unwrapped his gift, earning a slap on the shoulder from him.

"It's a sweater!" He beamed, his eyes seemingly shining as he raised the item of clothing in front of them, the wrapping dropping to their indoor shoes.

Taehyung chuckled at his reaction.

"thank you Taehyungie!" He smiled widely, engulfing his best friend in a hug. "I promise to wear it all my life!"

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