Chapter 13

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Y/n :  I was sitting on the bed thinking if I am taking the right decision or not, I caressed my little baby bump while tears took their way from my eyes to my cheeks and drops fell on my dress. I was in my own world that I forgot that someone entered my room.

Hobi : I came at Rose's home to check up on Y/n, I entered her room and saw that she was crying.
Y/n please don't cry everything will be ok-

Y/n : Today is Monday, yes the day when I will go to hospital for the last check up of my baby and abortion-

Hobi : y/n are you sure, do you really want to abort it.

Y/n : Yes Hobi I thought about it and now I think I am doing the right thing-

Hobi : But what did the poor soul did  to you that you are doing this with it-

Y/n : please Hobi please don't again make me soft for it.

Hobi : Did you called Rm?
And asked him about that day?

Y/n : Mhm I did.

Hobi : So what did he said ?

Y/n : He was talking well about his friend (Suga) but when I asked him that "you are saying so many good things about him but we're you present that time when they both were inside the room-" And he got silent.

Hobi : hmm, does Suga knows that you are going to abort it-

Y/n : No he doesn't.

Hobi : you should tell him about it.

Y/n : Never, I will never involve him in any matter of my life.

Hobi : hmm

Y/n : Hobi can you do me a favor-

Hobi : yeah

Y/n : Can you take me to hospital now.

Hobi : ok.

Meanwhile with Suga :-

Suga : I was frustrated thinking about Y/n it has been 2 days since I last saw her but then my phone vibrated and took it up from the table and saw an unknown number messaged me.

Unknown number :
Honey.......Your wife and her child will die soon from my hands,

Suga :
What do you mean?

Suga :
Answer me bitch.

*End of chat*

Suga : I quickly called Rose while running towards my car but she was not picking it up. I started driving and thinking where can Y/n go.
Is she going to hospital for her check up. I started driving fast.

Meanwhile with Hobi and Y/n :

Hobi : Only a couple of minutes is left to visit their.

Y/n : hmm.

Hobi : Don't you trust him?

Y/n : ......

Hobi : Y/n

Y/n : yes.

Hobi : you didn't answer my question.

Y/n : Hobi I am not feeling well.

Hobi : Wait a minute do you want to throw up?

Y/n : Mhm

Hobi : Oh shit. I parked the car at the side of the road and started to look for a polythene.
Here take it.

Y/n : Thankyou-

Hobi : She couldn't complete her sentence and started throwing up.
I patted her back.

Y/n : *cough cough*

Hobi : Are you ok now?

Y/n : Mhm.

Hobi : Gimme that polyethylene, let me throw that in the dustbin for you.

Y/n : *gives it*

Hobi : yuck, I quickly opened the door and fortunately their was a dustbin near by

Y/n : I was laughing seeing him like that.

Hobi : *disgusted faceu*

Y/n : 😆😂

Hobi : Don't chu laugh and drink some water.

Y/n : okii.

Hobi : And open the car's window cause fresh will be good for you.

Y/n : Are you talking about polution.

Hobi : Lol True.

Y/n : it's better to keep it close.

Hobi : yeah.

After few minutes:-

Hobi : Wth why are the cars not moving, literally I hate when the road is packed up with cars.

Y/n : I think their is a problem outside.

Hobi : Let me look what's happening outside.

Y/n : I want to go too.

Hobi : No you sit inside the car.

Y/n : okkk

Hobi : What happened why are cars not moving.

1st person : I also don't know it.

2nd person : I have to go to office and now I am 1 hour late.

3rd person : Actually their a accident had occurred.

Hobi : Whatt?
I went at the front of the crowd to see what happened.

Y/n : I was waiting inside the car for long but then I decided to check out.
I locked the car and started walking to reach at the front. On the way I heard some gossips that an accident had occurred. I saw a big crowd, reporters, Police have came and Ambulance too, one of the car's driver managed to jump out from the car and he is safe but my eyes landed on both of the crashed cars, my eyes filled with horror when I noticed a the familiar colour of the car infront of my eyes, I ran towards at the front of the car so see it's number. I felt completely numb But then saw that Some people took out the person from inside the car. I ran towards them.
YOONGI !!!!!!!!!
It can't be you can't leave me like that, please open your eyes please.....
My hands and clothes got covered with blood, please open your eyes,
I went close to his chest, I closed my eyes hoping to hear his heartbeat again but all was silent.

Doctor : Mam leave him, he is no more.

Y/n : No... Don't say that he is not dead.
I was crying mess while hugging him but the hug was incomplete without him hugging me.

Police : Mam you have to leave him we have to take the body from here.

Y/n : No... I tried to wake up from the ground but fell and completely lost my sences and everything got black.

Hobi : I was watching everything what was happening but then heard a loud screaming and next I saw Y/n crying while hugging that dead person.
When I saw that person's face my heart ached seeing both of them in that condition. I didn't have the guts to take Y/n from their and tell her that he is no more.
To be continued...........................

Ok ok don't kill me I am very sorry for updating this chapters so late I swear from now onwards I will give very fast updates and Take care.

I love you all byee~~~

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